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Out of the mouth of babes...


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Reminds me of an English lass I used to go out with. I made the admittedly dreadful decision to go shopping with her and her mate, an expedition which lasted about 6 hours. My girlfriend tried a dress on in one of the first shops we went into, and returned a further twice to try it on again, still undecided, before eventually deciding at the end of the day she didn't like the colour. Not sure if she expected it to magically change colour each time she returned to view it.

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15 hours ago, whiskychimp said:

Truly awful. Decided it was her lucky night. Watching a film and I thought I'll go down on her. 

Got her pants off and was about to dive in. 

Was met with " I've just taken a huge shit"

At least she warned you, man. She's a keeper.

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42 minutes ago, harry94 said:

"I'm not sure if I'm right or not but does Walter Smith not own Walmart"

She then thought I was using my phone to check that.

Hopefully you were using it to book her in to a clinic in Switzerland

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Missus and I were at a bar for a (soft) drink with the wee man at the weekend.
"How old is he?" says the barmaid.
"Just over 15 weeks" replies the missus.
"Ahhh, so 2 months then" BM
Sorry what.

January is a long fucker of a month to be fair
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As you may have heard; the winter Olympics are on. The Light of my Life is currently watching the downhill skiing. I'm not.

They just flashed up a graphic saying the skier was doing 67.1 mph.

LomL: 67 miles per hour. Is that miles or kilometres? 
Me: You just said it was miles.
LomL: Right, but isn't it kilometres?
Me: I didn't see it but if it said miles, then it's miles.
LomL: But don't they use kilometres in Korea?

I'm going to get myself a drink. Anybody want anything?

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Had a horrible feeling that this was a horrific new term for a lady's personal, private area.

Happy for Shandon that this turned out not to be the case. Nobody needs that mental image.

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Not my babe but was walking past pub earlier....

Couple wandering out, and a bloke walks out behind and shouts excuse me, As they turn he waves a handbag. Girl walks back and takes it.

As I pass the couple now reunited with the bag I heard her say to her other half;

How the f**k could you let me forget my fucking handbag........

Female logic is amazing

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