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This is certainly an unpopular opinion but actually one I tend to have sympathy with. I think some of the hysteria attached to modern identity politics etc thoroughly dilutes and cheapens the real issues.


Similarly there are plenty on the opposite side that use ‘political correctness gone mad’ to justify their sometimes appalling view of the world.



ETA not sure what happened with the quoting there but it was in response to banana


ETA again - quoted my own post instead of editing. Absolute fanny that I am.

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3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:


This is certainly an unpopular opinion but actually one I tend to have sympathy with. I think some of the hysteria attached to modern identity politics etc thoroughly dilutes and cheapens the real issues.

Similarly there are plenty on the opposite side that use ‘political correctness gone mad’ to justify their sometimes appalling view of the world.


Ah, so you're not one for the moral high ground then, the other lot are bad so we can be just as bad. Gotcha. 

"opposite side". :lol: Nothing like polarising things, it makes it easier to generate froth about 'them', whoever the 'them' happens to be. 

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That’s a spectacular missing of the point. Given my fails of the last two posts I’m sure it was probably my articulation of it that you’ve missed.

I think the debate on many things is far too polarised to right/left. The twitter mob seem to insist on assigning far right nazi/left wing snowflake to anyone who has an opinion they don’t like.

It is far more sensible to interpret each individual issue as they come and also apply perspective to it. I have a lot of left wing views on things but on others I probably lean to the right.

My point was that hyper sensitivity to things can cheapen a debate. Similarly the opposite attitude (sorry, I know) can also lead to a justification of some quite terrible views.

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38 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

That’s a spectacular missing of the point. Given my fails of the last two posts I’m sure it was probably my articulation of it that you’ve missed.

I think the debate on many things is far too polarised to right/left. The twitter mob seem to insist on assigning far right nazi/left wing snowflake to anyone who has an opinion they don’t like.

It is far more sensible to interpret each individual issue as they come and also apply perspective to it. I have a lot of left wing views on things but on others I probably lean to the right.

My point was that hyper sensitivity to things can cheapen a debate. Similarly the opposite attitude (sorry, I know) can also lead to a justification of some quite terrible views.

Using American student speak doesn't help, like privilege, snowflake, triggered etc. The thing I find weird is left and right often meeting on admiring Putin who's actively, along with Trump, encouraging the growth of Nationalist right wing parties in Europe. The left should remember that liberal values are not the same as neoliberal economics. Don't throw the bath out with the bathwater.

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45 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Using American student speak doesn't help, like privilege, snowflake, triggered etc. The thing I find weird is left and right often meeting on admiring Putin who's actively, along with Trump, encouraging the growth of Nationalist right wing parties in Europe. The left should remember that liberal values are not the same as neoliberal economics. Don't throw the bath out with the bathwater.

Nationalism in any form is scary, its just mob mentality on a grand scale.

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20 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Not in this century.


1 minute ago, Cerberus said:

Not since The Joshua Tree.

Achtung Baby is a great album, and Zooropa has it's charms.  They were very close to splitting up after the Zoo TV tour in late 1993.  Had they done so, I imagine they'd be looked at far more favourably nowadays.

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2 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:


Achtung Baby is a great album, and Zooropa has it's charms.  They were very close to splitting up after the Zoo TV tour in late 1993.  Had they done so, I imagine they'd be looked at far more favourably nowadays.

Aye, if Bono had croaked.

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1 hour ago, Highland Capital said:

Bono can be a right knob, but U2 have some great songs and some great albums.

Never got how U2 got to be one of (if not THE) biggest bands in world. DId some good stuff, some ok stuff and a lot of meh stuff. Bono is a massive fud though.

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Not in this century.
Beautiful Day is an excellent song.

I get the point though. I love a lot of their early stuff but their newer stuff is painful. They should have chucked it years ago.
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20 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

This is certainly an unpopular opinion but actually one I tend to have sympathy with. I think some of the hysteria attached to modern identity politics etc thoroughly dilutes and cheapens the real issues.

Similarly there are plenty on the opposite side that use ‘political correctness gone mad’ to justify their sometimes appalling view of the world.


Agree totally with your first paragraph.

You've kinda fallen for the same trick here though, the "gone mad" meme is used to deflect any and all criticism instead of addressing the individual issues. Which views of the world, and why are they appalling?

There is no political correctness "gone mad" as far as I'm concerned, there is just political correctness working as it is intended - as an ideological weapon of control and compliance to the Acceptable Narrative using the Correct Language, keeping Wrongthink neatly hidden where it belongs.

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Only a small percentage of people can carry off tattoos.

The vast majority look ridiculous particularly peely wally, overweight British people, looks terrible now and will look even worse when you get older.

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4 hours ago, banana said:

Agree totally with your first paragraph.

You've kinda fallen for the same trick here though, the "gone mad" meme is used to deflect any and all criticism instead of addressing the individual issues. Which views of the world, and why are they appalling?

There is no political correctness "gone mad" as far as I'm concerned, there is just political correctness working as it is intended - as an ideological weapon of control and compliance to the Acceptable Narrative using the Correct Language, keeping Wrongthink neatly hidden where it belongs.

I think there are people out there who are genuinely racist (and believe me, I don't use that term lightly like some do), who claim political correctness as a justification for it. 

You won't agree with me but political correctness fundamentally is a good idea given the historic impacts of racism, anti-semitism etc etc.  I do believe however we've gone too far in this regard and genuine racist (or other) issues get hugely diluted by people who want to shout about how much they believe in equality and won't miss an opportunity to say so.

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