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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Yep, the mildly subliminal core message is “We are leaving, so you’ll get the outcome you have wished for, so no reason to withhold season ticket money now.....oh, and we still aren’t apologising for anything. We never have in the past, so no point in starting now.”

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I like how the statement mentioned Falkirk will have the biggest budget in League One next season. As if Forfar or Peterhead were going to be paying players more. 

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I honestly think that it’s a fair and probably accurate statement. There’s no direct comment re buying STs etc, although it would hardly be a surprise if it did.

My position re buying an ST hasn’t changed, and won’t until we know more, but there’s nothing to bash the board with in the statement on this occasion.....


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Guest Ecosse83

Just hope the statement isn't a pack of lies. If I knew it was truthful I'd have no qualms about renewing my season ticket just now to help the playing budget. 

Somehow I think I'll wait a few weeks first and see how things pan out :lol:

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11 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

He’ll just be with you “to score fuckin goals”....
That’s all you need to know.....

Rudden and Nelson sound like a good partnership?

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so, 'several weeks to conclude any deal' (which would bring the cash injection to the team), and the 'cash reserves are depleted' (while the board scramble to try and find ways to come up with some immediate money for players).............sounds like we have very limited money right now for quality signings, and by the time the new ownership settles in their team improvement cash will arrive close to the end  of the signing window, or more worryingly AFTER the window has closed..........by which time a lot of the best available players will have been signed up by other clubs who don't have such issues. The timing stinks.

the final line also worries me the most out of the whole statement 'These activities all underpin our push for immediate promotion back to the Championship.'..........doesn't fill me with confidence that the expectation is to get back up in one season.

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There is a lot of knicker wetting about the time it might take to get funds in. This delay is all down to a Board who refused to action the unanimously agreed position at the AGM. It is all their making. If they were that desperate they would get a deal done and stop pissing about. This deal will only take lots of time if the MSG and Board drag it out. The buyers won’t be wasting time.

No one who wasn’t buying their ST won’t be swung by this IMO or at least very few will.

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Not impressed with the statement at all, no new information and what really angers me is the timing of it. That could of easily been put out yesterday but no, they decided to put it out at 9:30 on a Saturday morning. So long and f**k off you cuñts

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2 hours ago, ilostmyself said:

Pretty much that, only thing i didn't get is whether the change in management referred to McKinnon or just the board.


Pretty much how I read it at the end given that a budget is mentioned for the manager.

I'd personally prefer clean sweep, owners and manager with the fear that McKinnon will get a new contract for the championship if he rides the league on a surf board, league one success with a full time team doesn't make you a good manager.

I've heard Hopkin is available !!!

The statement still is very non descript but if it was out within 7 days from our last game, then it would've been ok, now it's just too late.

It does have a sound of white flag has been released but part of me still sees a possibility of them riding it out and talks breaking down between new owners

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