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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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The first half of the season was decent. Breaking out of Terminus and going to get Beth from the hospital, and her getting killed of in the mid season finale. Second half has been pretty dire. I was hoping Alexandria would be like Woodbury, a normal looking place but with a lot of weird shit going on in the background.

Hopefully season six is a lot better.

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Is it only me who loves every episode of TWD? I don't know why but most people think the programme has its ups and downs but it has been fantastic from the first episode for me.

No. Ive really enjoyed this season too. Last night finale wasnt quite as in your face as previous ones but it was still really good.

The leaving the gate open was a bit LOOK AT ME IM A PLOT DEVICE but it was kinda necessary in the grand scheme of "youre all going to die without us"

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I'm surprised no one else has mentioned the rapid change in light during the end. Rick entered the 'compound' and it was bright daylight. The next scene it's somehow pitch dark, yet everything was continuing on as if instant. WTF?!

If I'm being honest I really can't say I'm looking forward to the start of season 6. I'm not a viewer who want's action every week; far from it in fact. I enjoy character development. I'm starting to get pretty bored of this though and have been since they arrived at Alexandria. I really hope the next season starts with the place being destroyed. The lack of danger makes the whole show boring. There needs to be that genuine risk of death for it to be gripping. Hopefully they go back on the road and get wind of a cure of something. For me personally the show has almost ran it's course. They've been out in the wilderness long enough. Time to start wrapping things up IMO before it starts to become monotonous and all the good things about the show are forgotten.

Edited by 19QOS19
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SLJ's post was more amusing before he edited it:

[ quote name=kev23" post="9340294" timestamp="1427754278]
I don't know how to do spoilers on the phone
There's a shocker

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I'm surprised no one else has mentioned the rapid change in light during the end. Rick entered the 'compound' and it was bright daylight. The next scene it's somehow pitch dark, yet everything was continuing on as if instant. WTF?!

If I'm being honest I really can't say I'm looking forward to the start of season 6. I'm not a viewer who want's action every week; far from it in fact. I enjoy character development. I'm starting to get pretty bored of this though and have been since they arrived at Alexandria. I really hope the next season starts with the place being destroyed. The lack of danger makes the whole show boring. There needs to be that genuine risk of death for it to be gripping. Hopefully they go back on the road and get wind of a cure of something. For me personally the show has almost ran it's course. They've been out in the wilderness long enough. Time to start wrapping things up IMO before it starts to become monotonous and all the good things about the show are forgotten.

I reckon you'll see major character development from Deanna next season, who very quickly went from "you can't just execute someone" to "execute the fucker" in about 5 seconds. There will no doubt be an interesting dynamic to all of that and how the original Alexandrians adjust.

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The whole season has been shite as far as im concerned. The show has been on a downward spiral for a couple of seasons now which pains me to say as im a massive fan of the show

Whit? The show was pretty terrible when they were hanging about Hershel's farm.

This has been comfortably the most complete and entertaining series and the show is going from strength to strength rather than getting weaker imo.

There might not have been a big climactic face off but still plenty to like in that episode and we're nicely set up for next series.

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It's just really dull now. Long spells of soul searching and talking.

The characters aren't developing either. Guys like Glenn, Abe and Daryl are now boring. They could kill of more then 50% of the group and it wouldn't matter. They don't add to the story.

You've got to wonder how much longer is this going to last.

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It's just really dull now. Long spells of soul searching and talking.

The characters aren't developing either. Guys like Glenn, Abe and Daryl are now boring. They could kill of more then 50% of the group and it wouldn't matter. They don't add to the story.

You've got to wonder how much longer is this going to last.

I have to agree with this. You need secondary characters but they're leaving people with great backstories from the comics at the wayside, Abraham being the biggest waste of the lot. This is a guy that could be really developed and given some serious screentime and all we get is his little tiff with Mulletboy. That story arc is obviously relevant but its not very good.

