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Is it wrong that despite me already owning at least 4 different versions/special editions/Ridley needs a new pair of shoes editions that I'm seriously considering buying this?


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Just as well they said it's a special invite for the 60th Anniversary otherwise they'd be fucked if Australia won and had to host the next one.

Let everyone in - it'd be nice to have a bit more musical variety.

Everyone would probably still play the same drab techno anyway :(

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Is it wrong that despite me already owning at least 4 different versions/special editions/Ridley needs a new pair of shoes editions that I'm seriously considering buying this?


Automatically assumed it was a new release of Alien, which would've been definitely understandable.

If Blade Runner's your thing, keep buying them and make yourself a fort out of boxsets to watch it from :thumsup2

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"Please note that the Final Cut feature on disc 1 also includes a German audio track."

Please note is a strange term for them to use. It doesn't seem in a boastful tone, it seems like they're concerned people may be offended and this may sway their decision over buying it or not.

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My boss had to sack someone yesterday and the guy punched him lol

Admit it, Keith; you had a wee "YASSS!" to yourself after he left :P

I got the boot once from a laddie who literally hid behind the HR lassie he asked to do it. I'm an absolute ray of sunshine, so I can only assume this is a common thing!

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I also own more than one* edition of the Aliens films.

I bought the first DVD box set, and they almost immediately afterward released the Quadrilogy thing with the Director's Cuts and suchlike.

This was me:


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