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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Generally, most of my niggles in recent years are knee orientated. I used to have recurring problems with one of my shoulders after a doctor misdiagnosed a dislocation and torn capsule as just a strain but I seem to have finally gotten over that.

I know that distance running isn't particularly easy on the knee either, but both my brothers (36 & 38) do a little distance running - both have done marathons - and are keen on us all doing a run together at some point (The Culloden 17.46k was their suggestion). I'm definitely planning at least a run or two as I'm keen to at least see where I'm at fitness-wise for the distance running but I also feel like I'm skiving on my rest days because I feel fresh enough to go and do something more. The question was over whether I should do it regularly or not though but that all seems sound advice, cheers.

Edited by Spain
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Random update time.

My weight loss is definitely slowing down a lot now, but my fitness & strength are both miles better than what they were. My biggest challenge at the moment is trying to modify my cardio aspects of my workouts enough that I'm working up enough of a sweat without just making my workouts longer. Think I may need to change my workouts altogether to keep the push going. I've got a heavy bag that I'm thinking of using but I had surgery on my hand at the start of the year so I've held off on using it till now.

I haven't taken to doing any distance running at all yet, and to be honest in this weather I can't see me starting any time soon!

For the first time in around a decade though I've weighed in sub-200lbs. That's just shy of 2 and a half stone lost since June.

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Random update time.

My weight loss is definitely slowing down a lot now, but my fitness & strength are both miles better than what they were. My biggest challenge at the moment is trying to modify my cardio aspects of my workouts enough that I'm working up enough of a sweat without just making my workouts longer. Think I may need to change my workouts altogether to keep the push going. I've got a heavy bag that I'm thinking of using but I had surgery on my hand at the start of the year so I've held off on using it till now.

I haven't taken to doing any distance running at all yet, and to be honest in this weather I can't see me starting any time soon!

For the first time in around a decade though I've weighed in sub-200lbs. That's just shy of 2 and a half stone lost since June.

If worried about hand strength then use 16oz gloves and wrap your hands well. A few lighter punches to see how it goes then build up the power.
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As far as I'm aware Huel is completely different as it's nutritionally organic and complete I.e. It contains 100% of your nutrient needs.

It's not a whole world away from the other shit I mentioned. Your body is designed to work off of real food and not only liquid. Particularly one which includes artificial substances. On top of that it supposedly tastes rank.

Here's a quote from a recent Guardian article on it.

"But when I talk to Joanna Blythman, an investigative food writer who has written five books on the food industry, she scoffs at the idea that the ingredients are “natural”.

“There is almost nothing in there in its natural form. These are very, very technologically altered hi-tech ingredients. They’re the opposite of what whole, natural foods are. If I read that list of ingredients on a product on a supermarket shelf, I would have a major problem."
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It's not a whole world away from the other shit I mentioned. Your body is designed to work off of real food and not only liquid. Particularly one which includes artificial substances. On top of that it supposedly tastes rank.

Here's a quote from a recent Guardian article on it.

"But when I talk to Joanna Blythman, an investigative food writer who has written five books on the food industry, she scoffs at the idea that the ingredients are “natural”.

“There is almost nothing in there in its natural form. These are very, very technologically altered hi-tech ingredients. They’re the opposite of what whole, natural foods are. If I read that list of ingredients on a product on a supermarket shelf, I would have a major problem."

Main ingredients:

Oats, Pea Protein, Brown Rice, Flaxseed, Coconut MCT’s, Sunflower.

Vitamins are then made up of ingredients which are known for their nutrient and vitamin rich properties.

We will see how it goes; I'm fit enough as it is, I'm just wanting to see what it's about. Got a weeks supply, aiming to replace 2 meals per day and have 1 "real" meal for dinner, most likely protein heavy. It's got pretty damn good reviews besides the one you've pointed out.

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Main ingredients:

Oats, Pea Protein, Brown Rice, Flaxseed, Coconut MCT’s, Sunflower.

Vitamins are then made up of ingredients which are known for their nutrient and vitamin rich properties.

We will see how it goes; I'm fit enough as it is, I'm just wanting to see what it's about. Got a weeks supply, aiming to replace 2 meals per day and have 1 "real" meal for dinner, most likely protein heavy. It's got pretty damn good reviews besides the one you've pointed out.

Pea protein is pretty rough on the digestive system hence why alot of vegans opt for hemp protein if choosing a supplement. Those main ingredients are fine, it's the weird shit like "vanilla flavour system".

Seems a bizarre thing to try if fit and getting good nutrients from actual food.
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I honestly dont know why anyone would bother spending money on shite like that. Just eat normal healthy food and complete a decent degree of exercise. Its nae rocket science

I work 7-12 then 5-11 most days. Out with those 5 hours I don't have much time to prep my food as much as I used to when I lived in Dundee and went to Uni. Take away the regular fives/11-a-side, my weight has went up although I'm probably not eating a lot. Just a more sedentary lifestyle.

Joined the gym up at Dingwall yesterday, combined with this I'll hopefully just get back to standard.
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I work 7-12 then 5-11 most days. Out with those 5 hours I don't have much time to prep my food as much as I used to when I lived in Dundee and went to Uni. Take away the regular fives/11-a-side, my weight has went up although I'm probably not eating a lot. Just a more sedentary lifestyle.

Joined the gym up at Dingwall yesterday, combined with this I'll hopefully just get back to standard.

Food prep is so easy. Just do everything in bulk.
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Meal replacements are shite and the moment someone comes off them they put on weight.  

Stick to real food, and make sure you get a protein source, carb source and some veg in each meal and you'll be fine.  Don't be scared of fats either, even the Big Hoose Rangers guy.

And drink loads of water.

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Through the week I do a lot of nutriblasts, so at least you know exactly what's going into it. Plenty of fruit, veg, fibre and protein. At the weekend I have more time though, and I enjoy cooking so I eat regular food then. I don't particularly see nutriblasts as a meal replacement though, it's just a blended version of a healthy meal.

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Meal replacements are shite and the moment someone comes off them they put on weight.  

Stick to real food, and make sure you get a protein source, carb source and some veg in each meal and you'll be fine.  Don't be scared of fats either, even the Big Hoose Rangers guy.

And drink loads of water.

You're preaching to the converted here...[emoji849]

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