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My boss had to sack someone yesterday and the guy punched him lol

Admit it, Keith; you had a wee "YASSS!" to yourself after he left :P

I got the boot once from a laddie who literally hid behind the HR lassie he asked to do it. I'm an absolute ray of sunshine, so I can only assume this is a common thing!

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The mrs wanted me to use this chicken rub recipe and said we had all the stuff in but we didn't have very much paprika and some of the measurements were in cups and i ended up throwing any old shite in there including piri piri rub which it didn't ask for


No idea what it will taste like, probably shite though

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I also own more than one* edition of the Aliens films.

I bought the first DVD box set, and they almost immediately afterward released the Quadrilogy thing with the Director's Cuts and suchlike.

This was me:


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For those that don't like fanny, they can always eat arse instead. Definitely not one to view at work:


This gold one looks like a crown for a molar.


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The multi-state lottery is up to $500 million for the drawing tonight. That would be $337.8 million after tax, which works out to over £220 million. I could live on that for quite a long time. Even longer if Mrs Shotgun didn't find out where I was.

Of course, I haven't bought a ticket so it's kind of moot but still.

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