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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

I think the division of the fanbase in summer into two (those who really wanted the MSG out and those who didnt really give a f**k) left any sort of fan action right on the brink of possible effectiveness.

Now that some of the MSG out fans will feel appeased by any fucker as long as its not them, and some, as we see in toe curling twitter exchanges every week, are convinced MC is the real deal, it leaves IMO nowhere near enough fans to do anything. It doesn't feel like we can do anything to me.

What can we do?

I dont know any who really didnt give a fuk regarding the MSG out, there has been trickles of opinion that they want the MSG to remain this season then GTF but to someone more reputable than MC but the mass opinion has always been MSG GTF.

Its a fukn mess which will probably see us end up in the play offs because of lack of leadership at the top......again.....

Dunno what we can do know other than protest outside with fire, threats explosions etc which was the normal at Brockville. The TFS is all too nice for protest

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Absolutely incredible that back post misses’s attempts to spread the word about how terrible this guy could be to the future of our club has been met with accusations of “shit stirring”. Let’s hope the deal dies so my current emotion of pure fear can turn to pure fucking anger at whoever has let this mess of a bid get this far 

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I think it’s a fair question to ask is it not?

If you only know what you read here then you must have read back through some amount of pages before posting, and also naming Kenny Jamieson alongside BPM as a "shit stirrer" seems to suggest (like a few folk have already) that you are simply the latest in a string of "newbies" who are either plants or aliases. Your introduction followed by immediate dive into the nitty gritty would tend to back that up.
I dont know any who really didnt give a fuk regarding the MSG out, there has been trickles of opinion that they want the MSG to remain this season then GTF but to someone more reputable than MC but the mass opinion has always been MSG GTF.
Its a fukn mess which will probably see us end up in the play offs because of lack of leadership at the top......again.....
Dunno what we can do know other than protest outside with fire, threats explosions etc which was the normal at Brockville. The TFS is all too nice for protest
Not sure you can square that sentiment with over 2000 st renewals
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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not sure you can square that sentiment with over 2000 st renewals

So you are saying all season ticket renewals wanted the MSG to stay ?

Edited by MrDust
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after BtB flagged up their concerns surely it's been looked 

they're throwing as much shit as they can to see what sticks

Are these the people to move the club in the direction the fans want and need it to be going

is it down to jealousy they want him to fail

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I know that I’m stating the obvious here but some of our fans are utter morons. How anyone can support the current shower of failures who control the club or fall for the hugely dodgy preferred bidder and his fantasy ramblings is beyond my comprehension.

As it stands we are very close to being fucked.


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The reason season ticket renewals didnt change that much is for some it was their only release and to carry on as normal whether you liked it or not.

In this digital age protests go as far as the internet and anger goes as far as caps lock on 

I just dont see what could be done, anyone know who it was that tried to run labie of the road is he still around and could he do a turn still on the motorway or the TFS ..lol

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Absolutely incredible that back post misses’s attempts to spread the word about how terrible this guy could be to the future of our club has been met with accusations of “shit stirring”. Let’s hope the deal dies so my current emotion of pure fear can turn to pure fucking anger at whoever has let this mess of a bid get this far 


I live and breath my football club and I have exactly the same fear.
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4 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:

I know that I’m stating the obvious here but some of our fans are utter morons. How anyone can support the current shower of failures who control the club or fall for the hugely dodgy preferred bidder and his fantasy ramblings is beyond my comprehension.

As it stands we are very close to being fucked.


Personally think its been their plan all along and they were pinning there hopes on Ray having us firing on all cylinders and running away with the league unfortunately ray has f**ked them on his part and once again and in the words of laurel and hardy "its another fine mess they have got us into"

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59 minutes ago, Fourthstand1876 said:

Is it not true then that its BtB and namely you and KJ who are allegedly doing all the shit stirring? I only ask because every accusation as far as MC goes seems to trace back to you both. I say that as a neutral in this because I backed the current board to continue. 

Ok. So you state you backed the current board to continue.  The only opportunity to show public backing of the current board was at the EGM, so are you saying you are one of the three persons at that meeting who voted against the no confidence vote ?

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28 minutes ago, MrDust said:

I dont know any who really didnt give a fuk regarding the MSG out, there has been trickles of opinion that they want the MSG to remain this season then GTF but to someone more reputable than MC but the mass opinion has always been MSG GTF.

