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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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So after I was disappointed in season 4 I gave this a break for a year and I'm now finally caught up. It's still not as compelling as the 1st 3 seasons but it's passable . I just want The governor and Shane back

Duno if you've read the last couple pages but I said something similar. For me the atmosphere is entirely different now but in a bad way.

There was a time where Michonne and Daryl really intrigued me as characters and I'd have been gutted if they had been killed; more so Daryl. But for me they've lost their mysteriousness. Michonne has went from a dark edgy character to another bore tbh. As for Daryl, I can't remember the last time we saw him on screen for longer than 3 minutes. He just seems to be riding around :lol: The other day when Michonne almost got bitten I really wasn't bothered. I'm at the stage now where I wouldn't give a shit if Daryl went!

I think it's clear I'm not the biggest lover of this show now. The fact I enjoyed last week's episode maybe suggests character development is more my cup of tea. I like action don't get me wrong, but if I don't care about the characters then it's hard to get that adrenalin rush. I particularly enjoyed that episode that got slated: the one with Daryl and Beth. It softened Daryl as a character and we got a bit more insight into his past. I'd like the show to take that route with the filler episodes. Tell us more about the characters' history. It might make me will them on instead of secretly wanting them to get eaten every time a zombie attack occurs :lol:

Edited by 19QOS19
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Duno if you've read the last couple pages but I said something similar. For me the atmosphere is entirely different now but in a bad way.

There was a time where Michonne and Daryl really intrigued me as characters and I'd have been gutted if they had been killed; more so Daryl. But for me they've lost their mysteriousness. Michonne has went from a dark edgy character to another bore tbh. As for Daryl, I can't remember the last time we saw him on screen for longer than 3 minutes. He just seems to be riding around :lol: The other day when Michonne almost got bitten I really wasn't bothered. I'm at the stage now where I wouldn't give a shit if Daryl went!

I think it's clear I'm not the biggest lover of this show now. The fact I enjoyed last week's episode maybe suggests character development is more my cup of tea. I like action don't get me wrong, but if I don't care about the characters then it's hard to get that adrenalin rush. I particularly enjoyed that episode that got slated: the one with Daryl and Beth. It softened Daryl as a character and we got a bit more insight into his past. I'd like the show to take that route with the filler episodes. Tell us more about the characters' history. It might make me will them on instead of secretly wanting them to get eaten every time a zombie attack occurs :lol:

Who slated that episode? It was one of the best ever.

I think this series is as much about introducing new characters into the group and so some of the established ones have taken a bit of a back seat.

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Who slated that episode? It was one of the best ever.

I think this series is as much about introducing new characters into the group and so some of the established ones have taken a bit of a back seat.

Can mind some folk weren't keen on it at the time. Various places, maybe not so much here but can certainly mind reading and speaking to folk who for some reason didn't enjoy it and classed it as just filler.

Yes I suppose that's what they are doing more of now, but for me personally I'd prefer them to go into a more detailed past of the ones we have just now. It doesn't appear that the writers share my sentiment though.

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IIRC the Daryl and Beth episode has the lowest user rating on imdb so far by a fair margin. General opinion was it was shite filler. I loved it though.

Yeah, I defo remember it being slated at the time for being "boring as f**k". Not so much on this forum right enough.

I couldn't understand the criticism. Daryl is generally one of the favourites, so why wouldn't folk want to find out a little more about his past, as we did in that episode? :o

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Assuming it was just the blood from where the Wolf had died, before he became the walker that she tried to kill.

Seems they've completely brushed over Rick cutting his hand (and his escape from the RV), so that was evidently just a tease.

Still got to assume Glenn turns up one way or another at some point (I still think he's dead).

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I wondered if the speech abour her never knowing whats happened or why it happened was a huge hint at whats to come. It would be outstanding if they never explained what had happened to Glenn as everytime Maggie was in danger youd be expecting him to appear.

Looks like a much needed Darryl episode next week too

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Bit annoying that they didn't show Rick escaping the herd that was gonna trap him in the RV, and the fact that his hand was ready for falling off, and all of a sudden it's fine...

I'm assuming he just legged it straight away, but there was no bandage or anything on his hand. It's as if it didn't even happen.

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Bit annoying that they didn't show Rick escaping the herd that was gonna trap him in the RV, and the fact that his hand was ready for falling off, and all of a sudden it's fine...

aye,i was wondering about that too.a couple of weeks ago folks were discussing is ricks number up and its just been dealt with like "yeah,whatever".great first 3 episodes but unimpressed totally by last 2

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As filler episode go I thought it was decent enough. Hopefully that kid kills Carl, I hate everything about him. f**k knows why the show feel they need to keep him with that horrendous hair.

I'm really looking forward to next week, looks like its Darryl back to his best.

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I'm assuming he just legged it straight away, but there was no bandage or anything on his hand. It's as if it didn't even happen.

He still had the bandage, you see it a few times

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