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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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I really enjoyed last nights episode, it was really well put together I thought and had a great mood about it. Was also nice to see them kick about the city for a change instead of the woods all the time.

Knew there was gonna be a raid on the hospital but doesnt detract from it at all.

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Some people are getting far too hard please imo. I enjoyed that episode just like I have every one so far this season in different ways.

Loved the filming of the cityscapes, Atlanta? looked stunning when ravaged.

My problem with it is that I generally don't give a shit about, or actively despise, the majority of the characters. So, if there isn't much happening, and all we're getting is the characters interacting with each other, I pretty much switch off because - c**t Rick, Daryl and Abraham aside - they're all greetin faced wankers, the majority of whom haven't been developed in the slightest and offer pretty much nothing.

The van scene was pretty much the only thing that grabbed my attention with last nights episode.

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I enjoyed the episode but like others said, there could have been a bit more action. The way Noah managed to get the weapons off them was a bit too easy, it's not like Daryl to not put up a bit of a fight, even if he does have a gun pointed at him. So the next episode will be Daryl going back to get everyone at the church and then raiding the hospital to get Carol and Beth back, this will be fun!!!

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I liked the fact that they were back in a cityscape, it did make a refreshing change for identikit forest/highway/town. The episode was okay but the complete change in pace during the last few episodes has meant a loss of momentum, I do expect that to change from next week though.

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The wee blurb on my sky planner says something along the lines of "torn between defending the church or storming the hospital, are our group sperad too thin".

Can't actually quote it, as Mrs Ranter is watching some pure shite or other at the mo.

ok, so it actually says

"Crossed - Between holding down the church and going on a rescue mission, our group is spread pretty thin. Is this going to be a breaking point?"

I think this week will be all about deciding whether to take the hospital or not, then the big showdown the following week.

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ok, so it actually says

"Crossed - Between holding down the church and going on a rescue mission, our group is spread pretty thin. Is this going to be a breaking point?"

I think this week will be all about deciding whether to take the hospital or not, then the big showdown the following week.

Why do they need to hold down the church? Its not exactly a great base and since the cannibals are gone there are no humans after it.

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So if that's Daryl back are they going to go after Abraham and co or head for the church???

Actually Morgan will probably turn up which will delay the storyline enough for Abraham and the rest to catch up with them probably!!!

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