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Out of the mouth of babes...


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2 hours ago, Rugster said:

My brother posted a status recently to do with Oasis at Loch Lomond, something like, "Can't believe this was 20 years ago. Missed my mum and dad's silver wedding party to go to this. The next day my uncle turned up at their house with a silver wedding present for them saying he'd noticed it was their silver anniversary on my brother's facebook. My mum and dad have been married for 46 years, he was at the wedding, he knows I was born after they were married and I turned 40 this year. He was a tad embarrassed.

I thought it was fucking hilarious.


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My brother posted a status recently to do with Oasis at Loch Lomond, something like, "Can't believe this was 20 years ago. Missed my mum and dad's silver wedding party to go to this. The next day my uncle turned up at their house with a silver wedding present for them saying he'd noticed it was their silver anniversary on my brother's facebook. My mum and dad have been married for 46 years, he was at the wedding, he knows I was born after they were married and I turned 40 this year. He was a tad embarrassed.
I thought it was fucking hilarious.

This whole post confuses me. Not sure if it is due to the unclear quotation marks.

If it was your parents silver anniversary 20 years ago then why would your uncle turn up the day after the status with a silver anniversary present? Surely he's 20 years too late?

For the story I will give it a 3/10 as it has potential. For how it's written though it's a 1/10 as it's clear as mud.
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This whole post confuses me. Not sure if it is due to the unclear quotation marks.

If it was your parents silver anniversary 20 years ago then why would your uncle turn up the day after the status with a silver anniversary present? Surely he's 20 years too late?

For the story I will give it a 3/10 as it has potential. For how it's written though it's a 1/10 as it's clear as mud.

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On 28/03/2017 at 09:08, Gaz FFC said:

Not a babe in any way but my mum offering up much embarrassment for me on the internet.

My mate had posted up photos from 3 years ago of the stag doo we were on. As we all recalled the stories and the great weather my mum posted up "enjoy" as though we were currently on the trip :huh:

I take it this wasn't your stag do? That'd be a whole new level of minter.

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12 hours ago, Dindeleux said:


This whole post confuses me. Not sure if it is due to the unclear quotation marks.

If it was your parents silver anniversary 20 years ago then why would your uncle turn up the day after the status with a silver anniversary present? Surely he's 20 years too late?

For the story I will give it a 3/10 as it has potential. For how it's written though it's a 1/10 as it's clear as mud.


Out of the mouth of idiotic Kille fans thread for this pish.

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22 hours ago, Dindeleux said:


This whole post confuses me. Not sure if it is due to the unclear quotation marks.

If it was your parents silver anniversary 20 years ago then why would your uncle turn up the day after the status with a silver anniversary present? Surely he's 20 years too late?

For the story I will give it a 3/10 as it has potential. For how it's written though it's a 1/10 as it's clear as mud.


I think it's due to you being a bit stupid, m8.

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Sorry I missed a quotation mark out Dindeleux, I'll be more careful in future. Not sure it really would have helped you in this instance if you didn't follow the story though. 

Usually Kincardine is the grammar polis so thanks for stepping in! 

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Sorry I missed a quotation mark out Dindeleux, I'll be more careful in future. Not sure it really would have helped you in this instance if you didn't follow the story though. 
Usually Kincardine is the grammar polis so thanks for stepping in! 

I still can't read your post right, I am currently on my 26th hour in the maternity unit waiting for my first child to be born which may have something to do with it.

Let's just forget it. Here's a nice photo to help ease the upset I've caused in this thread.

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Just now, Dindeleux said:


I still can't read your post right, I am currently on my 26th hour in the maternity unit waiting for my first child to be born which may have something to do with it.

Let's just forget it. Here's a nice photo to help ease the upset I've caused in this thread.



Hope all goes well! I know the feeling! 

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I was told of a story last night which wasn't from a lassie but I felt it was worth sharing anyway.

BBC News report comes on after some robbery or something had taken place and they start talking to someone who seen it happen.  Underneath the person talking it pops up with Eyewitness Report.  A mate pipes in with "HA HA! Eyewitness?! Where the f**k is Eyewitness?!" pronounced like Inverness but replacing Inver with Iwit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of us at work chatting about the fella on the United Airlines flight being dragged off the plane.  One of the girls nearby overhears and pipes up with -

"It's a shocking story but have you guys seen any of the meh-mehs on Facebook?"

":huh: - the what?"

"the meh-mehs!"

"spell it"



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