Carol has gotten a lot better but now I think they're going a bit too far with it, she's not a good enough actress to pull off witty one-liners or be threatening to anyone that could possibly handle themselves, she's best left being sly & aware whilst scaring/executing little kids.

Gabriel, Glenn, Maggie, Rosita & Corl could all be written off and it wouldn't be detrimental to the show in the slightest I dont think. Edit to add: Sasha as well. Please, please get her to f**k.

I thought the finale was ok but not brilliant. Some good questions are being set up for next season but I'm not exactly choking for it to start. Best scene was the end one with Morgan and you've got to wonder how they'll get along with each other in the next season as Morgan obviously knows what he's doing but doesn't seem to want to harm anyone pre-emptively, only when he needs to.

Anyone notice the fact that he's turned into a ninja master with his stick all of a sudden? Seems a zombie apocalypse can turn people into dynamite killing machines with tremendous finesse.

Edited by 11thHour
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Whit? The show was pretty terrible when they were hanging about Hershel's farm.

This has been comfortably the most complete and entertaining series and the show is going from strength to strength rather than getting weaker imo.

There might not have been a big climactic face off but still plenty to like in that episode and we're nicely set up for next series.

If you dont agree with me, thats fine however the common feeling on this thread is that its maybe not as good as you think it is. Everyone has their own opinion though i suppose

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I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best season finale I've ever seen, but I thought it was good, and set things up for next season, which I'm guessing will be centred around an Alexandria with Rick and Morgan in charge v the Wolves.

Incidentally, has anyone seen the film Zatoichi? I thought Morgan had shades of his fighting style at the start.

ETA: Shocker as well when watching the Talking Dead after it to find that the actor who plays Morgan is British..

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It's just really dull now. Long spells of soul searching and talking.

The characters aren't developing either. Guys like Glenn, Abe and Daryl are now boring. They could kill of more then 50% of the group and it wouldn't matter. They don't add to the story.

You've got to wonder how much longer is this going to last.

A while yet. I'll pop it in a spoiler even though it isn't overly specific.

If you've read the comics, the series isn't close to reaching the point in time where the comics are set. There are some pretty massive plot twists and one particularly tumultuous event coming up in the next few seasons of we go by the books, and then a huge moment in what looks like Season Ten. The producers have already spoken about having episode arcs right through to the event so it has a while in it yet. My suggestion would be to stick with it, as a) it isn't going anywhere (just look at viewing figures alone) and b) it should get pretty tasty from here on.

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If you dont agree with me, thats fine however the common feeling on this thread is that its maybe not as good as you think it is. Everyone has their own opinion though i suppose

That might be the common feeling on this thread, but the viewing figures in the U.S. alone suggest that the public by and large have enjoyed it. Regularly around the 13/14 million mark, with the finale getting 15.8 (a show high for a final episode). I personally enjoyed it, and really liked this season too.

Edited by Quitongo's Left Peg
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That might be the common feeling on this thread, but the viewing figures in the U.S. alone suggest that the public by and large have enjoyed it. Regularly around the 13/14 million mark, with the finale getting 15.8 (a show high). I personally enjoyed it, and really liked this season too.

Its a show that a lot of people have invested a great deal of time into so although i dont see its high standards coming back any time soon, i will still watch it as its better than some of the dross on tv just now

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Its a show that a lot of people have invested a great deal of time into so although i dont see its high standards coming back any time soon, i will still watch it as its better than some of the dross on tv just now

Not sure that invested time is the only reason the viewing figures are so high. It's steadily gained viewers every season, and that's not a coincidence. To be completely honest I was shocked to see so many on this thread be dismissive of the season/finale when I enjoyed it and most of the reviews etc I've seen have been fairly positive.

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As i said earlier mate, everyones opinion differs. Its a programme with a massive following which shows on the viewing figures but viewing figures doesnt always reflect the quality of a show. Look at eastenders and corrie :lol:

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