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Different team, same shite football. One constant = McKinnon.

Pretty sure you were shite under Hartley and the tail end of Houston too.

Who can come in and stop the rot though? Who would Falkirk fans replace McKinnon with? I guess if the Mark Campbell/Park thing goes ahead you’d be looking at more of a ‘first team coach’ type manger so probably more of a rookie manger looking to cut his teeth and leave signings up to the DoF/Park but is that the profile of the man you need to actually take a team up from this league given the last two managers to do it have been McCall and Campbell, older heads who know this league. Also wonder how a squad of McKinnons chums might react to a new manger coming in and trying something different, we saw how that can blow up after Gary Locke was sacked and Hughes came in and gave a lesson in how not to man manage.
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1 hour ago, BudBairn said:

Tbf to Ray, McManus should have scored to give us a draw. However, the 1st half was poor, the build up was too slow and it didn’t change much in the 2nd half. At the moment we don’t seem to have the mentality of a team that thinks they can be champions.

Completely the opposite.  Too many players have the mentality that they are already champions.  My first game of the league season in the flesh, Id say Buchanan came out of today at the almost acceptable level - no one else.  What the actual heck was the midfield formation at any point today?  

Paul Dixon can f*ck off so far, that he should start seeing signs for towns twinned with f*ckoffsville.

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1 hour ago, GeordieBairn said:

How were folk actually saying we would take under 1Kemoji23.png

Honestly what is the big obsession a load of our fans have with crowd wanking? Who gives a f**k. Matches are won on the park not the stands. Give it a rest with this  FFS. 

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10 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Honestly what is the big obsession a load of our fans have with crowd wanking? Who gives a f**k. Matches are won on the park not the stands. Give it a rest with this  FFS. 

Won't have to worry about that much longer. Won't be a crowd to watch that pish

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6 minutes ago, BMbairn said:

Won't have to worry about that much longer. Won't be a crowd to watch that pish

Won't there? We're now into our third consecutive season of utter dross (and Houston's last full season was nothing to write home about entertainment-wise either) yet fans are still turning up home and away week after week in ridiculous numbers despite the garbage served up on the park. It's pretty inexplicable really. It's also obvious that these high attendances are in large part counterproductive and simply validate the MSG/board as they oversee the club sinking ever downwards to new depths. We'll bottom out some day, doesn't look like it'll be any time soon though. We are a rudderless shambles.

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Won't there? We're now into our third consecutive season of utter dross (and Houston's last full season was nothing to write home about entertainment-wise either) yet fans are still turning up home and away week after week in ridiculous numbers despite the garbage served up on the park. It's pretty inexplicable really. It's also obvious that these high attendances are in large part counterproductive and simply validate the MSG/board as they oversee the club sinking ever downwards to new depths. We'll bottom out some day, doesn't look like it'll be any time soon though. We are a rudderless shambles.

I suspect he was referring to the impact that MC will have on our clubs future should he take over....
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Not had a go at the Manager before but that shambles today is completely down to rank bad management from McKinnon. Started off with the wrong tactics, far too narrow, and ended with no tactics at all just a punt and run mess.
Huge gaps in the midfield, hardly a surprise the lad Grant got man of the match as he had massive amounts of time and space to play his game.
We won’t be close to winning the league with this manager unfortunately.

As a Montrose supporter who had the “pleasure” of watching Raymond screw us for quite a lot of money per week as a player can I just say that he is an absolute waste of skin and chemicals. The guy is a charlatan. He was lucky enough to rock up at Brechin when they were being funded by a wealthy supporter.. after that it’s been one disaster after another. That said .. trust in Ray .. given your squad even he’ll get you promoted
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20 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

I suspect he was referring to the impact that MC will have on our clubs future should he take over....

You think there would be a big drop-off in our support if Campbell does get his hands on the club? I highly doubt it, certainly in the short term. He could be announced as the new owner on Monday, we'd still take a big crowd to Airdrie on Saturday. The majority of our support could not give a toss about what happens in the boardroom and turn up every Saturday regardless. I've actually got no idea what would need to happen for the crowds to start away.

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You think there would be a big drop-off in our support if Campbell does get his hands on the club? I highly doubt it, certainly in the short term. He could be announced as the new owner on Monday, we'd still take a big crowd to Airdrie on Saturday. The majority of our support could not give a toss about what happens in the boardroom and turn up every Saturday regardless. I've actually got no idea what would need to happen for the crowds to start away.

No. I don’t. But if he runs us into the ground I can guarantee there won’t be much to watch....
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Theres more than a few who are interested because they think we are going to be steamrolling teams every week. No doubt in my mind about that. Not even bothered that its in a leagie below and why we find ourselves there, just want to see winning. They will drop off again quickly IMO.

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22 minutes ago, notsofedupendie said:

As a Montrose supporter who had the “pleasure” of watching Raymond screw us for quite a lot of money per week as a player can I just say that he is an absolute waste of skin and chemicals. The guy is a charlatan. He was lucky enough to rock up at Brechin when they were being funded by a wealthy supporter.. after that it’s been one disaster after another. That said .. trust in Ray .. given your squad even he’ll get you promoted

Sadly, McKinnon seems well capable of creating a crisis out of a drama. No doubt at all in my mind that he is not up to the job. Seems to be another Largs type who tries to make simple stuff complicated in order to justify his position.

Tactically two dimensional, and most certainly not a charismatic or inspiring leader. I would go as far as say that the players could achieve what he has with no manager whatsoever.

We will go to Airdrie next week in search of a point. That’s his way, and it has always been his way. He likes to keep his teams “in the mix” or “there or thereabouts”.

Next week puts him under a bit of pressure, and as we know only too well when we hit the heady heights of 8th last season, when the pressure is on, he messes it up every single time. I would imagine he will already be getting scared of what next Saturday will bring.

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Right I’m just going to put this out there, Michael Tidser is fucking shite.

Along with most of the others he is playing below expected form but he was certainly missed in the second half today. Gomis was left with far too much to do and Grant had the freedom of the park to dictate play for Clyde.
I really think the system we are playing does not suit the players we have.
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27 minutes ago, JinkyBairn said:

The abuse Tidser gets from our support really is embarrassing imo.

Highest paid player in the league and this guy has no professional pride. Slow as f**k, has too much muscle to no doubt impress on Istagram or something.

If he can't run the show the league 1, whats the point. go to work in Tescos or join the polis.

Useless motherfucker!

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