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The Falkirk FC Thread

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I really like the idea of c.

I’m assuming your taking the piss as was i when i put in in ! Joking aside, although it would rarely improve our fortunes on the park it might make it a easier to watch a crap team losing alot if they were genuinly the best local lads we could do rather than a result of bad signings and wasted money
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I’m assuming your taking the piss as was i when i put in in ! Joking aside, although it would rarely improve our fortunes on the park it might make it a easier to watch a crap team losing alot if they were genuinly the best local lads we could do rather than a result of bad signings and wasted money
I was and I wasn't! imagine a team like the Lisbon lions within 30 miles of the falkirk stadium...a team full of McAllisters and sibbalds! as we all know difficult to get 18 or so players from the area good enough however probably would be a good bond between players and fans and a great marketing tool! hate watching Scotland now as many players don't even have a scottish accent, clyb football is going same way with very few local players and many loan players who aren't even properly signed with the club
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5 minutes ago, bridge of allan bairn said:
12 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

I’m assuming your taking the piss as was i when i put in in ! Joking aside, although it would rarely improve our fortunes on the park it might make it a easier to watch a crap team losing alot if they were genuinly the best local lads we could do rather than a result of bad signings and wasted money

I was and I wasn't! imagine a team like the Lisbon lions within 30 miles of the falkirk stadium...a team full of McAllisters and sibbalds! as we all know difficult to get 18 or so players from the area good enough however probably would be a good bond between players and fans and a great marketing tool! hate watching Scotland now as many players don't even have a scottish accent, clyb football is going same way with very few local players and many loan players who aren't even properly signed with the club

That, in itself, was impressive enough until it's realised that only Bobby Lennox, who was from Saltcoats, was from so far away. The rest all came from Glasgow or surrounding area!

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22 minutes ago, bridge of allan bairn said:
29 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

I’m assuming your taking the piss as was i when i put in in ! Joking aside, although it would rarely improve our fortunes on the park it might make it a easier to watch a crap team losing alot if they were genuinly the best local lads we could do rather than a result of bad signings and wasted money

I was and I wasn't! imagine a team like the Lisbon lions within 30 miles of the falkirk stadium...a team full of McAllisters and sibbalds! as we all know difficult to get 18 or so players from the area good enough however probably would be a good bond between players and fans and a great marketing tool! hate watching Scotland now as many players don't even have a scottish accent, clyb football is going same way with very few local players and many loan players who aren't even properly signed with the club

Fair point actually although it was a totally different universe to now didn't some of that squad not have to work proper jobs whilst apprentices at celtic aswell?.  before I rabble this pish  i'm just going to say i'm not trying to change the world this is just what happens when you have too much time on your hands!

It had just got me thinking what exactly would make somebody want to go to a Falkirk game? the football is poor, the league doesn't have any big ticket opposition, atmosphere is sh1te.  The players aren't great. that's an understatement actually. We are in the bottom half of the Scottish championship, about the same footballing standard as the English conference or the league of Ireland. you can't get much lower than us and still be classed as professional ( note in most of Europe they don't count part time players as pro's , if its not your main occupation your amateur). These players (mostly ) have no attachment to the club or the fans they only play for us because we pay them to, yet they aren't very good and we charge quite a lot.

if you look back through our history it would seem for every year we have spent being successful in the top flight & playing well we've had 2 in the 2nd tier being mediocre with the odd cup run. with that in mind I'm going to believe the board when they said that there isn't really much profit to be made from running a provincial football club in Scotland so from that I think we can say the "spend spend spend and have a quality team" option isn't a good idea or we'll just end up back in the championship watching the next lot of Jordan whites pass it sideways & backwards a few years later.   I guess we could lower the price to 12 pound for adults and keep all the other freebies in place, a reasonable price for this level I'd say only thing is we would probably  end up with only  a minimal increase in crowds whilst the club loses money ( I know this sticks in folks throats as we are basically being punished for being the ones that go!) .  The other option of do nothing and hope something outwith our control changes ie a weak championship giving us a path to promotion or an exapanded top flight, favourable cup draws and the like.  well fine but what if nothing happens ? folk will get scunnered eventually. 

I wasn't born a Falkirk fan, my dad wasn't into football much & my family are armchair old firm fans ( never mind which side before ye ask) I support Falkirk cause my mates went to the Falkirk games and I went with them once we were old enough to f**k off up town unsupervised, a lot of them don't go any more because they have either moved away or have work & other commitment or cant/don't want to pay the money, some pick and choose which games the go to. the social side of it for me has totally gone now  its mostly game n hame now and at times its been murder, no enjoyment yet you somehow feel bad if you dinny go.  Anyway , how do you actually make people want to go? 20 quid is not an outrageous amount of money in itself but it is a lot for what you get.  would you pay 20 quid to get into a provincial nightclub in central Scotland? would you pay 20 quid at the pictures to watch a film made by a poor quality production company? would you f**k.  some people pay over the odds for "authentic locally made artisanal bollocks " tho , just sayin!

without a money tree or the next Guardiola working with the youth team we don't even have any more what do we do? answers on a postcard.

