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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Let’s face it and regardless of timing they’ll know exactly what’s going on at the club.
Forget the niceties you don’t pump a serious amount of cash into any business venture without expecting positive returns. If anyone expected them to rip into the club on the interview, that was never going to happen. 
Yes the football has been howling not only this season but since Houston’s departure. Tuesday was brutal and although I’ve supported the duo, it’s clear both are out there depth. 
So what’s the answer ? Sack the duo and bring ask Holt ? or try and bring in a new manager  for half a dozen games ? As said for me I think the decision has been made to replace but guessing Saturdays game will nail it. 

It is early days and I am sure he will be a success if he takes the club by the scruff of the neck and clears it out and bring in people he trusts and more importantly unite the support. Confidence in the former regime was zero and this one is the hand picked people of the previous regime so if has no credibility either.

I keep hearing balanced ownership model is wanted. We are now in exactly the same place as we were before Rawlins in terms of major share holder/small shareholder split. 6 people hold over 60% and 4 of them are the former MSG.

Who is looking after the interests of the 40% abs where is their input into the clubs future. Outside the Rawlins the shareholding is extremely small (they may have bought MSG Shares TBF) yet they are making calls purely because they were selected by the 60%. There should be balance now and there isn’t
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Sod this Mr & Mrs Nicey Nice wanting to be nicey nice to the people of Fahlkirk, invested because of the wunnerful people at Fahlkirk, can't wait to get over and give everyone a hug. Puke. 


Give us a Fergus McCann. Kick arses, rebuild the club, bring success, make money,  f**k off. 

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10 hours ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:
12 hours ago, LatapyBairn. said:
I’m hearing the guys raising the funds for the Crunchie initiative to re-name the south stand have been struggling to deal with the BOD in getting things moving now the the bulk of the funds have been raised, the club are being very obstructive and are now demanding the funds raised are to be handed over to the club directly and they will directly deal with putting up the signage and arranging an opening game against Hibs themselves. All sounds far to familiar! ....we want your money but don’t dare ask for a say in how we spend/waste it!.....BtB had the exact same issues with the previous board after getting the cash in place for the fans takeover at the time which unfortunately never came to fruition after the club reneged. I’m actually starting to worry that despite new faces in the board room and a new owner in reality nothing has changed. Same people involved behind the scenes treating the fans with utter disregard. This should have been a PR gift for the club, money is fully raised by the fans and all they asked for in return was to have fan involvement in the actual design and look of the new signage to be placed above the bar entrance, on the front of the south stand and also something in the south stand bar with Crunchies name on it. Unbelievably one board member demanded if they wanted to use space in the south stand bar the initiative would have to pay for the advertising space!!!  Absolutely unbelievable 

I heard KK has been a right dick about the whole thing from the start.

Seems like a bit of a knob in all honesty.

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10 hours ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:
12 hours ago, LatapyBairn. said:
I’m hearing the guys raising the funds for the Crunchie initiative to re-name the south stand have been struggling to deal with the BOD in getting things moving now the the bulk of the funds have been raised, the club are being very obstructive and are now demanding the funds raised are to be handed over to the club directly and they will directly deal with putting up the signage and arranging an opening game against Hibs themselves. All sounds far to familiar! ....we want your money but don’t dare ask for a say in how we spend/waste it!.....BtB had the exact same issues with the previous board after getting the cash in place for the fans takeover at the time which unfortunately never came to fruition after the club reneged. I’m actually starting to worry that despite new faces in the board room and a new owner in reality nothing has changed. Same people involved behind the scenes treating the fans with utter disregard. This should have been a PR gift for the club, money is fully raised by the fans and all they asked for in return was to have fan involvement in the actual design and look of the new signage to be placed above the bar entrance, on the front of the south stand and also something in the south stand bar with Crunchies name on it. Unbelievably one board member demanded if they wanted to use space in the south stand bar the initiative would have to pay for the advertising space!!!  Absolutely unbelievable 

I heard KK has been a right dick about the whole thing from the start.

Heard the same thing, don’t think KK likes any ideas or suggestions unless he’s come up with them himself. Very career driven guy who likes taking credit 

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2 minutes ago, LatapyBairn. said:

Heard the same thing, don’t think KK likes any ideas or suggestions unless he’s come up with them himself. Very career driven guy who likes taking credit 

Tell him your buying Crunchie a private hot tub hanging from a crane above the SS. He'll be all for it and will have the Herald down in a minute for a photo.

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Guest Caractacus Potts

This whole thing with the board is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post. Doesn’t surprise me at all to be honest. It’s not bad luck that we are in the position we are. 

That Rawlins interview sounded no different from the one they done previously. That was before they had bought in to the club though so to say the football is great now is worrying. Are they sure they’re watching the correct team!? 

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Tell them to shove it where the sun don’t shine, approach Morrison’s at Brockville where he used to grace the hallowed turf and fire a statue at where the Hope Street End used to be or thereabouts.  Has always been the same and won’t change, they have a serious habit of making simple things extremely difficult. It’s all about control and power. 

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Anyone saying Falkirk are playing decent football knows f**k all about the game or they haven't been watching us.

I agree re the club and Crunchie, if they have been in the least bit awkward about fans getting the money together to name the stand after him tell them to go f**k themselves and honour the wee man in another way.

These b*****ds do everything they can to piss the fanbase off. They only understand money and unfortunately withholding it from them is the only way to hurt them. Sadly I think the Rawlins are our last hope, if this goes tits up god knows how we progress as a club as we still have too many "happy clapper" COYB facebook supporters amongst us.

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Just watched the interview. Very much what we already know with just a few added bits of information. Gary Mellor on board running a football agency that we can and probably will dip into. I hate the way American's talk about the game, "soccer" and 'thanks to the players for playing so hard' went right through me. A lot of Gary Holt mentioned and not so much of M&M so hopefully that's a sign to come. They obviously see it as too much of a risk to dump M&M this close to season end but hopefully they've seen enough to know they aren't the men to take us forward. Can't wait to see what team they put out tomorrow.

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18 minutes ago, falkirkzombie said:

Naming the stand after Crunchie should be an absolute free hit for the board, fans group do all the work, all they have to do is approve it, and they still manage to f**k it up.

Unless KK thinks he can get more money by naming it for Burger King or something.

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3 minutes ago, Smikka Smikka Smoodoo said:

Unless KK thinks he can get more money by naming it for Burger King or something.

To be honest he has some cheek denying any approach from fans. They will find it incredibly difficult to find sponsorship post-covid. The North stand is still clad in advertising for a car garage that went down the tubes a year ago FFS!

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7 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:


Falkirk 2-0 Montrose

Arbroath 1-2 Falkirk

Forfar 0-2 Falkirk 

Falkirk 1-1 Dumbarton

Though our performances over those 4 matches have been highly questionable 

It's league one so they won't know anything other than the results. To me cove has much harder games and only ended up 2 points less than us.  Not sure what's worse this pair of clowns or Hartley winning it mind you.

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2 wins in our last 7 league games. In league 1. Considering the full time and budget advantage we’ve got on the vast majority of the league that’s an absolutely embarrassing and unforgiving run of form.

Our ‘unbeaten’ March should be completely irrelevant absolutely no chance that dugshite form deserves to be rewarded.

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