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Guest Moomintroll
As harsh as it sounds; yes, I couldn't give a f**k.
Good on them and it was horrible what they were forced to do, but I just don't give a f**k.
Come on to f**k DA, we are lucky we weren't born in that era and forced to fight. I am forever grateful, I tried to join up in 1990 and was knocked back due to Asthma, best thing that ever happened to me tbf. If i was alive back then in WW2, I would have been rubberstamped and probably would have died wheezing somewhere. Be happy for whatever you have, even if it seems shit right now.
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2 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:


Agree with Bairnardo in terms of my view of the poppy stuff nowadays and how it’s used, but the above is pathetic. Especially when coming from a workshy, lazy bum who complains mercilessly about having to do an easy admin job.

Throbber is correct, you don’t know how easy you have it.

Workshy lazy bum. Good stuff. Incorrect on all counts though. Not liking your job does not equate to workshy and lazy. I do all that is asked of me in my job and my employers have absolutely no problem with my efforts.

Despite what your conditioning tells you, simply being employed is not the indicator of whether a person is lazy or not. Sounds almost like you're saying you need to be a soldier or else you're lazy, but I don't think you're that stupid.

Well done for being on point with the message of the right wing media though.

I like your last line. 'You don't even know you're born!' type stuff. Even were it's true (it's not), why does it matter in the slightest? It doesn't change what happened and surely those who fought in the wars did so in part so people wouldn't need to worry about such things anyway, so that they would be free to live their life in peace? I doubt they did so so that other people demand that everyone thinks about it all and has to compare their life to those who were involved in war.

1 hour ago, Moomintroll said:
14 hours ago, DA Baracus said:
As harsh as it sounds; yes, I couldn't give a f**k.
Good on them and it was horrible what they were forced to do, but I just don't give a f**k.

Come on to f**k DA, we are lucky we weren't born in that era and forced to fight. I am forever grateful, I tried to join up in 1990 and was knocked back due to Asthma, best thing that ever happened to me tbf. If i was alive back then in WW2, I would have been rubberstamped and probably would have died wheezing somewhere. Be happy for whatever you have, even if it seems shit right now.

True enough

Edited by DA Baracus
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I'm not denigrating anyone's efforts or saying they can all f**k off or anything like that.

I'm just saying I don't really care all that much. It's been decades since it all happened. Perhaps it's just the separation of time. Perhaps it's just a reaction to how politicised it has become and how so many slobbering morons fawn over it all.


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Really odd opinion, picked the right thread though. In amongst the poppy and remembrance being used a tool these days for the deification of todays armed forces, it should never be forgetten was it was/should be about.

They lads were literally no different to you or I. We cant even imagine the bravery or the horror it would take to leave an office job and pick up a gun, and we cant imagine it because they did it.

I find it odd that you are so anti this stuff in other threads if its not because you are sickened by the b*****disation of the memory of true, actual heroes. The reason I dont care for the remembrance stuff anymore is exactly that. Its no longer about what it should be.

Anyone with an ounce of sense views the British Army and its colonial, slave driving past with the contempt it deserves but the guys who fought in the two World Ward werent really the British Army were they? They were folk like us.
I am against that the Poppy has become a political symbol which has cheapened the symbolic meaning. It is harmful to the fine charatible efforts the money raised by the sale of Poppies fund.
What do you mean by deification of today's armed forces though?
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I am against that the Poppy has become a political symbol which has cheapened the symbolic meaning. It is harmful to the fine charatible efforts the money raised by the sale of Poppies fund.
What do you mean by deification of today's armed forces though?
The "our lads", Soldiers can do no wrong type bullshit that the media constantly peddles. Its becoming Americanised and ultimately its been a long time since soldiering wasnt a proffesion like any other. Whilst I do think the Government should have a much bigger duty of care towards those injured on duty, me as a citizen nowadays owes the average soldier next to nothing.

Its not their fault they are being killed and maimed in bullshit wars, but bullshit wars they are and the Govt actively promote the narrative of them being heroes protecting our freedom because they are too spineless to tell big brother USA we arent sending our young men to die in a third world shithole for no reason.

That narrative has been driven relentlessly in direct correlation with our insatiable need to meddle in shit thats f**k all to do with us.
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The "our lads", Soldiers can do no wrong type bullshit that the media constantly peddles. Its becoming Americanised and ultimately its been a long time since soldiering wasnt a proffesion like any other. Whilst I do think the Government should have a much bigger duty of care towards those injured on duty, me as a citizen nowadays owes the average soldier next to nothing.

Its not their fault they are being killed and maimed in bullshit wars, but bullshit wars they are and the Govt actively promote the narrative of them being heroes protecting our freedom because they are too spineless to tell big brother USA we arent sending our young men to die in a third world shithole for no reason.

That narrative has been driven relentlessly in direct correlation with our insatiable need to meddle in shit thats f**k all to do with us.
So from that reply you are at odds with what the government are doing/not doing and what the media are portraying?