Its a fukn mess which will probably see us end up in the play offs because of lack of leadership at the top......again.....

Dunno what we can do know other than protest outside with fire, threats explosions etc which was the normal at Brockville. The TFS is all too nice for protest

I’d argue that those who renewed their season tickets didn’t give a f**k regarding the MSG. That was the perfect opportunity to send them a message that enough was enough. Starve the b*****ds of the only thing they care about. But no, in true Falkirk fashion we let them off the hook as per usual and sell 2200 season tickets, merely endorsing their years of gross mismanagement and incompetence! Even the protest on the last day of the season was a damp squib with the exception of a few hardy souls. High time our fans grow a collective set of balls and turn fucking nasty for once.

Edited by Relegator Ritchie
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Is it not true then that its BtB and namely you and KJ who are allegedly doing all the shit stirring? I only ask because every accusation as far as MC goes seems to trace back to you both. I say that as a neutral in this because I backed the current board to continue. 
The bankruptcy and a bucket load of failed businesses are not accusations, they are facts.
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15 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:

I know that I’m stating the obvious here but some of our fans are utter morons. How anyone can support the current shower of failures who control the club or fall for the hugely dodgy preferred bidder and his fantasy ramblings is beyond my comprehension.

As it stands we are very close to being fucked.


Bairnardo is a terrible fan. A poor man's pawper

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Ok. So you state you backed the current board to continue.  The only opportunity to show public backing of the current board was at the EGM, so are you saying you are one of the three persons at that meeting who voted against the no confidence vote ?

I wasn’t at the egm, I just felt that stability was the best option.
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21 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:



I live and breath my football club and I have exactly the same fear.


That’s just it. Imagine a life without football and Falkirk together. Of course we can’t know for sure how this’ll turn out if Campbell gains control, I’m not sure you do either. But to have some very real and obvious concerns weirdly turned away by a lot of fans (or plants, aliases etc) has been tough to watch. Let’s hope the current MSG get over their gripe with the fans and do the right thing )the first step of which is to reject the Campbell bid)

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That’s just it. Imagine a life without football and Falkirk together. Of course we can’t know for sure how this’ll turn out if Campbell gains control, I’m not sure you do either. But to have some very real and obvious concerns weirdly turned away by a lot of fans (or plants, aliases etc) has been tough to watch. Let’s hope the current MSG get over their gripe with the fans and do the right thing )the first step of which is to reject the Campbell bid)

I have said before it would probably start ok with MC but 2/3 years down the line his track record smells of either getting fed up or has made a mess of the business he is in.

There is nothing at all that tells you this guy has been successful at anything.

If you could see some success mixed in with the failure I could cut him some slack but there isn’t.
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5 minutes ago, Fourthstand1876 said:


I wasn’t at the egm, I just felt that stability was the best option.


If your saying the current situation of carrying on with a dysfunctional board who have called it wrong consistently as stable then your nuts unless your content with disaster after disaster as far as footballing decisions which has seen us close the academy, go through 3 new teams in less than 2 seasons  and an approach for a manager that has cost us.

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14 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

I’d argue that those who renewed their season tickets didn’t give a f**k regarding the MSG. That was the perfect opportunity to send them a message that enough was enough. Starve the b*****ds of the only thing they care about. But no, in true Falkirk fashion we let them off the hook as per usual and sell 2200 season tickets, merely endorsing their years of gross mismanagement and incompetence! Even the protest on the last day of the season was a damp squib with the exception of a few hardy souls. High time our fans grow a collective set of balls and turn fucking nasty for once.

Well I have still to meet or know anyone that renewed who didnt want the MSG out. 

The Vaulks money wouldve again got the current MSG out of jail as it has previously has and I dont think any of the season renewals at any point think of the money going to the MSG, more the team. 

As said the TFS is not Brockville and the protest was weak at the end of the season of which I dont think the MSG got the message till the EGM.

The biggest boycott we ever had was when Elvis got the job full time

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Think you’ve misread the quote mate. States that he was told to go to America because trump was president. Probably because he expected regulations to be relaxed around real estate etc

I think he only has a guest visa was his real estate company not registered in the Uk
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