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Fair point actually although it was a totally different universe to now didn't some of that squad not have to work proper jobs whilst apprentices at celtic aswell?.  before I rabble this pish  i'm just going to say i'm not trying to change the world this is just what happens when you have too much time on your hands!
It had just got me thinking what exactly would make somebody want to go to a Falkirk game? the football is poor, the league doesn't have any big ticket opposition, atmosphere is sh1te.  The players aren't great. that's an understatement actually. We are in the bottom half of the Scottish championship, about the same footballing standard as the English conference or the league of Ireland. you can't get much lower than us and still be classed as professional ( note in most of Europe they don't count part time players as pro's , if its not your main occupation your amateur). These players (mostly ) have no attachment to the club or the fans they only play for us because we pay them to, yet they aren't very good and we charge quite a lot.
if you look back through our history it would seem for every year we have spent being successful in the top flight & playing well we've had 2 in the 2nd tier being mediocre with the odd cup run. with that in mind I'm going to believe the board when they said that there isn't really much profit to be made from running a provincial football club in Scotland so from that I think we can say the "spend spend spend and have a quality team" option isn't a good idea or we'll just end up back in the championship watching the next lot of Jordan whites pass it sideways & backwards a few years later.   I guess we could lower the price to 12 pound for adults and keep all the other freebies in place, a reasonable price for this level I'd say only thing is we would probably  end up with only  a minimal increase in crowds whilst the club loses money ( I know this sticks in folks throats as we are basically being punished for being the ones that go!) .  The other option of do nothing and hope something outwith our control changes ie a weak championship giving us a path to promotion or an exapanded top flight, favourable cup draws and the like.  well fine but what if nothing happens ? folk will get scunnered eventually. 
I wasn't born a Falkirk fan, my dad wasn't into football much & my family are armchair old firm fans ( never mind which side before ye ask) I support Falkirk cause my mates went to the Falkirk games and I went with them once we were old enough to f**k off up town unsupervised, a lot of them don't go any more because they have either moved away or have work & other commitment or cant/don't want to pay the money, some pick and choose which games the go to. the social side of it for me has totally gone now  its mostly game n hame now and at times its been murder, no enjoyment yet you somehow feel bad if you dinny go.  Anyway , how do you actually make people want to go? 20 quid is not an outrageous amount of money in itself but it is a lot for what you get.  would you pay 20 quid to get into a provincial nightclub in central Scotland? would you pay 20 quid at the pictures to watch a film made by a poor quality production company? would you f**k.  some people pay over the odds for "authentic locally made artisanal bollocks " tho , just sayin!
without a money tree or the next Guardiola working with the youth team we don't even have any more what do we do? answers on a postcard.
I empathise with a lot of this most of my mates stopped going 20 years ago and my dad and brother stopped in the pressley era. I try to get my two girls into it but it's generally freezing and the entertainment isn't always great with many teams timewasting at tfs in this league. I probably won't renew our 3 season tickets next year more because were missing a lot of games due to other commitments so it's not much benefit other than we like our seats. they could make the season tickets more attractive financially. I think the club have done well with the free u12s and other initiatives getting folks in and I have no doubt this is the reason our attendances ate still high after 8 years in the championship. with a magic wand 3 changed is make are 1. more attractive season ticket loads of folks miss more than 1 or 2 games but would like to gtee their seat 2. let all under 16s and over 65s in for free. we have loads of empty seats and are a community club. it still gives us 50 years to get money off fans and these free fans will spend on other things at the club 3. improve the really poor programme league table fixtures top scorers more interesting articles
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Some utterly ridiculous comments about only signing local players/Scotland players not having Scottish accents. Even I will struggle to back these up when our usual suspect, Fife friends come a-trolling.

Some people really need to find ways to pass the time. Switch off FFS, the club will still be here next week.

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1 minute ago, badgerthewitness said:

Some utterly ridiculous comments about only signing local players/Scotland players not having Scottish accents. Even I will struggle to back these up when our usual suspect, Fife friends come a-trolling.

Some people really need to find ways to pass the time. Switch off FFS, the club will still be here next week.

Agree generally with the last bit. But I do get pissed off when players turn out for Scotland who’ve never even lived here. It’s a bit of a joke, how can that guy say he’s got as strong a feeling of togetherness as a lad who grew up here? They can’t, and at international level I feel that’s an issue. We’ve never been blessed particularly with skilled players, but passion and that starts with being proud to pull on the jersey - not cause it’s a sign of career progression. Matt Ritchie ffs 

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Some utterly ridiculous comments about only signing local players/Scotland players not having Scottish accents. Even I will struggle to back these up when our usual suspect, Fife friends come a-trolling.
Some people really need to find ways to pass the time. Switch off FFS, the club will still be here next week.

I didnt ever seriously suggest the club should adopt such a thing . Its just showing the silly ness of people who think the club should fix everything by putting a winning team on the park . Yes i know that is generally the point in being a football club but stop and think for a minuit ,
we are a yoyo club ad they say, we will at times have quality players who play good entertaining winning football but we arent and probably wont ever be in a position to ensure we always have a supply of proven quality when players and managers move on , so we will inevitably make bad choices with players and managers. And , becuase of our small fan base we wont be very profitable so we cant afford the salery someone like say leeann dempster would comand , someone who could make good decisions and keep the club at a high level .

Long story short . No ones happy where we are , find us a money tree or accept that we are fans of a diddy team who have long spells of honkingness
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