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25 minutes ago, Shooboax said:

Old Pishy Broon Shoes did well for you lot as far as we were concerned. Fifer does us a favour, braw.


Aye unlike yourselves he could only spend the money budgeted for at the time and not just any old amount whether you could afford it or not.

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I keep hearing the collapse of the Setanta deal like Falkirk were the only club that it hit.

We went wrong because of a lack of control, planing and vision.

Im not supporting the board in my post. Ultimately putting their eggs in one basket basically caused the last few years scrimping and scraping.
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1 minute ago, Crawford Baptie said:

Im not supporting the board in my post. Ultimately putting their eggs in one basket basically caused the last few years scrimping and scraping.

The ludicrous decision to give Eddie may the job followed by pressley was what killed us. Just incredible and we're still paying for it 7 years on.

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Elvis as scout....

Yep his best signed outfield players were tip offs from ex employees and former team mates.

Jordan White, Tam McManus, Pedro Mountinho, Mhedi Khalis, Darren Dods, Kenny Dechar, Andy Haworth, Ryan McGeever, johnny Flynn, Chris smith, David wetherston, Sean higgins , michael mcgovern an Lyle Taylor, Farid both were tipped for him

I wouldn't trust him with a five a side team, he'd play for a draw


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5 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

According to his mates Pressley saved Falkirk Football Club emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png

Bow down and be more grateful. I'm sure he's been harshly treated in difficult circumstances. Again.

Watch out Back Post Mrs and cronies will be after you!!

Edited by BountyBairn
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Well that's it for us by the looks. Houston admitting in the papers this morning he is not going to see a penny of the cash we got for Vaulks.

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1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:

Well that's it for us by the looks. Houston admitting in the papers this morning he is not going to see a penny of the cash we got for Vaulks.

No bite, well done ;-)

We'll do well to make playoffs this season. Vaulks carried us in some big games last season and his determination box to box is not something we have in the squad currently.

truly underwhelming but with the Blazers we have, hardly a surprise.

Are we going to be in this league for the longest period in our history? Absolutely no motivation or ambition to get out of it.

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9 hours ago, Bigbrbairn said:

Elvis did what he could with no money. I loved it when he said he was developing youth. He had no money to do anything else! Some boy

' I guarantee you falkirk will not get relegated' :lol::lol:. What a clown.His budget the first year down was probably bigger than the one Housties got now. The problem was that for every good signing there were two or three real duffers.  He signed players like Chris Smith and Andy Haworth  who played less than 20 times for the club . Haworth especially was mooted as a great signing and must've cost us a fair few bob to pay off. That plus his continual re signing of carl 'the crock' finnigan.  We never got close to promotion in any year he was here. Even Holt who wasn't great at least had us in with a chance of going up. Pressley was murder for us and has been murder for every other club he's managed too.


I certainly cant see us going up whilst the current clueless crowd are in charge. Aslong as they've still got 2500-3000 folk buying their season tickets they'll be quite happy to keep on taking the piss out them.

Edited by Shadwell Dog
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Outside Pressley's first season in this league the Falkirk Board have no desire to go up. If we had had any ambition at all we would have gone up the Holt season.

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Fickle bunch. Get behind the club

Usually I'd agree, some of the posters on here aren't 'supporters' at all. Just whingers, but the club selling one of our best and brightest young players and only giving the manager enough money to replace him with a 33 year old midfielder is a backwards move.
The fact they've then put out a statement about the playoffs being unfair to try take the heat off the Vaulks move is daft. Then houstons came out and said he will not be giving anymore dosh while stating there is a hole left by Vaulks leaving is all really poor management.
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Houston has all but admitted our midfield leaves a void with Vaulks gone and Rankin in.  Other teams have been more ambitious in their strengthening.  I can't see us doing better than 5th place at the time being.

I'm not worried about defence or attack, but if you don't have anyone that can create openings/chances for the attack, then what chance have you got?

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20 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

If Housty uses the squad we have and gets the best put of what we have, we should be doing a hell of a lot better than 5th. It annoys me that Sibbs is stick out on the left when Hippo is on the bench constantly. Hippo has his flaws but he is a true wide player not like Sibbs who is making do out there.

This talk of struggling for the playoffs now after previously (few weeks back) people were talking up a title run is mental, purely for the loss of Vaulks.

