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ah twitter.  Living in a narrow, cyber universe constantly looking for the one up over some other clone they've never met.   there's a reason nobody talks in "real life" about what political twitter interactions they've had.  because it's sad as ffuk.    
most of the political twitter is polemic.  same as facebook, people wanting to stand out.  there's no nuance. The worst are the so called real journalists.  Twitter has outed them as just mere opinion makers like everyone else...and with their own agendas.
people put 5 / 10 /20 tweets a day.  Get a life. 
some politicians think it helps them connect.  there's a few that it would be best if they didin't.  There's a councillor in Glasgow that is on twitter it seems from 8am - 12 at night (mhairi hunter).  what the hell do they do all day?
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