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Quite like Wiggo so pretty happy for him.

Aye me too. I've only started watching cycling in the last couple of years so I guess i'm a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Wiggins and Team Sky.

Can I just ask why people have an issue with Team Sky and Wiggins? Is their doping stance completely different from other teams? Like I said I am new viewer to cycling so I have got absolutely no knowledge on the subject whatsoever. All I can see is a team that has put together a strong looking unit and I am completely unaware of any suspicions.

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Aye me too. I've only started watching cycling in the last couple of years so I guess i'm a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Wiggins and Team Sky.

Can I just ask why people have an issue with Team Sky and Wiggins? Is their doping stance completely different from other teams? Like I said I am new viewer to cycling so I have got absolutely no knowledge on the subject whatsoever. All I can see is a team that has put together a strong looking unit and I am completely unaware of any suspicions.

The all out dominance of the team is probably your answer. The way they rode today is very reminiscent of Armstrong & his all-conquering US Postal team of the 2000`s. The similarities are very obvious. We`ll see how it pans out for the rest of the Tour. If you look at any Cycling forum`s, they are all over this like a rash. When you`ve been used to it for so many years, and as a fan, have been hit, again & again, it just kinda looks a bit too suspect. You want to believe in them you really do, but... & there`s always a but in cycling.

It`s well worth immersing yourself in some of the doping scandals of the past when you`ve got a bit of time. Operacion Puerto & Festina are the two obvious ones, along with the current Armstrong one of course.

Cyclists and their doctors always seem to be one step ahead of the controls. Oh and you can always point the finger at the hugely corrupt UCI...

Edit: just read this article by former Tour winner Jan Ullrich.


Edited by Desert Nomad
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Yeah, SKY were strong today, and I can see why some would see the similarities between that performance and USP performances in the past. Personally though, I think they were just very opportunist today. The other teams seem to be totally disorganised and didn't seem to help their main GC contenders. SKY managed to stay out of the trouble yesterday, as did BMC, and they seemed to be the only team who were helping their leader. The big difference there was, BMC didn't have the current world champion to perform the water carrying duties. At one stage I think Cavendish must have carrying a dozen bidons for the team.

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Why are people getting on Team Sky's back already? Give it a chance to see the next climb. They may have shot their load on that one climb. If it continues in another few stages then I may have doubts over them.

I like Wiggins si I'm pleased for him....but for f**k sake ditch the sidrburns.

Also I am chuffed for Taaramae!!! Hopefully he keeps it up for the sake of my bets, I've got him for a top 10 and a podium.

The Sky machine may have took all attacks out of the race today, hopefully we get an array of attacks in stages to come.

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Why are people getting on Team Sky's back already? Give it a chance to see the next climb. They may have shot their load on that one climb. If it continues in another few stages then I may have doubts over them.

I like Wiggins si I'm pleased for him....but for f**k sake ditch the sidrburns.

Also I am chuffed for Taaramae!!! Hopefully he keeps it up for the sake of my bets, I've got him for a top 10 and a podium.

The Sky machine may have took all attacks out of the race today, hopefully we get an array of attacks in stages to come.

Paris-Nice, Romandie, Dauphine, it`s hardly already, they`ve been pretty dominant all season in the stage races.

Sanchez looks to have done my money long term, he was well off the pace today. Nibali offers some hope of upsetting the Wiggins/Evans duo, but I think third step on the podium is the best he can hope for. However any rider is only one bad day away from losing any Tour.

Edit: Rupert Murdoch & his money being behind the SKY team seems to be putting a few noses out of joint!

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Just shows today how much Cav relied on his HTC train, plus other guys are starting to catch him up. Another stage win for Cav & I honestly think he might call it a day, not much point him sticking around to help Wiggins in the mountains!

Without the HTC train Cavendish wouldn't have half as many stage wins. Sagan is the one who can win stages without a team lead out. He did it in Switzerland and in the first week of the Tour. He'll comfortably win the green jersey.

I'm not a fan of Sky or Wiggins in particular but was very impressed with Froome today. I don't understand why Luis Leon Sanchez has been given the most combative rider for today's stage. Thought van Garderen might have performed a bit better.

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Wiggins made reference go Indurian certainly on BBC website.

Team SKY's dominance is nothing new. Sponsored cycle teams form, implode, reform, sometimes a spinsor changes but the principals and team structure stay intact, we've seen mapei, banesto, festina, deutsche telekom dominate in major races and over seasons in the past.

For me it's great that Team SKY has worked out, it'll get funding beyond the Olympics and could be a great platform for young British cyclists in future.

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Paris-Nice, Romandie, Dauphine, it`s hardly already, they`ve been pretty dominant all season in the stage races.