I agree with you.

I think however, some people are confusing things in general and are blaming the Armed forces for many things that are really the fault of the government. Remember the military are carrying out the political will of a democratically elected government. It is the job of the politicians to decide the direction the military takes, not the forces themselves.

Every member of the forces joins up for different reasons but it is understood that it is a job. I don't think any member of the armed forces expects the public to fawn over them. Recognition for doing a good job is great, everyone likes getting their tummy tickled! But there isn't any expectation.
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So from that reply you are at odds with what the government are doing/not doing and what the media are portraying?

I agree with you.

I think however, some people are confusing things in general and are blaming the Armed forces for many things that are really the fault of the government. Remember the military are carrying out the political will of a democratically elected government. It is the job of the politicians to decide the direction the military takes, not the forces themselves.

Every member of the forces joins up for different reasons but it is understood that it is a job. I don't think any member of the armed forces expects the public to fawn over them. Recognition for doing a good job is great, everyone likes getting their tummy tickled! But there isn't any expectation.
I think what you have said is pretty well in line with what I am saying. In my opinion, the government drive the media, to drive the public to raise money etc to offload their own duty of care to service personnel.

That is a fucking disgrace, but they have done it successfully since you only have to look at this thread to see what it has all become. Poppies for weeks before and after, silences, wreaths, garish public shows.... Much the same way as the government used the media to demonise all bemefits claimants.
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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:


Get yourself a can of Iraqi whiskey



Hey snap!  It's actually made from molasses, and tastes much closer to bourbon than whisky.  It's nowhere near as horrendous as I had hoped.  

glan royal (1).jpg

Do any other P&Bers have a picture of a can of Iraqi whisky?  It's quite a refined club we've started here.

Edited by Savage Henry
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I think what you have said is pretty well in line with what I am saying. In my opinion, the government drive the media, to drive the public to raise money etc to offload their own duty of care to service personnel.

That is a fucking disgrace, but they have done it successfully since you only have to look at this thread to see what it has all become. Poppies for weeks before and after, silences, wreaths, garish public shows.... Much the same way as the government used the media to demonise all bemefits claimants.
Glad we agree!
What I see a lot of though is the demonisation of the military due to the actions of the government and media. That is unfair.
I think they do it because of the lack of support and funding. Funding the military is not going to be a vote winner though so the politicians efforts are focused elsewhere.
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Back in my youth of all weekend drink and drug binges, we'd reached that horrible time on a Sunday morning when the it seemed a lifetime away until the shop sold drink. This was back when it was 12.30 to get a carryout in most shops who obeyed the licensing laws. 

Me and my mates sat and drunk a bottle on Bombay Sapphire, mixed with Actimel yogurt.  To this day, I cant drink Gin.

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

If our armed forces were not structured by class we would've had a revolution by now.

The peacetime British armed forces are strange in as much as they so most of their traditional recruitment from either the top or bottom ends of society - very few middle-class punters see it as a viable career path, whereas public schools and the more elite universities will more than likely have cadet forces or officer training corps attached to them to maintain a supply of officers from the top strata of society. Conversely, soldier recruitment will in large part continue to come from the more depressed post-industrial bits of the country where many people's options are limited to jail, heroin or joining up.

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Whilst this might be true for the Army (I know of a couple of regiments where it is expected that you have a separate income to live off) it is less so for the Royal Navy and RAF.
Entry to the RAF even as a pilot does not require a degree (Eng officers do require a degree as they have to be a member of the professional body).
The current Chief of the Air Staff and his deputy are from normal backgrounds, they were even in the same class at Kilmarnock Academy!

Pretty much every university will have Army, Navy and Air Force officer training units, not just the elite ones. Those serving Glasgow are open to students from Cally and UWS as much as they are to Glasgow uni students.

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3 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Hey snap!  It's actually made from molasses, and tastes much closer to bourbon than whisky.  It's nowhere near as horrendous as I had hoped.  

glan royal (1).jpg

Do any other P&Bers have a picture of a can of Iraqi whisky?  It's quite a refined club we've started here.

If you google it the only mention is a post you made about it on a whisky forum. :lol:

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4 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Workshy lazy bum. Good stuff. Incorrect on all counts though. Not liking your job does not equate to workshy and lazy. I do all that is asked of me in my job and my employers have absolutely no problem with my efforts.

Despite what your conditioning tells you, simply being employed is not the indicator of whether a person is lazy or not. Sounds almost like you're saying you need to be a soldier or else you're lazy, but I don't think you're that stupid.

You’ve said repeatedly on here you would never work again if you could regardless of the job, which suggests you aren’t a big fan of working full stop.

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13 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

You’ve said repeatedly on here you would never work again if you could regardless of the job, which suggests you aren’t a big fan of working full stop.

Correct. I absolutely would.

Doesn't make me lazy though. I'd be doing plenty of other things.

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