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Just watched my pals win the Perth amateur first division this afternoon, great game for an amateur level.

Unfortunately i was meant to be staying in this weekend. I'm currently downing a pint whilst getting ready.

I have no self control :(

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Just watched my pals win the Perth amateur first division this afternoon, great game for an amateur level.

Unfortunately i was meant to be staying in this weekend. I'm currently downing a pint whilst getting ready.

I have no self control :(

Ach just enjoy yourself, you are only young once


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Arrived in Puerto Pollenca today and wandered into town for a spot of lunch. Ended up going into a nice looking place called Tolos. The table we were sitting at appeared to be blocking off a cupboard door.

Halfway through our lunch a squad of English guys apologetically asked if we could move so they could get into their apartment up the stairs. No bother, we say. We move to the next table and they start humphing up some fairly serious looking bikes up the stairs.

Next thing a couple of fresh beers arrive at the table from the boys as thanks for moving. I then realised one of the cyclists is Bradley Wiggins.

Fairly bizarre start to the holiday.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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Arrived in Puerto Pollenca today and wandered into town for a spot of lunch. Ended up going into a nice looking place called Tolos. The table we were sitting at appeared to be blocking off a cupboard door.

Halfway through our lunch a squad of English guys apologetically asked if we could move so they could get into their apartment up the stairs. No bother, we say. We move to the next table and they start humphing up some fairly serious looking bikes up the stairs.

Next thing a couple of fresh beers arrive at the table from the boys as thanks for moving. I then realised one of the cyclists is Bradley Wiggins.

Fairly bizarre start to the holiday.

Give Bar Sparrow a try, it's at the back of the Pollenca Park Hotel, a lovely wee place for a meal.

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Give Bar Sparrow a try, it's at the back of the Pollenca Park Hotel, a lovely wee place for a meal.

Give Bar Sparrow a try, it's at the back of the Pollenca Park Hotel, a lovely wee place for a meal.

Will do. Had a wander after lunch. Looks really nice.

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This is a huge pile of vomit. Bear in mind I'm taking this photo from my flat which is on the top floor. You stay classy Dundee.


Edited by DA Baracus
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This is a huge pile of vomit. Bear in mind I'm taking this photo from my flat which is on the top floor. You stay classy Dundee.

attachicon.gif2015-05-23 18.39.54.jpg

This may be a result of your previous illness, hope you're feeling better BTW.

My, Final destination like, scenario would unfold as such. Some poor cunto that's had a fairly heavy session on the pen and ink has just wolfed down a scotch egg, a sasij roll and a green monster/ or possibly an orange lucozade sport. Shortly after his post melt breakfast whilst walking down Dens rd he's caught a whiff of your toxic spoor, which is whafting out your flat windae. As is common in these situations, the poor bloke loses his breakfast. At this moment thundercuntingbollocks is travelling up the road on his E reg Segway. Senses overload, sight seeing a bloke being uncle dick, sound the unholy retching, smell the funk from your flat and semi digested jock egg and the toxic fug from your flat. Causes the anvil chinned one to veer off course and through the windscreen of a ford cortina impaling his gigantor visoge on the gear stick.

Nah, probably just some boys fat lab that's got a bit o the bile eh?

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This may be a result of your previous illness, hope you're feeling better BTW.

My, Final destination like, scenario would unfold as such. Some poor cunto that's had a fairly heavy session on the pen and ink has just wolfed down a scotch egg, a sasij roll and a green monster/ or possibly an orange lucozade sport. Shortly after his post melt breakfast whilst walking down Dens rd he's caught a whiff of your toxic spoor, which is whafting out your flat windae. As is common in these situations, the poor bloke loses his breakfast. At this moment thundercuntingbollocks is travelling up the road on his E reg Segway. Senses overload, sight seeing a bloke being uncle dick, sound the unholy retching, smell the funk from your flat and semi digested jock egg and the toxic fug from your flat. Causes the anvil chinned one to veer off course and through the windscreen of a ford cortina impaling his gigantor visoge on the gear stick.

Nah, probably just some boys fat lab that's got a bit o the bile eh?

I'm sorry. What?

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This may be a result of your previous illness, hope you're feeling better BTW.

My, Final destination like, scenario would unfold as such. Some poor cunto that's had a fairly heavy session on the pen and ink has just wolfed down a scotch egg, a sasij roll and a green monster/ or possibly an orange lucozade sport. Shortly after his post melt breakfast whilst walking down Dens rd he's caught a whiff of your toxic spoor, which is whafting out your flat windae. As is common in these situations, the poor bloke loses his breakfast. At this moment thundercuntingbollocks is travelling up the road on his E reg Segway. Senses overload, sight seeing a bloke being uncle dick, sound the unholy retching, smell the funk from your flat and semi digested jock egg and the toxic fug from your flat. Causes the anvil chinned one to veer off course and through the windscreen of a ford cortina impaling his gigantor visoge on the gear stick.

Nah, probably just some boys fat lab that's got a bit o the bile eh?

Have you been cooking without a facemask again.

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Just watched my pals win the Perth amateur first division this afternoon, great game for an amateur level.

Unfortunately i was meant to be staying in this weekend. I'm currently downing a pint whilst getting ready.

I have no self control :(

Ah so f**k. enjoy yourself

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This may be a result of your previous illness, hope you're feeling better BTW.

My, Final destination like, scenario would unfold as such. Some poor cunto that's had a fairly heavy session on the pen and ink has just wolfed down a scotch egg, a sasij roll and a green monster/ or possibly an orange lucozade sport. Shortly after his post melt breakfast whilst walking down Dens rd he's caught a whiff of your toxic spoor, which is whafting out your flat windae. As is common in these situations, the poor bloke loses his breakfast. At this moment thundercuntingbollocks is travelling up the road on his E reg Segway. Senses overload, sight seeing a bloke being uncle dick, sound the unholy retching, smell the funk from your flat and semi digested jock egg and the toxic fug from your flat. Causes the anvil chinned one to veer off course and through the windscreen of a ford cortina impaling his gigantor visoge on the gear stick.

Nah, probably just some boys fat lab that's got a bit o the bile eh?

I live just off Dens Road (it's about 10 metres to the left in that photo). So your scenario is plausible.

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Ehm awa to let down that pompous banana heided cuntos Segway tyres doon. Unless, he did, indeed perish as an indirect result of DA's dicky tummy.

That should burn off a bit of time before the Eurovision vote, heh heh heh.

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I got stuck on the Erskine Bridge for 25 minutes earlier while the polis talked a jumper down

Obviously those curved railings they put up after those two girls jumped off hand in hand are useless then. Probably cost a shedload of cash as well.

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