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What did you just call him?

Hey, he's the one who chose an insult for his username. Bit weird considering what a fine first name he has in the real world :whistle

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Congrats and all, but it sounds like your problem was that you were working less than 40 hours a week, which is the ideal situation for most people. Were you on a zero hours contract or something? :huh:

I was on 40 to begin with but due to my health had to cut it down to 26 and then leave all together.

Best thing I've ever done.

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I was on 40 to begin with but due to my health had to cut it down to 26 and then leave all together.

Best thing I've ever done.

Ah, fair enough. Good luck with the health and the job.

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Worth sharing with more than the Copa America thread. The Venezuelan cheer squad http://www.news.com.au/sport/sports-life/naked-tv-crew-bare-all-in-enticing-football-ad/story-fno61i58-1227391661007

Ay ay ay! If only the Scottish newsreaders and weather women were so dedicated to entertainment.

Naturally, I'd mourn the death of female equality. After a while. A damned good mourning. I'd mourn the hell out of it.

What were we talking about again? :huh:

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Am going to the park to lay topless and watch David Icke videos all day long

Was all excited until I saw the poster :(

Ah, the annual "...but your laws don't apply to British tourists, right?" season. Where would the tabloids be without it?

With regard to this Kaminski bellend, hopefully Malaysia have a law regarding being an arrogant cock that involved castration.

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One of my female friends is selling some shoes on eBay and after she put photos of her wearing the shoes up a man messaged her and said she had pretty feet and asking for more pictures of them.

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One of my female friends is selling some shoes on eBay and after she put photos of her wearing the shoes up a man messaged her and said she had pretty feet and asking for more pictures of them.

Post the pic please

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One of my female friends is selling some shoes on eBay and after she put photos of her wearing the shoes up a man messaged her and said she had pretty feet and asking for more pictures of them.

There used to be loads of people on eBay selling pictures of themselves...the implication being that they'd be wearing very little in the ones you'd be sent. There were also plenty of pics of lassies' feet and stuff like that. Your mate could be onto a winner if that's still allowed; not sure if it's been banned like used knickers and sexual favours. The 'Everything Else' section used to be like the Wild West :lol:

The comedienne Lucy Porter says she used to have a foot stalker because she did her stand-up in bare feet. The guy sent her a message asking for pictures of her feet, to which she replied that he could take as many pictures as he wanted when he was at one of her gigs. His answer was that he'd rather not wait to see her live, as he didn't think she was very funny :lol:

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There used to be loads of people on eBay selling pictures of themselves...the implication being that they'd be wearing very little in the ones you'd be sent. There were also plenty of pics of lassies' feet and stuff like that. Your mate could be onto a winner if that's still allowed; not sure if it's been banned like used knickers and sexual favours. The 'Everything Else' section used to be like the Wild West :lol:

The comedienne Lucy Porter says she used to have a foot stalker because she did her stand-up in bare feet. The guy sent her a message asking for pictures of her feet, to which she replied that he could take as many pictures as he wanted when he was at one of her gigs. His answer was that he'd rather not wait to see her live, as he didn't think she was very funny :lol:

I can see his point.
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