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The get fit, stay fit thread

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On 04/02/2019 at 20:28, MixuFixit said:

Was finally shot of tennis elbow and getting back up to a regular gym schedule when I tore a muscle in my coccyx, it is absolutely debilitating and I would not recommend it. Must've come from bad squat form but only really started to cramp about 5 days later.

Anyone had this? Anyone got tips on minimising the waves of cramps? Seems to be worse for me in the mornings than relaxes a bit after lunch.

My sister-in-law swears by magnesium supplements for cramps. She said she used to get them all the time - she's a mad squatter with thighs like tree trunks - but says she mixes the powder in her drink before bed and doesn't suffer anymore. 

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39 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, Dee Man said:
My sister-in-law swears by magnesium supplements for cramps. She said she used to get them all the time - she's a mad squatter with thighs like tree trunks - but says she mixes the powder in her drink before bed and doesn't suffer anymore. 



I knew exactly what this post was as soon as I saw the notification 'Bairnardo quoted you etc'.

And yes, yes I do. Thank you for asking. 

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Going for a little bit of weight loss again, as over the past 2 years I’ve just not really been paying attention to what I eat. Jumped from 10.5/11 stone to 13 and even if it’s the heaviest I’ve been, and I’m still looking relatively not fat, I want to get down to around 11.5 stone in 2/3 months. Going for a calorie deficit (as anyone should) diet and heavy cardio + football. However I’m wanting to avoid pasta/rice a bit as I’ve been getting bloated eating them recently. Any suggestions on what I can have beside chicken/steak etc?

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Going for a little bit of weight loss again, as over the past 2 years I’ve just not really been paying attention to what I eat. Jumped from 10.5/11 stone to 13 and even if it’s the heaviest I’ve been, and I’m still looking relatively not fat, I want to get down to around 11.5 stone in 2/3 months. Going for a calorie deficit (as anyone should) diet and heavy cardio + football. However I’m wanting to avoid pasta/rice a bit as I’ve been getting bloated eating them recently. Any suggestions on what I can have beside chicken/steak etc?

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42 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Going for a little bit of weight loss again, as over the past 2 years I’ve just not really been paying attention to what I eat. Jumped from 10.5/11 stone to 13 and even if it’s the heaviest I’ve been, and I’m still looking relatively not fat, I want to get down to around 11.5 stone in 2/3 months. Going for a calorie deficit (as anyone should) diet and heavy cardio + football. However I’m wanting to avoid pasta/rice a bit as I’ve been getting bloated eating them recently. Any suggestions on what I can have beside chicken/steak etc?

Incorporate fish, eggs, almonds, high protein Greek yoghurt and legumes into your diet for your protein.

Use sweet potatoes for your carbs if you're off pasta and rice although I'm experimenting just now with using just veg for my source of carbs, so if I stop posting in a few weeks I may have collapsed. 

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Been growing old disgracefully and managed to get back into sparring every week. Good for burning calories. Going to a desert island now for a week. It’s 5k in circumference with a sandy beach the whole way round so ideal for a bit of “road” work. Might even bump into a native after a square go. 

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Going for a little bit of weight loss again, as over the past 2 years I’ve just not really been paying attention to what I eat. Jumped from 10.5/11 stone to 13 and even if it’s the heaviest I’ve been, and I’m still looking relatively not fat, I want to get down to around 11.5 stone in 2/3 months. Going for a calorie deficit (as anyone should) diet and heavy cardio + football. However I’m wanting to avoid pasta/rice a bit as I’ve been getting bloated eating them recently. Any suggestions on what I can have beside chicken/steak etc?

Do intermittent fasting and watch the pounds fall off, I have lost 11 pounds in the last month doing it. Lost 2 pounds between sat 26 th Jan - 2 February despite drinking 4/7 of those nights in that week and having a takeaway on one night, all I did was 3 days with an 18 hour fast and on those days doing a HIIT workout and eating healthy within the eating windows and cutting out the majority of the shite I would normally consume on other days. I’m 12:6 now and think I can get below 12 by the end of February for my daughters birthday party when I’ll see my family who had last seen me as a fat disgusting alcoholic mess at Christmas time. Will be the first time I’ll have been below 12 stone since 2015 which is an absolute disgrace tbh.
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Do intermittent fasting and watch the pounds fall off, I have lost 11 pounds in the last month doing it. Lost 2 pounds between sat 26 th Jan - 2 February despite drinking 4/7 of those nights in that week and having a takeaway on one night, all I did was 3 days with an 18 hour fast and on those days doing a HIIT workout and eating healthy within the eating windows and cutting out the majority of the shite I would normally consume on other days. I’m 12:6 now and think I can get below 12 by the end of February for my daughters birthday party when I’ll see my family who had last seen me as a fat disgusting alcoholic mess at Christmas time. Will be the first time I’ll have been below 12 stone since 2015 which is an absolute disgrace tbh.

Some questions and a statement

- What fasting schedule do you do?
- what HIIT workout do .you do?

- you’ll always be a fat disgusting alcoholic mess to me x
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Anyone done the couch to 5k thing?

Been a bit bored of my usual gym routine so thought I’d give it a go.

After one run I’m not as bored of my old routine as I thought but I’ll stick with it for now.
I started it a few weeks ago. I'm now on week 4 but often did more than 3 runs from each 'week' as I missed a few and didn't want to do too much too soon.

I'm 14 stone when I probably should 12 but do a lot of walking so not fit but not horrendously unfit. Finding it at the right level for me and quite enjoying it
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Anyone done the couch to 5k thing?

Been a bit bored of my usual gym routine so thought I’d give it a go.

After one run I’m not as bored of my old routine as I thought but I’ll stick with it for now.

I done it last year, got to week 7 then suddenly just stopped, Was noticing a difference as well.
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my motivation is something that i am really struggling with. Know why i should be doing it, what i should be doing and when i can make time to do it, but i just cant drag myself out to do it just now. Starting this football fitness thing next Wednesday and i’m going back to play 7s on a friday again for a wee while.

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Some questions and a statement

- What fasting schedule do you do?
- what HIIT workout do .you do?

- you’ll always be a fat disgusting alcoholic mess to me x

Well I aim to go between 7pm-1 pm the next day if I can but because of my parenting duties I sometimes have to eat a bit later, but still a 17 or 16 hour fast is good going. All I really need to give up is breakfast and a bite to eat on my 10 o clock break so it’s really not that hard to do. I finish early on Fridays and a couple of days I haven’t eaten until I get home that day which is a 20+hour fast which isn’t really that hard to do either.

I just do advanced hiit workouts that I get on YouTube and that get recommended to me, Joe wicks does a few of them that are decent despite him being a massive bell end. I go out running some nights when I don’t want to disturb my daughter and have played 5’s a bit as well. Plus some days I do 15 thousand steps at work which also helps massively. It makes it more rewarding when I treat myself to some cooking lager at the weekend!
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Just getting ready to go out into the 34c heat and do my first group training class of the year. Nothing too much, just sprints and pad work...

Tell my mum I love her and that I want this played at my funeral:


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