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54 minutes ago, AL0011 said:

Are you trying to tell me you have never in your life said something that offended someone or mocked someone for race, religion body size mentally challeneged etc gtf .

like i say lot of folk that claim to be holier than thou on this one that have never uttered a bad word against anyone or said anything in jest to anyone.


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Are you trying to tell me you have never in your life said something that offended someone or mocked someone for race, religion body size mentally challeneged etc gtf .
like i say lot of folk that claim to be holier than thou on this one that have never uttered a bad word against anyone or said anything in jest to anyone.

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It's funny watching this play out. Some of our fans trying to defend the indefensible, while Pars fans try and conflate it to the equivalent of kicking somebody out of a wheelchair. If the roles were reversed it would still play out the same.  O'Hara was a bawbag in the heat of the moment and will have to accept the punishment. It was a stupid thing to do but he will learn from it.

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It wisnae me, it was him an a', m'lud.

Talking of provocation, I see that there’s a slightly more detailed explanation on the front of the BBC website.

Having read it I actually fear that McKee could get a 12 game ban if things don’t work out.

It looks like the reason why he has to wait a further week is that he plans to plead his innocence and the options if guilty are 4, 8, and 12 game ban.

Given the SFA appear to be on a witch hunt this could go badly wrong.
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It's funny watching this play out. Some of our fans trying to defend the indefensible, while Pars fans try and conflate it to the equivalent of kicking somebody out of a wheelchair. If the roles were reversed it would still play out the same.  O'Hara was a bawbag in the heat of the moment and will have to accept the punishment. It was a stupid thing to do but he will learn from it.

Far too sensible.
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1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:


Talking of provocation, I see that there’s a slightly more detailed explanation on the front of the BBC website.

Having read it I actually fear that McKee could get a 12 game ban if things don’t work out.

It looks like the reason why he has to wait a further week is that he plans to plead his innocence and the options if guilty are 4, 8, and 12 game ban.

Given the SFA appear to be on a witch hunt this could go badly wrong.


The only significantly interesting thing in that article is clarification that Steven McLean did NOT hear what was said at the time and only reported it after being informed later by Dunfermline players and management. This explains why it wasnt dealt with immediately though still not really why it took 5 weeks. It also however means it must have been much harder to prove if none of the officials heard it.

Also a suggestion O'Hara asked to have his case brought forward and a hint that he pled guilty whilst McKee isnt going to. I doubt McKee protesting innocence will affect his ban if proven. Its not likely to be any more than O'Hara got.

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22 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

The only significantly interesting thing in that article is clarification that Steven McLean did NOT hear what was said at the time and only reported it after being informed later by Dunfermline players and management. This explains why it wasnt dealt with immediately though still not really why it took 5 weeks. It also however means it must have been much harder to prove if none of the officials heard it.

Also a suggestion O'Hara asked to have his case brought forward and a hint that he pled guilty whilst McKee isnt going to. I doubt McKee protesting innocence will affect his ban if proven. Its not likely to be any more than O'Hara got.

So the ref didn't hear anything then? It's therefore their word against O'Hara's & McKee's and to O'Hara's credit that he's fessed up. That hopefully means that he understands the error of his ways and will try to suppress his anger if a similar situation arises again.

I can't see how McKee can be banned though if he is going to refute the allegations given that nobody heard anything other than the Dunfermline players and management. His word against theirs. Also, exactly how long after the alleged remarks were made did Dunfermline report it? Could be a case of them concocting a story to get McKee banned given the obvious bad blood between him and Shiels during the match. They do, after all, have a history of running greeting to the authorities. 

Edited to say that, given O'Hara's contrition, I feel sure that Shiels will be beating a path to Hampden tomorrow to admit to exactly what he said to rile the boy in the 1st place! :rolleyes:

Edited by ShaggerG
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