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Hope everything turns out okay bud.

Cheers, its been a drop everything moment and now having the waiting game
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On the plus side, she only has to look at half of you.

I was going to make a similar joke about how he's only half as ugly now. But he has my Facebook and he knows I don't have the right to call anyone ugly.

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I think i've forgot what the inside of a woman feels like. This needs to change - quickly.


Mind and throw a couple of boiled eggs up first to ensure there's some friction.

Christ almighty, that's a blast from the past.

Hopefully the situation changed for Nick before he was reduced to hanging around the apple pies at his local supermarket. Or soliciting farm animals.

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Cal, does your missus ever get migraines, some people get severe impacts on their vision when they get a migraine?

Nope, this is out of the blue. Although she got asthma when pregnant and this could have something to do with the oxygen in her blood getting to right areas (guess whose looked online and jumping to conclusions)

Oh and as for the looking at half of me / ugly comments... I'm pretty sure she'd agree that's for the better, its just harder for her to cook for me....*

*look after our little handsome baby is real reason

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I was going to make a similar joke about how he's only half as ugly now. But he has my Facebook and he knows I don't have the right to call anyone ugly.

Ugly bloke tip- put poster of handsome man on ceiling above her side of bed, helps her get to Waverley...

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Having to take Mrs weird to the hospital as she has lost sight in one eye. Frightening doesn't sum it up, she has literally gone half blind.

Hope she's OK. Sounds like a blood clot to me, with all of my extensive medical knowledge (i.e. I had two in my leg). Don't panic if so, as the docs are great are breaking those things up these days, and blood thinners are better than ever :thumsup2

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Been selected for the next stage of my job application; a psychometric testing and awareness session. Could really put it in the 'Reasons to be cheerful' topic, but there's still a good few stages left to overcome so not getting overly excited! :ph34r:

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Been selected for the next stage of my job application; a psychometric testing and awareness session. Could really put it in the 'Reasons to be cheerful' topic, but there's still a good few stages left to overcome so not getting overly excited! :ph34r:

Great achievement so far tho :) what's the job if you don't mind me asking?

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Great achievement so far tho :) what's the job if you don't mind me asking?

Prison Officer. Had looked into it a wee bit in the past but never took the plunge after hearing mixed reviews. Went an open day in April and 30 minutes after the event finished I was filling in the online application. I was completely blown away by the work they are doing. Certainly something I could see myself enjoy doing. Just need to hope I don't botch the test now :lol:

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Prison Officer. Had looked into it a wee bit in the past but never took the plunge after hearing mixed reviews. Went an open day in April and 30 minutes after the event finished I was filling in the online application. I was completely blown away by the work they are doing. Certainly something I could see myself enjoy doing. Just need to hope I don't botch the test now :lol:

That's great! Best of luck with it :)

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Been selected for the next stage of my job application; a psychometric testing and awareness session. Could really put it in the 'Reasons to be cheerful' topic, but there's still a good few stages left to overcome so not getting overly excited! :ph34r:

Was a bit alarmed that you might be enrolling in the MK-ULTRA program there for a second :wacko:

Good luck in the prison service; everyone I've known who worked as a warder said it was just about the most horrible job imaginable. That was down south, however, so hopefully it's a better job in Scotland. Will be interested to read how it goes either way, so keep us informed.

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Was a bit alarmed that you might be enrolling in the MK-ULTRA program there for a second :wacko:

Good luck in the prison service; everyone I've known who worked as a warder said it was just about the most horrible job imaginable. That was down south, however, so hopefully it's a better job in Scotland. Will be interested to read how it goes either way, so keep us informed.


That's predominantly the feedback I heard in the past tbh; which is the main reason I never applied before now. I know someone who's partner works in Dumfries prison and she said they love it. I also know another guy who seems to be getting on well there. Having been to the open day as well, I discovered that it's nothing like what I imagined it to be (in a good way for me personally) so I've decided to go for it this time. Here's hoping. But I'm taking it as it comes as there was a lot of interest.

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Appointment is in an hour.. Should know more by tonight (fingers crossed)

Hope all goes well. I wouldn't make any jokes about your appearance tbh, I'd try and look on the bright side and reckon worse case scenario she'll be able to wear that pirate outfit every year for Halloween

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