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36 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I thought there was a new poster called Equity Release Scheme until I realised it was an advert under one of the United threads.

Very appropriate given the amount United have had to shell out in severance in recent times. 

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Just now, Shandon Par said:

Very appropriate given the amount United have had to shell out in severance in recent times. 

It’s not appropriate at all, they have nothing to do with each other.

Your attempt of humour had fallen flat.  I will avoid a boxing analogy.

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Quite like the idea of posters leaving insulting graffiti about each other in random locations. I intend to share my thoughts on Throbber's hammerhead nipples on the lavatory wall at my local Wetherspoons forthwith.

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Quite like the idea of posters leaving insulting graffiti about each other in random locations. I intend to share my thoughts on Throbber's hammerhead nipples on the lavatory wall at my local Wetherspoons forthwith.

I’ll promise to make a visit to it if you do.
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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I’ll promise to make a visit to it if you do.


Nah, it'll be more fun if someone else finds it and reports back, especially if they add their own bit of slander.

Oh, the fun times we will have.

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Nah, it'll be more fun if someone else finds it and reports back, especially if they add their own bit of slander.
Oh, the fun times we will have.

Maybe mention something more relevant than my hammerhead shark like nipples.
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Just now, throbber said:

Maybe mention something more relevant than my hammerhead shark like nipples.


Frankly, I find it hard to think of anything more relevant than your nipples.

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Was off work sick on Thursday last week, so was on the couch watching daytime telly for most of the day.

Flicked over to BBC One which had a quiz show called Impossible on. Some deaf and dumb guy was on it, so any questions asked to him were being signed to him, and he was obviously signing the answers back.

Guy was great, got to the final with two other folk. One of the questions, which they were expected to buzz in and answer, was "In the hit song Ironic, by Alanis Morrisette, which insect spoilt the Chardonnay?"

Firstly, how the f**k is the poor guy meant to know that? He's never heard a song in his puff. Secondly, Ironic? Really? And finally, guy is on a show called Impossible. Quite apt really.

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