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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Followed the Roy Walker code of practice.....say what you see

The queens pitch plays a Hell of lot better now after repair, tho still feel the bounce isn't as natural as ours, still one of the better ones tho

Surprised you have the time to pop in here with you're strange obsession with Rangers

It's not been repaired; it's been replaced.

And it's "your". "Your strange obsession with Rangers".

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BPM & Mr Dust have already given their expert opion of you pitch thanks.

As my mate was involved at Falkirk when the surfaces went in I was given an insight into the difference in the two surfaces and the one at Hamilton. We chose one that has been used in Holland which has fibres which are finer and the technology means that they do not flatten as easily. QOS's is better now but the initial surface poorly installed and had issues with it from day one. The turf however is different to the one at TFS and is much more similar to Hamilton than ours.

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Kilmarnock's surface is different than the rest due to it being a multi sport pitch. It has an extra layer under it and it's grass fibres are longer so it can get used for rugby.

Sorry but it maybe different to Hamilton or QOS, but Falkirk's is not the same as any others in Scotland.

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Aye there is, it's too windy!

Hey, don't knock that wind. It helped get you to a Cup Final.

It's a funny thing. Our ground is not especially elevated or exposed and it's therefore rarely that windy. And yet, there have been several very windy games against Falkirk in the last few years.

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As my mate was involved at Falkirk when the surfaces went in I was given an insight into the difference in the two surfaces and the one at Hamilton. We chose one that has been used in Holland which has fibres which are finer and the technology means that they do not flatten as easily. QOS's is better now but the initial surface poorly installed and had issues with it from day one. The turf however is different to the one at TFS and is much more similar to Hamilton than ours.

Did we get any money back for the old revolutionary electric undersoil heating system?

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It's not been repaired; it's been replaced. And it's "your". "Your strange obsession with Rangers".

So replacing it wasn't part of the repair job to a poor surface ?

Apologies for not doing a spell check on my phone pre posting, probably still trying to get my head round a QOS fan chasing Rangers about like a silly wee lassie's love of one direction......

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So replacing it wasn't part of the repair job to a poor surface ?

Apologies for not doing a spell check on my phone pre posting, probably still trying to get my head round a QOS fan chasing Rangers about like a silly wee lassie's love of one direction......

Repairing something and replacing it are different things. Is that a difficult concept for you?

The spell check wouldn't have helped. It was really your syntax that was faulty.

And stop going on about Rangers man. You're coming across as totally obsessed.

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Repairing something and replacing it are different things. Is that a difficult concept for you? The spell check wouldn't have helped. It was really your syntax that was faulty. And stop going on about Rangers man. You're coming across as totally obsessed.

I remember saying at the time and getting slaughtered by QOS fans that the company who installed it made a James Hunt of it.

It is certainly better now but I believe QOS should have went with the same surface as Falkirk, afterall it was the same manufacturer.

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Repairing something and replacing it are different things. Is that a difficult concept for you? The spell check wouldn't have helped. It was really your syntax that was faulty. And stop going on about Rangers man. You're coming across as totally obsessed.

Repair definition -
1. to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend: to repair a motor.
2. to restore or renew by any process of making good, strengthening, etc.: to repair one's health by resting.
3. to remedy; make good; make up for: to repair damage; to repair a deficiency.
4. to make amends for; compensate: to repair a wrong done.
I also leave the old firm stuff to the small minded
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Repair definition -

1. to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend: to repair a motor.

2. to restore or renew by any process of making good, strengthening, etc.: to repair one's health by resting.

3. to remedy; make good; make up for: to repair damage; to repair a deficiency.

4. to make amends for; compensate: to repair a wrong done.

I also leave the old firm stuff to the small minded

Yip, there's no doubt about it. Your ability to copy and paste from an on-line dictionary is second to none.

Your capacity to make a remotely relevant point however, is less well developed.

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Yip, there's no doubt about it. Your ability to copy and paste from an on-line dictionary is second to none. Your capacity to make a remotely relevant point however, is less well developed.

More to it using a chromebook, I could've used the repaired laptop.....or is that a new laptop ?

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More to it using a chromebook, I could've used the repaired laptop.....or is that a new laptop ?

I've no idea whether your laptop has been repaired or replaced.

I don't wish to appear callous, really I don't, but I'm afraid I don't really care either.

Why are you being weird about this?

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I've no idea whether your laptop has been repaired or replaced. I don't wish to appear callous, really I don't, but I'm afraid I don't really care either. Why are you being weird about this?

Weird in replying to posts in a Falkirk thread ?

Whereas chasing Rangers in multi postings is normal ?

I think we have different definitions to weird, like we do with repair

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I remember saying at the time and getting slaughtered by QOS fans that the company who installed it made a James Hunt of it.

It is certainly better now but I believe QOS should have went with the same surface as Falkirk, afterall it was the same manufacturer.

You were talking utter rubbish then and you still are. The surfaces are not the same manufacturer. Never were. We looked at the same one but didnt go for it. And no matter how often you care to deny it the fact is our surface was ranked above yours last season and is ranked above it this season to date (albeit marginally). We dont feel the need to try to claim the sort if credit you do about it though.
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