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21 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

My biggest gripe with this season so far is that the first 8 episodes haven't really added anything to the bigger picture. Before this season The Saviours were in charge and the group were in no position to overthrow them. Effectively what's happened is 'Our Group' has attempted to take them down and failed. So we begin the second half of this season with The Saviours in charge and the group in no position to overthrow them; a far weaker position even. Could the first 8 episodes really not have been condensed into 2 or 3?*



That was my problem with the last season. My missus gave up after the episode when Glenn was killed (aye, one of those), but asked me what had happened otherwise. I struggled to think, and felt that one could watch the first and last episode of the last season, and have missed nothing.

Overall, the show just seems to have hit a (non-walking) dead end. It can still be an enjoyable way to kill an hour, but it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, despite the fact that the heroes have a big quest (that they never seem to make the slightest real progress in).

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16 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

I have to admit I'm more hopeful of a slow painful death for Eugene than I am for Negan.

A likeable bad guy is exactly what the show didn't need at this point IMO.

Therein lies the problem. There’s no one on the show I’m gunning to see ripped apart by zombies. Even Eugene I just don’t care enough about to care if he gets what’s coming to him.

I’ve never read or followed the comics, but I’ve heard that Negan becomes a captive. Presumably there are other big bads the show could adapt?

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It's funny. I wrote (an essay!) about how there just isn't any depth to the characters anymore and lets think about Negan here. He cracked open Abraham and Glenn's skulls. Abraham was a liked/loved character and Glenn was there from the very first episode. You could argue they were staple characters on the show so why have we never read anyone say they want Negan dead because of what he did to those two? If anything I'd say Negan is one of the most liked characters on the show. Something isn't quite right about that for me.

There just isn't the same hate for Negan as I had for The Governor. So Negan is either the wrong character or the writing has just got so poor.

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12 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

It's funny. I wrote (an essay!) about how there just isn't any depth to the characters anymore and lets think about Negan here. He cracked open Abraham and Glenn's skulls. Abraham was a liked/loved character and Glenn was there from the very first episode. You could argue they were staple characters on the show so why have we never read anyone say they want Negan dead because of what he did to those two? If anything I'd say Negan is one of the most liked characters on the show. Something isn't quite right about that for me.

There just isn't the same hate for Negan as I had for The Governor. So Negan is either the wrong character or the writing has just got so poor.

I agree. Until Negan bashed his skull in, Abraham was by far my favourite character on the show. Now I think Negan is the best and I would rather they killed off Rick and Daryl and made the show about him!!

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8 hours ago, IainMorton said:

I agree. Until Negan bashed his skull in, Abraham was by far my favourite character on the show. Now I think Negan is the best and I would rather they killed off Rick and Daryl and made the show about him!!

I'd rather they carried the show forward set round about Negan too.

He has provided one of my favourite moments when he made that dull Alexandrian boot greet about something innocuous, and while trying to calm her again, turned to Carl and mouthed "Really?"  My biggest guffaw of the whole show, ever.

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When there were previous storylines with bad guys (The Governor, Terminus cannibals etc) it was wrapped up pretty quickly, but this story with Negan and the Saviours has been going on since half way through season 6 and people are getting bored with it now as there appears to be no endgame. Time to move on and get people interested again.
What is annoying me about the current storyline is there have been so many opportunities to kill Negan but it just gets dragged on and on. Was actually quite enjoying the last few episodes getting busy wiping out the saviours but them somehow escaping and the balance of power immediately swinging the other way has bored me a little.
Glad that Alexandria is getting wiped out as for me the last few seasons have turned more into a kinda coronation Street with the occasional zombie rather than the post apocalyptic living on your wits stuff that hooked me on it in the first place.
In my view the Carl storyline can only go one way now , he is going to kill Negan. If this doesn't happen in the next episode or 2 then I'll be pretty disappointed!
As much as I love the show I feel like I would like it to actually reach a definite conclusion , find civilization, answers behind what happened, etc.... It's been good to watch but thinking back I reckon the first few seasons were by far the best and from then on there has just been a hope that it reaches those levels again so would rather get a wrapped up ending rather than it dragging on for another 10 seasons .
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1 hour ago, Boghead ranter said:

I'd rather they carried the show forward set round about Negan too.

He has provided one of my favourite moments when he made that dull Alexandrian boot greet about something innocuous, and while trying to calm her again, turned to Carl and mouthed "Really?"  My biggest guffaw of the whole show, ever.

This has to be my favourite line from the show :lol: 


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15 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:


There just isn't the same hate for Negan as I had for The Governor. So Negan is either the wrong character or the writing has just got so poor.

I liked the governor, Negans just irritating.

They really should have left a wee bit of doubt regarding his death.


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Whatever happened to the group that had something etched on their head (were they the wolves or something) that invaded Alexandria - I remember carol and morgan fighting over killing one, then they just seemed to disappear overnight and then we had the saviours storyline.

I had thought that that would come to something interesting as well, but seemed to fizzle out without finding out who they were, where they were from or what they after and who was in charge of them.  For me since they got to Alexandria it has been a bit dull. There has been the quary, and a few other incidents that have been ok, but on the whole its been a bit rubbish.

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The show has a new writer and producer "apparently".

Personally I think they should sack the c***s as they have completely fucked up what used to be a top show. Its become a fucking borefest and just plain stupid.

Young Carl is a truly shit actor and deserves to go. Daryl is next. You can see his character winding down.

I don't care anymore.  Its ruined! (but I need to let it all out)

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That was all a pretty meh season, but for maybe an hour of the finale. What the f**k were all the face montages about?  you could tell Carl was for the chop the amount of air time he got at the start of the episode. Why did they let Maggie go despite all the talk about capturing Rick, the king and the widow? How good was the saviour aim to hit every house in Alexandria with what seemed like unlimited grenade launchers, blind, over a high fence? It also annoys me how the saviour are now just out of the sanctuary? How did they do it? Where did they get all the bullets? Has Eugene started production? Did they lose any men considering how many they took to each town? Despite the fact they were facing a revolt from the workers and surprise surprise the smelly garbage people fucked off! Making that whole part of the story completely pointless! 

This used to be my favourite show on TV Andy love the comics, why they couldn't just stick with the comic story line I have no idea! 

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  • 1 month later...
Some rumours going round social media that Lauren Cohan may be leaving due to a pay dispute. Expect to not see Maggie in season 9...

Maybe we'll get to see the zombie babie happen after all...

She won't be missed. There is only a handful of characters i am bothered about now.
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16 hours ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

She won't be missed. There is only a handful of characters i am bothered about now.


16 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Yip I find her more irritating with every scene she's in. She does this thing with her lips after every sentence that has really started to annoy me emoji38.png


15 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

Thank f**k.





Maggie is one of only four original characters left in the Comics and is a very important character at that, if they are planning to follow the comicbook storyline more closely, as has been reported, this could create problems, but then again Carl is one of the four still kicking about in the comics and is arguably an even more important character there and they had no qualms about giving him his toaties in the show so i suppose all bets are off!!!

But still...


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I'd be surprised if they didn't agree to give her a salary closer to that of Norman Reedus or Andrew Lincoln, considering she's been in it almost as long and is supposed to be one of the most important characters. You'd also think it'd be something they'd want to avoid PR-wise that they're not willing to pay her as much, especially with the recent focus on the wage gap.

In terms of the actual show, Maggie plays a pretty big part in the comics, but I'd imagine they could just have Carol taking over her comic story, and not having Cohan signing on gives them a chance to pull off a 'shock' death, which would be our season finale sorted.

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