I agree he was good, and I agree not replacing him is a mistake, but f**k me he wasnt superman. And we made do without him a few times whilst he filled in at the back/suspension last season.

We should be pushing on this year though after an excellent season last year. There's no Rangers in the league so why not aim that wee bit higher? After all they were the only team above us last season.The board seem happy for us to limp into 4th place and the lack of reinvestment in the squad certainly points to that. I'm sure a disappointing start to the season would suddenly see some more cash  becoming available similar to the baird/kerr signings the season before last which came after we struggled in the first half of that season. All the board are interested in is making the playoffs each season on the smallest expenditure  possible.

Edited by Shadwell Dog
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11 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

We should be pushing on this year though after an excellent season last year.

So who exactly were the big inspiring signings that we made last summer that allowed us to have such an "excellent season" ? Going into the beginning of last season did you think Yaaaaaassss we have signed shagger McHugh and Danny Rodgers to replace Loy and McDonald ? 

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McHugh's a decent player but he's no Rory Loy unfortunately and there's still question marks over his fitness. Difficult one with McDonald and Rogers. Rogers started off poorly and then came on to a game. They were both young players with a bit of potential though and most of us had heard of what Rogers had done at Dumbarton to be satisfied that he could do a job. Another decent season from McHugh if he stays fit and he could at least be worth a few bob. Neither McHugh or Rogers are journeymen players like Craigen and Squigler. You don't have to be Jose Mourinho to know  that neither of them are as good as their replacements.  Our other signings will be lucky to get a start as none have proven so far to be better than the others in their positions. Nothing wrong with that as we need backups but its not improving on last years team which is what we all wanted to see this season.

It surprises me that we aren't at least making a little bit of an effort to reinvest some of the cash we've banked from the Vaulks deal. Yes. Doesn't have to be one marquee signing but 2 or 3 decent players to strengthen the first 11 especially in the middle of the park . You have to keep improving in football or others will pass you by and that's what really worries me this season. I can easily see the likes of St Mirren overtaking us this season looking at some of the players that they have brought in especially through good use of the loan market which we seem to have avoided Danny apart. In January we had a midfield squad of Vaulks, Alston, Sibbald, Hippolyte, Taiwo, McGrandles and Kerr which gave us good cover and far more of a goal threat than the current  Henderson, Sibbald, Rankin, Taiwo , Craigen, Hippolyte and kerr. You've got Rankin replacing Vaulks, Henderson replacing mcGrandles and Craigen replacing Alston. I certainly know which players I'd rather have.

Edited by Shadwell Dog
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20 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:



Id love to see McGrandles back again, but lets not go using him as an example of strength last season. If you want to know whether I think Henderson is a better replacement... Then yes potentially. Reason being, McGrandles looked off the pace, then got a horrendous injury.

I expect to see more of Henderson than we did of Conor this season so I cant go throwing his name about as a show of how strong we were.

I also think to call Craigen a journeyman is needlessly harsh and unmerited at this point.

And some of the young team were getting a look in pre season, we could see a breakthrough into the first team for someone like Peggie for example. Hes about the age the likes of Sibbs and Conor broke through.

Call me naive but despite my disappointment with Vaulks going, I expect a similar standard to last season, with the exception of more games being sewn up without the need for last minute heroics or dropping points in the dying minutes due to our defence looking solid with Grant to return.


Only time will tell I suppose but I'll be surprised if we turn out to have a better team on the park than we had last season. Hopefully Grant will be back soon and that will make a huge difference at the back. Watson has done okay but is still a bit lightweight and prone to lose concentration at times. A back 4 of Grant, Gasparotto, Muirhead and Leahy means we wont lose a lot of goals but I am concerned about where the goals may come from for us especially in the midfield area.

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15 hours ago, Bigbrbairn said:

Elvis did what he could with no money. I loved it when he said he was developing youth. He had no money to do anything else! Some boy

Bar one season Elvis had decent budgets and Funnily enough his best season or half a season was that season with lesser budget, winning 5 in the last 20 games of that season pointed out his time should've been up, never mind should've continued after the mess he made relegating us.

As for this season, no way we will have a season like last league wise, we would've won the league most years with the points tally. We will compete tho and time will tell 're new players signed. We have always been slow starters under Houstie and to throw in the towel, like some have in July is just silly. It's gonna be tougher but not impossible. 

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