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The Rifles were shit hot from what I seen but I think we missed a good chunk of the set by the time we got there the back of 9. Peace and Quiet was bouncing and of course Local Boy at the end.

Liam Gallagher was there as well, quite bizarre. ;)

Same for me. Got there at 9 and wasnt sure how long they had been on for at that point but the whole thing was wrapped up by 9.45. Missed most of the end of the main set due to some ignornant barmaid who seemed to be deliberately serving everyone on either side of me. :angry:

Saw the Liam lookalikey too. It wasnt actually him. Right? :unsure:

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The Rifles were shit hot from what I seen but I think we missed a good chunk of the set by the time we got there the back of 9. Peace and Quiet was bouncing and of course Local Boy at the end.

Liam Gallagher was there as well, quite bizarre. ;)

They came on stage at around 10 to 9 if I remember right. I saw the Liam Gallagher look-a-like too, was quite amusing when I pointed to him and asked my girlfriend who that was and she said something along the lines of, "some guy trying to model his style on that guitarist on the far side?"

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Same for me. Got there at 9 and wasnt sure how long they had been on for at that point but the whole thing was wrapped up by 9.45. Missed most of the end of the main set due to some ignornant barmaid who seemed to be deliberately serving everyone on either side of me. :angry:

Saw the Liam lookalikey too. It wasnt actually him. Right? :unsure:

I'm assuming it wasn't him but in my buckled state I was totally unsure at the time. :lol:

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I'm a tad confused, as a few folk who are usually spot on with these things talked the Dykeenies up to me, but I just couldn't get into the gig last night at all. It just seemed like unneccesary shouty noise.

I'll give them another listen, but...

On a side note, Eskimo Blonde supported. They're rubbish, but the pish sound in Tunnels (maybe why I couldn't get into the Dykeenies?) made them sound alright. Bizarre.

I think the best part of their sound is the way the work the backinf vocals, if they sounded bad then the overall sound would peobably have been pretty bland/crap.

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I also enjoyed The Rifles hugely although missed some of the set as Neilly says. I asked the Liam Gallagher lookalike why he was copying Liam but didn't understand his muttered answer before he walked away. On reflection i am lucky he didn't knock me out. I have to agree that the gig was very good and their sound was great live. Local Boy probably being the stand out song!

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Guest Caleyking

Might go to this if i can scrape some cash together.

Cosmic Rough Riders, Debuts, Kessler

at Hard Rock Cafe Edinburgh, Thursday, March 22 at 8:00 PM

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Might go to this if i can scrape some cash together.

Cosmic Rough Riders, Debuts, Kessler

at Hard Rock Cafe Edinburgh, Thursday, March 22 at 8:00 PM

Considering the Hard Rock Cafe is on George Street 'Home Of The £3.50 Pint' you'd better scrape together quite a bit!

Give us a shout if you are coming through to that though.

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Was at the Arcade Fire gig at the Barrowlands last night. :D

Excellent it was, a real crowd pleaser!!! (even if the sound guy couldn't get his act together quick enough!!! :rolleyes:)

My mate had the ludicrious idea of going down on the night to try and get tickets. We all laughed at him.

He got one on the door, for face value, after only waiting half an hour. :ph34r:

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My mate had the ludicrious idea of going down on the night to try and get tickets. We all laughed at him.

He got one on the door, for face value, after only waiting half an hour. :ph34r:


He showed you. Pow! Right in the kisser! :D

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So incredibly tempted to make a b-line for the barras tonight.

Helluva long way to travel to get kb'd though :(

for all you lucky buggers who are getting to see them, it'll be an amazing gig. Saw them twice before...and was blown away both times :(

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