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Because I'm a team player, and because I hate it when mummy and daddy my fellow P&Bers fight, I have attempted to end one of the great debates.

For lunch today, I had the following 4 rolls: "and sausage", "and square", "and slice", "and Lorne". Links were not used, due to the fundamental differences to the others in the contest, and flat was not used because I'm not a BEASTy thunderc*nt.

The ratings are as follows:

"and sausage" - exactly what it says on the tin. Your standard delightful hot filled roll.

"and square" - slightly disappointing, due to the false description. More of a 3d parallelogram, and this inaccuracy definitely spoiled my enjoyment.

"and slice" - something about it is just not right, can't quite put my finger on it.

"and Lorne" - felt slightly posher, and was delightful inside a Warburton's pre-sliced roll, but I'm not sure it could cope with the rustic element of an average Morning roll.


I had far too much for lunch. I now feel a bit sick (possibly due to the "slice), and have no rolls left for tomorrow's lunch.


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Would have been happy to help out, as I haven't been shopping yet and there's nothing in the house.

Please add me to your list of testers for future reference.

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This is my 9,195th post on here.

I'm feeling rather good about myself tbh. A real sense of achievement. Preparing my resignation thread when I hit my all time goal of 9,586.

It's gonna be a belter folks.

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Will sugar and maple syrup be included as part of the test?

I know that's considered an abomination on here, but it was something of a revelation to me when I discovered it in the States. French toast is such a versatile thing.

Also, if we're doing this today, you might want to keep a bucket handy for the inevitable sausage/egg/mysterious carrot backlash.

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Flicking through channels trying to get to sleep and stumble across the programme entitled "KKK: The Battle for White Supremacy", with an overweight white American proclaimed that "Auschwitz wasn't a death camp, Hitler was one smart cookie. He took the Jews to Auschwitz, he gave them cigarettes, there was a swimming pool, a movie theatre... It wasn't a prison! What prison nowadays has a swimming pool and a movie theatre? He was rehabilitating them because they refused to work, and they were working to build stuff for the war."

It confounds me that in 2015 there are people who's attitude is this, and the worst of it is he can't be sectioned or arrested because he is protected under the First Ammendment. America at its worst, in line with the gun crime.

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Wean's finally asleep. It only took five hours.

Honestly, who among you wouldn't drift peacefully off to sleep with me sitting beside your bed, patiently waiting for you to drop your guard? :rolleyes:

Edit: fuxake. Went for a shite and the wee b*****d got up and went to sleep next to the wife. Looks like I'm on the couch tonight :angry:

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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