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5 hours ago, mathematics said:

Hot Ones is tremendous.

It's kind of the one thing people say about it but bears (bares?) repeating that he's a truly excellent interviewer. Not just the wee details he brings up that no one knows bit the questions in general are always good. The reputation does him well too because everyone always just seems really up for it and comfortable with him 

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5 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

It's kind of the one thing people say about it but bears (bares?) repeating that he's a truly excellent interviewer. Not just the wee details he brings up that no one knows bit the questions in general are always good. The reputation does him well too because everyone always just seems really up for it and comfortable with him 

Aye the amount of times you see the celeb look at him weirdly and then say that he has just asked a stormer of a question is unreal.

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15 hours ago, AFCDannyFTH said:


Is this the start of a hipster civil war? 

I don't understand what these people are trying to get across. If Employment law was broken or at least bent, then accuse them of that, this all seems like a bitter rant from someone who was told to leave the party. 

I'm not a craft beer fan, I had Brewdog once and it gave me chronic indigestion, I would be more understanding if the statement just said, your beer is not as good as people think it is rather than, your self publicity to promote your brand is all false. 

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1 hour ago, diegomarahenry said:

I don't understand what these people are trying to get across. If Employment law was broken or at least bent, then accuse them of that, this all seems like a bitter rant from someone who was told to leave the party. 

I'm not a craft beer fan, I had Brewdog once and it gave me chronic indigestion, I would be more understanding if the statement just said, your beer is not as good as people think it is rather than, your self publicity to promote your brand is all false. 

Brewdog have plenty form for being c***s - https://www.boredpanda.com/brewing-company-fake-interviews-stealing-marketing-ideas/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic

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1 hour ago, diegomarahenry said:

I don't understand what these people are trying to get across. If Employment law was broken or at least bent, then accuse them of that, this all seems like a bitter rant from someone who was told to leave the party. 

I'm not a craft beer fan, I had Brewdog once and it gave me chronic indigestion, I would be more understanding if the statement just said, your beer is not as good as people think it is rather than, your self publicity to promote your brand is all false. 

Not sure what you think employment law is in the UK. You can be an utterly heinous mf to your staff and not break employment law. It's not a breach of employment law to bully and harass your staff, to lie to them, to ask them to break laws, to humiliate and insult them, so long as you don't do it for a protected reason.

This sounds like the classic bro culture workplace and it's rank. 

ETA bit surprised you've fallen for Brewdog's spin on this. It's what they always say in this kind of situation.

Edited by GordonS
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31 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Not sure what you think employment law is in the UK. You can be an utterly heinous mf to your staff and not break employment law. It's not a breach of employment law to bully and harass your staff, to lie to them, to ask them to break laws, to humiliate and insult them, so long as you don't do it for a protected reason.

This sounds like the classic bro culture workplace and it's rank. 

ETA bit surprised you've fallen for Brewdog's spin on this. It's what they always say in this kind of situation.

I haven't seen Brewdogs spin at all, just the PWP post. 

All the accusations seem to be, they weren't very nice to us but we wont say in what way and loads of other folk aren't happy but are scared to say so.....

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Ever read a tweet and wanted to block the person that posted it and everyone who liked it? Well now you can.


Gets some amount of wallopers off your TL. I've been using a Chrome extension called Twitter Block Chain to block everyone that follows an account, but that gets you a lot of collateral damage and it's pretty glitchy. This is much better.

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7 hours ago, diegomarahenry said:

I haven't seen Brewdogs spin at all, just the PWP post. 

All the accusations seem to be, they weren't very nice to us but we wont say in what way and loads of other folk aren't happy but are scared to say so.....

But they're clear on why they can't be specific with accusations. They don't want the legal action as they wouldn't be able to afford to fight. Brewdog have form for being spiteful arseholes and if you're young and have no consciousness whatsoever of worker's rights (in trying to unionise my colleagues in a restaurant this was an inescapable conclusion) then of course you're not going to come out and be specific. 

It's a brave thing to do, and I hope they take the fight further with unionisation and such like.

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6 hours ago, velo army said:

But they're clear on why they can't be specific with accusations. They don't want the legal action as they wouldn't be able to afford to fight. Brewdog have form for being spiteful arseholes and if you're young and have no consciousness whatsoever of worker's rights (in trying to unionise my colleagues in a restaurant this was an inescapable conclusion) then of course you're not going to come out and be specific. 

It's a brave thing to do, and I hope they take the fight further with unionisation and such like.

I worked for a large American company, they put in processes for basic operators that were appalling. The company said they didn’t recognise unions and wouldn’t speak with them. 
They didn’t break any employment law, they had the local MP on site to address complaints with the site management and you know what changed? 



because they didn’t break employment law.

if anyone is surprised that a company will try and squeeze as much out of an employee legally while paying them as little as they can, then they probably still believe in Santa. 


They closed the UK pension scheme but paid billions of Euros in to the German pension scheme because it legally had to. UK workers legally had to work bank holidays but in France and Germany, even the US, you would never have someone working a bank holiday.

I’m sure if the Brewdog staff gave a list of their issues, half the population would say “Ppppfft you think that’s bad?” 

That’s why I said I don’t understand what the rant is about, they gave no examples and made a couple of bitchy remarks about fake publicity stunts. They accused them of not paying enough money to charity which could be seen as defamation so they aren’t that scared of litigation 

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