There's a difference I'm sure you will agree between the above mentioned events and the Tour. I wouldn't say it's beyond the realms of possibility that they could dominate those events since they last what? An average of a week? However, if they dominate the final 2 weeks of the tour then there will absolutely be something dodgy about that. A little bit early to be jumping on them for my liking. I'll see how they handle the next few mountain days before claiming anything.

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There's a difference I'm sure you will agree between the above mentioned events and the Tour. I wouldn't say it's beyond the realms of possibility that they could dominate those events since they last what? An average of a week? However, if they dominate the final 2 weeks of the tour then there will absolutely be something dodgy about that. A little bit early to be jumping on them for my liking. I'll see how they handle the next few mountain days before claiming anything.

Indeed, that's why I said, we'll see how the rest of the Tour pans out.

7 mountains on todays stage into Switzerland, but nothing of the ridiculous nature. Plenty climbers way down the GC so perhaps we'll see some of them attack. Riders such as Chavanel or Gilbert might fancy it also.

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Aye me too. I've only started watching cycling in the last couple of years so I guess i'm a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Wiggins and Team Sky.

Can I just ask why people have an issue with Team Sky and Wiggins? Is their doping stance completely different from other teams? Like I said I am new viewer to cycling so I have got absolutely no knowledge on the subject whatsoever. All I can see is a team that has put together a strong looking unit and I am completely unaware of any suspicions.

Because they're doing well, have the favourite to win the Tour in their team, and had an excellent day yesterday...so they must be cheats! I'm sure with all the drug tests and scrutiny this topic is under, especially with the Armstrong story in the papers, any cheats will be found and punished accordingly. Until then, I think we should all be pleased with the fact we have world class athletes competing in a major sporting event.

Sky had the perfect day. They set a high tempo going up the final climb, the excellent Chris Froome winning the stage and Wiggins comfortably matching the attack of Evans. I was very surprised at how many of the riders fell away though. Still a long, long way to go. Sky need to do the same today and make sure Wiggins crosses the line with Evans, then go all out on Monday's time trial to increase the gap.

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Because they're doing well, have the favourite to win the Tour in their team, and had an excellent day yesterday...so they must be cheats! I'm sure with all the drug tests and scrutiny this topic is under, especially with the Armstrong story in the papers, any cheats will be found and punished accordingly. Until then, I think we should all be pleased with the fact we have world class athletes competing in a major sporting event.

Sky had the perfect day. They set a high tempo going up the final climb, the excellent Chris Froome winning the stage and Wiggins comfortably matching the attack of Evans. I was very surprised at how many of the riders fell away though. Still a long, long way to go. Sky need to do the same today and make sure Wiggins crosses the line with Evans, then go all out on Monday's time trial to increase the gap.

Very surprised yes like most of us, very surprised. The world`s best climbers blown away on ramps of over 10%. I think every cycling fan in the world has the right to be cynical given the last 20 years in the sport. Anything else would be naive.

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They haven't done anything ridiculously miraculous. They've had one very good day, where the team looked strong, took care of Wiggins, blew alot of contenders away (it's worth mentioning that alot of those have picked up injuriers in the first week), and picked up a stage win for a guy who is always improving. If they match anything they did yesterday throughout there will be somthing dodgy about that for sure.

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Sammi Sanchez crashes out, bang goes my money & one less climber for Wiggins/Evans to worry about.

I was the same with Danielson the other day too.....although I dunno why I took him for a top 10 as I didn't really fancy him to do it. I took him for top 10 last year and he got it so I stuck with him.

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Wiggins made reference go Indurian certainly on BBC website.

Team SKY's dominance is nothing new. Sponsored cycle teams form, implode, reform, sometimes a spinsor changes but the principals and team structure stay intact, we've seen mapei, banesto, festina, deutsche telekom dominate in major races and over seasons in the past.

For me it's great that Team SKY has worked out, it'll get funding beyond the Olympics and could be a great platform for young British cyclists in future.

Banesto never dominated the way the other 3 did, I`d say ONCE were the dominant team at the time, just couldn`t win the Tour, they swept up everything else! Name the one thing ONCE, Mapei, Festina & Telekom had in common... dry.gif

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Wiggins doesn`t hold back!


Not sure that lashing out at the very people who`ve been right all along about doping in cycling is a fantastic idea. Questions like this were always going to be asked, it`s in the very fabric of the sport. Getting angry about it is so Armstrong-esq. Not that it means he is doping of course!

Wiggins has never been backwards at coming forwards about doping in the past, so he of all people should know it`s to be expected. Their are plenty quotes from him that can be dug up fairly easily.

He also has a random dig at tennis for reasons only he will know:


Edited by Desert Nomad
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Wiggins smokes em. Sky first and third on GC and KOM leader. How much time did Froome concede in the crash last week. Very handy for Sky he did, otherwise their could have been a possibility of him attacking Wiggins.

Liggett & Sherwen are woeful commentators, get things wrong on a regular basis. Froome the huge shock in the time trial, must've missed the Vuelta lads eh?

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