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Mrs back at eye pavilion, still no change (no sight) blood tests next.

Fucking booooooo

Don't mean to add more stress, but am I right in thinking that the optic nerve starts to deteriorate if it doesn't receive any information within a certain period of time? :wacko:

I assume they'd be hurrying things along a bit more if that were true, or likely to happen any time soon. Tell me she's wearing a pirate patch over it, at least :P

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Someone on the Junior forum has started a thread to discuss Clydebank FC and some roaster has thrown a strop because he used the word "official" in the thread title. Throwing toys everywhere because the board of Clydebank FC have not ratified this football forum discussion thread and it cannot therefore be "official". Superb.

They just don't help themselves at that level.

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Cheers, we aren't too sure why as the pressure on the nerve has almost shifted so its a bit of a conundrum. Took bloods and obviously hoping to hear back shortly

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Saw an unusual looking Porsche on the road earlier. Quick check of the registration revealed that it costs £866,000.

would buy 2 of them but wages are a bit tight this week and my council tax is due!

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Saw an unusual looking Porsche on the road earlier. Quick check of the registration revealed that it costs £866,000.

would buy 2 of them but wages are a bit tight this week and my council tax is due!

£866,000 for a car?


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Posted on here a few weeks ago that I was making a home brew. Kegged it two weeks ago and noticed it was leaking ever so slightly yesterday. Debated whether or not to break the seal and release some of the pressure in order to stop the leak (some people reckon this spoils your ale, others differ), but decided tonight to go for it in the hope that it would stop the leak.

Drew five pints or thereabouts and binned it, saving a wee bit to taste and see how it was getting on.

First taste was actually pretty decent, however the aftertaste was really quite bitter (although sort of to be expected, given it is a bitter!)

Hoping that another couple of weeks in the keg will see it well, although I'm now worried that I'll have somehow contaminated the brew by taking some out.

First world problems eh?

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Posted on here a few weeks ago that I was making a home brew. Kegged it two weeks ago and noticed it was leaking ever so slightly yesterday. Debated whether or not to break the seal and release some of the pressure in order to stop the leak (some people reckon this spoils your ale, others differ), but decided tonight to go for it in the hope that it would stop the leak.

Drew five pints or thereabouts and binned it, saving a wee bit to taste and see how it was getting on.

First taste was actually pretty decent, however the aftertaste was really quite bitter (although sort of to be expected, given it is a bitter!)

Hoping that another couple of weeks in the keg will see it well, although I'm now worried that I'll have somehow contaminated the brew by taking some out.

First world problems eh?

I got a kit for fathers day, one of those Moonshine ones where you just pour water into the bag and leave it a fortnight. I'd never have the patience for the proper way, I'm impatient and can't be bothered with hassle.

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I got a kit for fathers day, one of those Moonshine ones where you just pour water into the bag and leave it a fortnight. I'd never have the patience for the proper way, I'm impatient and can't be bothered with hassle.

Is that one of the ten pints one? Heard they're pretty good.

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Canada helicopter sex chat heard by Winnipeg public.

Those listening say they heard pilots swearing and discussing oral sex.

Brandi Armstrong told CBC news that she had been sitting in her garden on Monday evening as the helicopter flew over and was shocked by the exchange.

"My jaw hit the ground; eyes bulged out," she said.


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Canada helicopter sex chat heard by Winnipeg public.

Those listening say they heard pilots swearing and discussing oral sex.

Brandi Armstrong told CBC news that she had been sitting in her garden on Monday evening as the helicopter flew over and was shocked by the exchange.

"My jaw hit the ground; eyes bulged out," she said.



A pilot has been suspended after broadcasting a slur-filled rant about flight attendants over an air-traffic control frequency that stopped controllers from contacting other aircraft.

The pilot complained that most flight attendants weren’t acceptable dating prospects for him.

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