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Have been in it, on & off, for too many years. Have alluded to it previously on here but thankfully I seem to be shit at suicide. The wounds afterwards tend to hurt quite a lot so I will not recommend. Happier times right now so I can laugh about it, just hope I still can when the b*****d comes back. Feel so bad for DA right now as I know how bad it gets when you just don't want to be here anymore.

Even if you are a despicable Tory, I’m glad you’re shite at suicide and are still with us [emoji4]
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Guest Moomintroll
A Catholic Tory voter from Kilwinning.
Covering a lot of bases there tbh. I can imagine there will be plenty spitting on your grave.
Plenty of like minded fuckers in Whitehurst & Woodside but sod living up there.
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2 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

Have been in it, on & off, for too many years. Have alluded to it previously on here but thankfully I seem to be shit at suicide. The wounds afterwards tend to hurt quite a lot so I will not recommend. Happier times right now so I can laugh about it, just hope I still can when the b*****d comes back. Feel so bad for DA right now as I know how bad it gets when you just don't want to be here anymore.


Holy shit. That escalated quickly.

I was never any good at it either, if it makes you feel any better, and I'd be quite pleased if you didn't try it again, thanks. When you say DA, do you mean DA Baracus?

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Holy shit. That escalated quickly.
I was never any good at it either, if it makes you feel any better, and I'd be quite pleased if you didn't try it again, thanks. When you say DA, do you mean DA Baracus?
Yeah. He wasn't having a good time of it last night/this morning but thankfully he's with us today.
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1 hour ago, A96 said:

What you talking about here ? ....... the mince pies that get trotted out over the festive season ?......or the sort of mince pies you get at the fitba ?

Either way I think you’re wrong to tar them all with the same brush.   Some mince pies (either kind)  are rank , but loads of them range from quite fine to superb.

But who am I to deprive you of your right to express an unpopular opinion ?

Mince pies as in festive ones.

What you describe at football are scotch pies. Which now I think of it are also pretty rank.

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Guest Moomintroll
Holy shit. That escalated quickly.
I was never any good at it either, if it makes you feel any better, and I'd be quite pleased if you didn't try it again, thanks. When you say DA, do you mean DA Baracus?

Holy shit. That escalated quickly.
I was never any good at it either, if it makes you feel any better, and I'd be quite pleased if you didn't try it again, thanks. When you say DA, do you mean DA Baracus?

Yeah I do, I have been honest on here before as to my issues but thankfully I have been on a major upswing for Months & hopefully I can control the dark thoughts from here on in. No plans to try again, aside from swimming with vegan sharks, hope that DA takes on board what we have said. Div hates losing a subscriber, all joking aside though, just want DA to get through it & be ok.
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Is it not that the release of the advert sort of signifies the start of the Christmas season rather than the advert itself?

Does the christmas season not start about a week after the football one does? Or does it just feel it? It has become a strange tradition that wasn’t there when i were a lad. Seems to get unnecessary hype. I’m maybe just getting miserable in my old age.
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15 hours ago, buchan30 said:

Does the christmas season not start about a week after the football one does? Or does it just feel it? It has become a strange tradition that wasn’t there when i were a lad. Seems to get unnecessary hype. I’m maybe just getting miserable in my old age.


In retail, Christmas stock is sent out at the end of July for a gradual build-up starting in August.

They do it because there's a substantial portion of the populace who go apeshit for Christmas stuff at the end of summer. These people live among us, and we have no way of detecting who they are. Be afraid.

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