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I just won the lottery! :D

This isn't a RTBC, though, as it's quite odd why they sent it to me in an e-mail. I've also never put on a lottery ticket, so that part confuses me too. They also sent me two e-mails, containing the exact same wording. Does this mean I'm entitled to £2,000,000?

Really, why do people go out and send these things? Please don't tell me there's actually people that believe that they have won the lottery!

I used to work for Clydesdale bank in the fraud dept. and there are a scary amount of people that still fall for these things (mainly Yanks). We actually ended up with a guy on the phone who had wired US$6,000 to Nigeria to "release" US$10m that was owed to him as a result of an e-mail from "us".

An absolute loonball.

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Is there actually anything to do in Cumbernauld ?laugh.gif

Well, there are at least ten bridges suitable for the purpose of doing ones-self in. And a plethora of pubs in which you can enjoy some physical violence of an evening.

The bare necessities are all at hand; job centres, criminal defence law practices, large abandoned ice rinks.

Residents are spoiled by some great parkland and well kept villages. Readily accessible during the day, if the locals ain't too tetchy. The town is also bounded by picturesque (not in the least bit horrible, artificial or barren) industrial estates. Featuring rentable units ideally suited for the modern business. Loads and loads and loads of them! You could say they've been ideally suited for a long time.

Cumbernauld has what could be described user friendly environment. There are so many roundabouts that even trafficking tip offs don't give the police an edge.

How's Forfar this weather?

Edited by Sao Paulo
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My flatmate has just came stumbling into my room asking for a condom. I was tempted to say no because the thing that he's came back with is just awful. He'll regret that in the morning.

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Is there actually anything to do in Cumbernauld ?laugh.gif

Well me and the lad got kind of stuck there for a second tonight. I was picking him up then drove off without realising the boot wasn't shut right. I pulled into the car park of a pub and when I got out to shut the boot I could hear a sort of marching/flute band in the pub.

I was hugely confused as to why there'd be a flute/drum session at that time of night but there you go.

Edited by Ceratogyrus
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