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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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Meals on wheels for zombies with the rats in the cages.


Except they weren't getting to the rats. The rats were there to tempt the Zombies along, before the inevitably get caught in netting of the home made spears.

I knew why they did it,I was trying to make a joke out of it. Total fail on my part.

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I'm thinking about starting to read the comics as Amazon are doing book one ( issues 1-12) for £16 so a question for those that read them.

Do you think reading the comics would take a little bit away from watching the TV series ( if you already have an idea of what will happen)?

I know the tv series differs a bit from the comics, in terms of what happens in the story and the order things happen and characters come/go but basically what I would like to know is do you sometimes feel when watching the TV show that you know what's going to happen next? And if so do you think you would prefer it if you had no idea?

On the flipside is there enough in the comics that is different/not in the TV show that makes them worth reading to someone like me? ( I'm sure there is but thought I'd ask anyway)

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Am I the only person who thinks its getting a bit boring now?

i still look forward to each episode/series;as opposed,for example,to new series "the following" which is getting more tedious and ridiculous by the episode and which im only sticking with because ive watched it this far already,another programme i did that with was the cops-by-numbers drivel "blue bloods",didnt watch that beyond season 1(which seemed to go on forever).no,i reckon the walking dead still has it for the moment

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i still look forward to each episode/series;as opposed,for example,to new series "the following" which is getting more tedious and ridiculous by the episode and which im only sticking with because ive watched it this far already,another programme i did that with was the cops-by-numbers drivel "blue bloods",didnt watch that beyond season 1(which seemed to go on forever).no,i reckon the walking dead still has it for the moment

The worst offender for losing it completely is Heroes. After a superb first series and a good second series they ripped the arse well and truly out of it.

I still have episodes 11 & 12 to catch up on. I shall take care of that after work tonight :) .

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I'm thinking about starting to read the comics as Amazon are doing book one ( issues 1-12) for £16 so a question for those that read them.

Do you think reading the comics would take a little bit away from watching the TV series ( if you already have an idea of what will happen)?

I know the tv series differs a bit from the comics, in terms of what happens in the story and the order things happen and characters come/go but basically what I would like to know is do you sometimes feel when watching the TV show that you know what's going to happen next? And if so do you think you would prefer it if you had no idea?

On the flipside is there enough in the comics that is different/not in the TV show that makes them worth reading to someone like me? ( I'm sure there is but thought I'd ask anyway)

I'm not a big reader of comics though I think I've read about the first 80 issues or so of this. I don't think it detracts form the TV show at all as some of the differences are massive. The only spoilers as such that I've found have been the awareness of things like the probability they'd find the prison, the Governor having a nasty streak and stuff like that. If you read them I think you'll be amazed at how different some of the characters and situations have been handled. Two quick examples of big differences are that Merle and Daryl don't exist in the comics and - major comics spoiler (if it has't been mentioned on this thread already)

Shane gets killed VERY early

They're a good read in their own right.

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i still look forward to each episode/series;as opposed,for example,to new series "the following" which is getting more tedious and ridiculous by the episode and which im only sticking with because ive watched it this far already,another programme i did that with was the cops-by-numbers drivel "blue bloods",didnt watch that beyond season 1(which seemed to go on forever).no,i reckon the walking dead still has it for the moment

Yeah th following is shite, would there not be check run on everyone who ever came into contact with him , yet after these followers appear its ,,oh he visited him in prison, oh she was in his class etc

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I'm not a big reader of comics though I think I've read about the first 80 issues or so of this. I don't think it detracts form the TV show at all as some of the differences are massive. The only spoilers as such that I've found have been the awareness of things like the probability they'd find the prison, the Governor having a nasty streak and stuff like that. If you read them I think you'll be amazed at how different some of the characters and situations have been handled. Two quick examples of big differences are that Merle and Daryl don't exist in the comics and - major comics spoiler (if it has't been mentioned on this thread already)

They're a good read in their own right.

