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2 hours ago, Lofarl said:

Found this letter in my delivery box a few weeks ago.  Realised I couldn’t return it to sender.  Left it for my manager to deal with.  He hates any sort of attention.  Well this has about 12k shares on Facebook and now our own twitter page is mentioned it :lol:



The kid's going to send his next letter to be signed for and £100 value. 

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6 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Literally millions of people have viewed and shared video footage of a school pupil bullying and assaulting another young boy, said to be a Syrian refugee, with lots of people sharing details of his name, school etc.  Makes me a little uncomfortable to be honest.

Is it just me that thinks that even the video going viral is a huge overreaction? It's the type of incident that happens in school playgrounds up and down the country, day in day out. The type that should be dealt with by the school and then move on.

It's obviously horrendous behaviour, but still a huge overreaction.

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1 minute ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Is it just me that thinks that even the video going viral is a huge overreaction? It's the type of incident that happens in school playgrounds up and down the country, day in day out. The type that should be dealt with by the school and then move on.

It's obviously horrendous behaviour, but still a huge overreaction.

I thought people were saying that the bullying had been reported to the school previously and the school hadn't done anything?

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Is it just me that thinks that even the video going viral is a huge overreaction? It's the type of incident that happens in school playgrounds up and down the country, day in day out. The type that should be dealt with by the school and then move on.
It's obviously horrendous behaviour, but still a huge overreaction.

Nah, if you sweep these things under the carpet people with the think this is acceptable behaviour and it will become normalised. These things should be getting a big reaction to show kids (anybody really) that treating people like that is not on.

Guy is getting done for assault so this sort of publicity will hopefully put people off doing this
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From what I've seen the  sad thing about the guy in question is that he comes from a family of thick racists. I'm not excusing his scummy actions, as he's clearly a c--t, but there's a brother in prison for violence at some England First rally,  and the mother has been done for giving out racist abuse in the street. Pretty obvious that he comes from  crappy circumstances and hasn't a clue how normal people think.

Agreed. The boys actions are absolutely shite, scum bag behaviour but he appears to be a product of his environment. Hopefully the deter strategy gets involved and this boy is helped to become a decent member of society.
What is also scumbag behaviour is the lynch mob mentality of people on social media seeking to destroy this boys life for basically being an arsehole as a boy, do they think by posting all his personal details they’ll make the situation better? Madness.
The wee refugee guy has obviously been through enough already, but dont see why everyone does a ‘go fund me’ for every victim. Id suggest just trying to encourage a world where people dont act like c***s is an infinitely better way to go.
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6 minutes ago, PB1994 said:


Nah, if you sweep these things under the carpet people with the think this is acceptable behaviour and it will become normalised. These things should be getting a big reaction to show kids (anybody really) that treating people like that is not on.

Guy is getting done for assault so this sort of publicity will hopefully put people off doing this


Doubt it, there will be a big target sign on the victim's back now. The family will probably have to move. All thanks to concerned social media.

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7 minutes ago, PB1994 said:


Nah, if you sweep these things under the carpet people with the think this is acceptable behaviour and it will become normalised. These things should be getting a big reaction to show kids (anybody really) that treating people like that is not on.

Guy is getting done for assault so this sort of publicity will hopefully put people off doing this


I'm not sweeping it under the carpet as acceptable behaviour, but surely the decent thing to do if you find yourself coming in to possession of that video is pass it to the school/police rather than inciting the baying mob of social media?

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Nah, if you sweep these things under the carpet people with the think this is acceptable behaviour and it will become normalised. These things should be getting a big reaction to show kids (anybody really) that treating people like that is not on.

Guy is getting done for assault so this sort of publicity will hopefully put people off doing this

I don’t think anyone thinks beating people up like that is normal. If anything schools tolerate a lot less playground violence than they did years ago, certainly than when I was in school.

People saying that nothing has been done, there are schools that fail on bullying prevention but I doubt there is any school that wouldn’t do anything if they knew that behaviour like that shown in the video was occurring.

Whatever he’s done the perpetrator is a child and the excoriation of social media isn’t going to have any positive outcome.
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1 hour ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Is it just me that thinks that even the video going viral is a huge overreaction? It's the type of incident that happens in school playgrounds up and down the country, day in day out. The type that should be dealt with by the school and then move on.

It's obviously horrendous behaviour, but still a huge overreaction.

Seemingly the broken arm you see the victim with is from bullying as well so clearly the school either dunno what to do or don't want to deal with it

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8 hours ago, ICTChris said:

said to be 


4 hours ago, milton75 said:

From what I've seen 


1 hour ago, Rodhull said:

I thought people were saying 


1 hour ago, welshbairn said:



24 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


People saying 



3 minutes ago, 54_and_counting said:


Not the best advert for social media I've ever seen.

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I don’t think anyone thinks beating people up like that is normal. If anything schools tolerate a lot less playground violence than they did years ago, certainly than when I was in school.

People saying that nothing has been done, there are schools that fail on bullying prevention but I doubt there is any school that wouldn’t do anything if they knew that behaviour like that shown in the video was occurring.

Whatever he’s done the perpetrator is a child and the excoriation of social media isn’t going to have any positive outcome.

I’d argue that the guy who has now been charged with assault thought that was normal behaviour.

I’ve have no idea what schools are like with this sort of stuff to be honest.

I should say I don’t mean that it’s a good thing for all of this guys personal details getting spread about the internet and him having a to have a mob on his back threatening to do whatever to him. Just think that it’s not a bad thing that the video went viral to spread awareness that this sort of stuff goes on and needs to be stopped
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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Not the best advert for social media I've ever seen.

Considering the line you parsed from my post was a disclaimer indicating that I was only basing my opinion on the scant details I'd read, which is actually the opposite of posting an unattributed assumption, this is not the best advert for your levels of reading comprehension.

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1 hour ago, heedthebaa said:

That’s Tommy doing videos about the Syrian lad now, didn’t think it would take that arsehole long to slither into this 

Claiming that the wee lad was part of some gang that went around beating up white girls in the area and assaulting them :lol: 

Apparently the mother of one of the alleged "victims" has denounced Robinson and the shite he has been spouting. Good for her.

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