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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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Think Rick was right to an extent just went about it completely the wrong way.

Can see the finale going one of two ways either they are ready to exile Rick and some of his group when the zombies or the folk behind the W marks attack.

Or the Alexandria leader comes clean and admits they are being threatened by the group behind the W marks maybe somebody they exiled previously? And need Ricks group to help see them off.

Either way can either see Rock or one of his group being in charge of Alexandria by the end of the episode.

I think your first option will be the one. The group will split into two, with half of it about to leave with Rick / plotting to overthrow the whole place, then the walker attack will come instead.

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I watched the finale and thought I liked it. Then I thought about it and I've decided it was a bit "meh".

I get what it was supposed to achieve and I understand the bigger picture, but I just felt a bit underwhelmed for a series finale.

I thought it was a really good episode but as you say a bit meh for a finale. Thought there was going to be some massive shocking ending or something like that.

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The whole season has been shite as far as im concerned. The show has been on a downward spiral for a couple of seasons now which pains me to say as im a massive fan of the show

Aye can't argue with that. Decent episode but as a season finale it was a bit of a let down.

The 2 previous episodes were brilliant, I thought it was a perfect set up for a finale.

Oh and how much of a w**k is that priest?

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The trend seems to be rather than having a traditional big season finale with loads happening they move all the significant character deaths, action and conclusion to story arcs to the first episode of the next season in an attempt to keep you hooked.

But for a 90 minute episode it struggled to keep me interested tbh and I felt a bit disappointed. The pace has slowed so much that you really need to watch about three episodes back to back before you actually feel you've seen something worthwhile.

The whole leaving the gate open scenario was just nonsense! lol

Edited by Pepper
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Well that was a load of rubbish. Hardly anything happened the whole season and the finale just sets up the start of next season.

There are far too many pointless characters and most of this season's episodes have been far too slow.

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Can we talk about it now? I don't know how to do spoilers on the phone so if you haven't seen it stop reading now.

Episode felt like a decent normal episode rather than the big finale we were hoping for. The first scene with

Morgan was probably my favourite. I don't imagine the Wolves are a group of 2 either so will be interesting to see how they develop. Gabriel is a shite character and I wish Sasha popped him then turned the gun on herself. I'm not interested in them at all. Neither am I particularly interested in the Glenn/Nicholas story.

Pretty annoyed that the final scene killed off two nothing characters, was hoping for a big one to go.

Looking forward to seeing how Morgan and Rick will get on as well as how they develop the Daryll Aaron storyline in season 6.

Found season 5 pretty disappointing overall.

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