I'd agree with this. They use the same places, Hershell's farm, the Prison but they're used very differently and the characters are quite different (I don't remember hating Lori, Andrea or Carl so much in the comics).

(differences to some major points that happened in the tv show to how it happened in the comics)

Carl kills Shane in human form. As Satan's Husband's strikethrough said, it happens very early on, before they leave the outskirts of Atlanta, I believe.

Lori dies when the Governor invades the prison, not during child birth.

The prison has a lot more people in it when they get there and a lot more shit goes down with them.

Can't think of anything else other than there's a lot more characters in the comics and they come and go a lot more quickly. That's something Robert Kirkman (the creator and writer) has said, he wants there to be an air of uncertainty with his story, no character is safe and main characters get taken out quickly and suddenly throughout it.

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I'd agree with this. They use the same places, Hershell's farm, the Prison but they're used very differently and the characters are quite different (I don't remember hating Lori, Andrea or Carl so much in the comics).

(differences to some major points that happened in the tv show to how it happened in the comics)

Carl kills Shane in human form. As Satan's Husband's strikethrough said, it happens very early on, before they leave the outskirts of Atlanta, I believe.

Lori dies when the Governor invades the prison, not during child birth.

The prison has a lot more people in it when they get there and a lot more shit goes down with them.

Can't think of anything else other than there's a lot more characters in the comics and they come and go a lot more quickly. That's something Robert Kirkman (the creator and writer) has said, he wants there to be an air of uncertainty with his story, no character is safe and main characters get taken out quickly and suddenly throughout it.

That's alright then, I knew the Dixons weren't in the comics and the thing about Shane (probably read it on here). I don't usually read comics but I'll get the first book and take it from there, that should hold me over for a bit once this season is finished.

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I'm thinking about starting to read the comics as Amazon are doing book one ( issues 1-12) for £16 so a question for those that read them.

Do you think reading the comics would take a little bit away from watching the TV series ( if you already have an idea of what will happen)?

I know the tv series differs a bit from the comics, in terms of what happens in the story and the order things happen and characters come/go but basically what I would like to know is do you sometimes feel when watching the TV show that you know what's going to happen next? And if so do you think you would prefer it if you had no idea?

On the flipside is there enough in the comics that is different/not in the TV show that makes them worth reading to someone like me? ( I'm sure there is but thought I'd ask anyway)

Read them mate you won't be disappointed. Well you will as from about issue 60-80 it does slow a bit and becomes repetitive but it Gets through that and really gets a lot better.

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Am I the only person who thinks its getting a bit boring now?

I think it is a great series, maybe the best one yet, the characters have developed so well and the Governor is a very good addition,

I have to agree. The show is telu developing character so well. Look at the change in Karl, Carol, Rick, Hershal, Maggie, Glen etc.

They have all gradually changed over 2-3 seasons and not just overnight like a lot of shows do.

Just gets better and better with each episode.

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Watched the latest episode last night. Another dialogue heavy episode but the suspense that was created was great. These episodes are building up the finale nicely, I just hope the finale delivers.

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That was a cracking couple of episodes. They were very dialogue based, but actually drove the plot onwards. I feel like series 2's quieter episodes were absolutely interminable. Nothing ever happened worth noting (I know Carl got shot, but he's annoying so that doesn't count) until the last 2 episodes. This series has consistently had something to keep you intrigued.

Also, I noticed that the brick archway where the pile of burnt corpses was the exact same archway they used in Lawless.



I need to get out more :( .

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Still unsure how I feel about this program, tried watching it when it was first on, but had to stop due to the poor characters and dialogue. Got back into it and watched from ep 1.4 to the middle of series 3 in a couple of weeks. Still has some of the same problems Andrea, dale replaced by exact duplicate hershel, plot device characters like hershels other daughter (so they don't actually have to address the issue of having a baby)

Its pretty enjoyable tho and am quite looking forward to the showdown at the end of this series. Contemplating watching the last 3 eps in one sitting. Don't really like watching it 1 at a time.

Ricks face just before he axed that prisoner was super badass tho. More of that stuff please.

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