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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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I don't know who is in charge of the trailers but I have to say they aren't well thought out. Yesterday's episode was left on a cliffhanger; is Glenn dead or alive?! Then we see him in next weeks trailer. Aw well he must no be dead! I know it was highly unlikely he would have been dead anyway but it would still be nice to have the question unanswered for longer than 2 minutes after the episode!

(I duno how to add spoiler tags so if you haven't seen Monday's episode stop reading now)

I thought Carol returning was a stick-on so can't say I was shocked, but it was nicely done. I duno how the eldest young girl's character is going to pan out. The slaughter of the rabbit (then not at least eating it) and almost suffocating the baby (also not a surprise to see her alive) was pretty chilling. I just wonder what the end-game is going to be with this.

With 'Bull' (guy from Band of Brothers) coming in it should add another demension now and it may start picking up again. I've not read the magazines so don't know the answer to this retorical question, but it wasn't fully clear whether these 3 were going to be good guys or bad, so it should be interesting.

Good to see Maggie back :wub:

ETA I'm fully aware of my contradiction re. Trailers in my post, but my first point remains valid IMO :P

Edited by 19QOS19
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I didn't read the comics so have no idea what this Abraham guy is like. Is he another Governor who makes you think he's a nice guy by looking after people but turns out to be a complete twat who will want to kill everyone?!

I'd be hoping he is one way or another. If he was going to be similar to The Governor then I'd have rather the gov wasn't killed off. He surely has to be an original character you'd imagine? Going by the response of those who have read the magazine, again I'm guessing he must be a good character to come in.

I duno if I would prefer him to be a good guy or not either :wacko:

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I didn't read the comics so have no idea what this Abraham guy is like. Is he another Governor who makes you think he's a nice guy by looking after people but turns out to be a complete twat who will want to kill everyone?!

I don't know how his story ends as I stopped reading them at some point (or I can't remember) but from memory;

He's an ex-army guy. They're on their way to Washington for some reason, I think. He's not a villain or anything like the governor, he's just a badass motherfucker. Great character.

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I can't stand Carl either but in all honesty I don't think it's Carl I dislike, I think it's the actor. He is rotten. Normally if a character is disliked then the actor is doing a good job. I don't think the character 'Carl' is supposed to be a universally disliked 'Character', I just think it's the boy in real life. As I say, if I really disliked Carl then I'd be saying fair play to the actor, but I don't have anything positive to say about the guy. If anyone can understand what I'm trying to say?? :lol:

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That last scene was terrible IMO. Location shifting Glen passes out and the Gov's sister in law kills a zombie while a big loud truck saunters up with noone hearing it come.

I really wish the show wouldn't cater for the comic nerds and make realistic TV. At least as realistic as the zombie genre can be.

The shit with Tyrese was terrible. He just leaves psycho girl, the other one (where did she come from?) and the baby to run toward a scream? Then Carol appears with them a minute later. Was she following them? If so why not reveal herself when she saw them? Or did she just stumble upon the girls at that exact time? Conveniant.

The only good bit of that episode for me was Daryl and Beth.

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Was ok tonight IMO, Eugene is a goon though.

Definitely. How any of them can believe he's a gubment scientist is beyond me.

I'm liking this Abraham character but he seems a bit too simple for me, like blindly believing this Eugene character. I know its a mission for him and it maybe keeps his mind occupied but surely he knows that this guy isnt for real.

The only groups I am interested in is Rick and Abrahams group. The rest can sook my plooms. The next few episodes are gonna be baws methinks.

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can't help thinking that this or possibly the next one should be the last, It is still a good watch but the comic book believability is now starting to wear a little thin, yes you can make a zombie killing story only so believable I suppose but tv works differently to comics and it is easier to pick up faults in storylines and scenes.

Are the comics still going by the way? My son was asking about them and are they suitable for a 14 year old?

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I was glad that everyone got forced out of the prison as it meant the were on the move, and more vulnerable to walker attacks, and not holed up in the same place all the time. But no doubt they will all meet at the sanctuary and stay there for ages again.

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depends what sort of things you let your son hear/watch/play just now, some are a bit gruesome.

I probably wouldn't. They're black and white so it's not overly graphic but it's still very violent and whatnot. Much more so than the tv show.

He usually does the darkish superhero stuff so will probably steer him clear of these then ,thanks

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