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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Used to do hill sprints a lot. Try keeping close to the hiit idea of 20 secs at 100% followed by 1 min 40 jog back to the original point, ten times. Great for fitness. 

If I do hill sprints in the morning I feel absolutely fucking awful for about twenty minutes after but then the rest of the day I feel absolutely fucking magic. Get you fit fast.
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27 minutes ago, throbber said:

 i really don't believe you need to pay anyone anything for you to get into shape. 

That is of course correct and nice in theory but if everyone was self motivated enough there would be no need for gyms, swimming pools and fitness classes all over the place. I'm in a Muay Thai class right now and the vast majority are here for fitness rather than fighting. If you don't have the structure in place it's too easy to procrastinate and end up sitting watching the tv with a packet of Doritos.

I'm guessing you pay to get into the pool?

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5 minutes ago, throbber said:

Yes obviously I do - I was more referring to these fitness plans that you pay £50 a month for for an exercise routine and meal planner, also KB said he paid a bit for Hiit workouts online as well which I don't think is necessary as you can get all the information you need for free if you do some research.

No I didn't, I said we paid a minimal fee (£15, I believe) for them to set up a plan, calendar with links to the workouts for each day.  

Don't put words in my mouth, throbber.

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Don't think I've posted in this thread before but here goes....

Started the watching what I was eating thing just after new year and me and the boss in work had been talking about getting back into a reasonable shape. I was 17 stone (6'4 so not massively large round the gut). Anyways we found a bit of the work (the air handling unit room) and between us had some free weights, dumbbells, bars etc and decided to crack on with it on the lunch breaks every day.
The idea for me was just to lose some weight and get back into a comfy 36" waist since I'm getting married in October.
Just over a month in and I've lost 12lbs. I know it will now be harder to shake off multiple lbs in the weeks ahead but since I've already seen some improvement its a massive motivation for me.
Who knows, might even be back at a 34 waist by October!!!

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Still sticking with using the Freeletics app and doing a couple of the workouts off that. Managing the "Prometheus" workout 3x a week, first attempt took 25 minutes but managing it in 17-18 minutes per go now. Last couple of times I have added another of the workouts on to the end of it but so far failed to get past the first round, the aforementioned Burpees being an absolute killer. Will keep working at it all the same. Also still managing to use the bike a couple of times a week, hammering 45-60 minutes of low/medium/high resistance at 20 second gaps. Killing me. That said, before I was home last weekend I had gone from around 13 and a half stone to just under 13 stone since new year, which is nice. 3 days solid drinking and 4 days of eating shite tipped me back above the 13 stone mark but I'm confident I'll lose a bit more in the next few weeks no bother. Want to be back under 12.5 stone by my birthday in April. If I can get anywhere near the 12 stone mark again, I will be both ecstatic and skinny.

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That is of course correct and nice in theory but if everyone was self motivated enough there would be no need for gyms, swimming pools and fitness classes all over the place. I'm in a Muay Thai class right now and the vast majority are here for fitness rather than fighting. If you don't have the structure in place it's too easy to procrastinate and end up sitting watching the tv with a packet of Doritos.
I'm guessing you pay to get into the pool?

Which gym you training at? Before I took up thai boxing I was a fat ride at 16 stone. Nowadays stoat about at just under 13 and in good nick. Constant pad work will see you burn off alot.
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I'm determined to start some sort of fitness regime - getting married next March and would like to be in better shape.  Currently 15 stone and would like to get that down to 14 before our pre wedding photo shoot (thankfully not booked yet).

Any suggestions on decent apps on android to help?  Can't really afford a gym membership but do go out running once in a blue moon.

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6 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

I'm determined to start some sort of fitness regime - getting married next March and would like to be in better shape.  Currently 15 stone and would like to get that down to 14 before our pre wedding photo shoot (thankfully not booked yet).

Any suggestions on decent apps on android to help?  Can't really afford a gym membership but do go out running once in a blue moon.

It's not for everyone but I've found fasting to be the quickest and easiest way to lose weight. Whenever I've needed to shift weight quickly, running and fasting is a quick and easy way to do it. If you get into the mindset of it you start to enjoy the bit of hunger - feels like you're doing your stomach a favour a couple of times a week. It's just two days out of the week - the rest of the time you just live how you like. 

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Just now, throbber said:

That's a bit extreme is it not? I get quite impatient and just want to get rid of my beer gut but have never thought about fasting before.

I did it before I discovered boxing. I found it worked well on days when I was really busy (may not suit you). Combining with something like running is good as you feel light and like you're really burning off the weight. 

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50 minutes ago, throbber said:

What height are you Ross? I think I'm a bit over 13 stone but don't want to stand on the scales, I'm 5 foot 7 so maybe a stone overweight according to BMI.

I tend to round it up to 6ft, but in reality I'm a mere 5'11" and three quarters.

I tend to put weight on quite quickly if I drop the exercise, but lose it just as quickly when I hammer it again. Been up and down between 12 and 13.5 stone for the last few years.

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1 hour ago, mrcat1990 said:



Which gym you training at? Before I took up thai boxing I was a fat ride at 16 stone. Nowadays stoat about at just under 13 and in good nick. Constant pad work will see you burn off alot.



I was at Sit Ayuthaya in Hamilton. I'm in Oz now though so I doubt our paths would meet at an inter-club if I was still doing the Muay Thai unless your club did some serious amount of bag packing at Tesco.

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I do a Joe Wicks Hiit work out 4 times a week with 40 second exercises and 20 second rest its a good work out although the second round of burpies are fucking murder. 
My Mrs is doing his 90 day challenge but i really don't believe you need to pay anyone anything for you to get into shape. 

Depends. I pay someone to devise my diet as 1- I'm more likely to stick to it if I've paid it and 2-I've more faith in someone else's calculations than my own.
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I've walked just over nine miles in the last three days, but I've had bother with my right foot, went to the docs to be told that the arch has fallen and the ankle is out of line and the foot is pointing in the way. Any tips on what I can do exercise wise without risking any further damage??

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Edit : in the long run though, you'd just be better getting them feet cut off mate. 

True. Always do quite a bit on the bikes at the gym. Did 45 minutes on the treadmill yesterday (3.5 miles) and was almost crippled aftewards. That's when I realised something wasn't right with the foot.
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4 hours ago, philpy said:

I've walked just over nine miles in the last three days, but I've had bother with my right foot, went to the docs to be told that the arch has fallen and the ankle is out of line and the foot is pointing in the way. Any tips on what I can do exercise wise without risking any further damage??

Did you not ask the doctor?

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