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Anyone heading to this fans forum tonight? Think I'll go down for a wee listen, no asking any questions but cause I'm a shitebag

I see another director quit today, Colin Liddell
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1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:


I see another director quit today, Colin Liddell


One of the better ones maybe? Always thought he was a decent man when I've met him, not totally sure what his contribution was this time round but was involved years ago too from recollection?

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2 minutes ago, brokeville said:

Very concerning regarding recent board movements. We need a board committed to the club and 100% behind the team. Too many involved for the wrong reasons.

What alterior motives exist? Don't need you to name names or that but it would be interesting for us all to hear what motives the board have other than bettering the club. I can't think of any if im honest. Perhaps prawn or succulent lamb cuisine but that's about it. You could ask Back Post Misses - he's been in about it in the past.

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Going by the tweets, without being there, explains why Houston has been known as a 'lazy' recruiter of players. They seem to have put all their eggs in one basket looking purely at players in Scotland, and saying its agents who suggest players from England. Could be taken out of context but suggests there's a reluctance to look at players in England despite having many successful signings from south of the border.

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Decided to go along tonight (I don't normally like these kinds of things) and tbh there was some interesting soundbites but nothing ground-breaking...unsurprisingly

First half was Doug Henderson and a woman who I apologise but can't remember her name (had something to do with the academy or something). Couple questions asked regarding debt/player sales/4th stand etc.

Apparently made circa £1m profit last year but was used to pay off soft loans and to establish a reserve fund...the playing budget was increased this year but never said by how much

4th stand is being looked at to determine it's financial viability which is fair enough but what got me was talk of who was going to pay for it; presumably this means the club are looking for someone like the council to come on board?

We were told to be patient with the academy and Gallagher for example will get a little more game time, Saturday for example, but Houston sounded rather reluctant to bring any straight into the team which I guess is fair enough if he thinks they're not ready or good enough

Scouting was talked about and I had a good laugh at the guy who asked if we scouted the junior leagues on a regular basis..Has anyone emerged from the juniors since the 80s?

Oh and apparently queens are paying Dobbie £2k a week...Don't shoot the messenger

Apologies for the long winded approach, sure I've wasted a good couple minutes of your time

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