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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Just noticed since the turn of the year ive managed to put in around 2 stone (maybe more)

Came out of nowhere, so this week back to the gym, take up an extra game of football, cut out the junk food and also going to give up the booze for the next few months.

Annoying as f**k since I love eating

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I went from 10 stone to about 11 in a few months. Don't know what's normal for a 6 foot tall 19 year old. Wasn't attending the gym or playing football, so I've been going to the gym for 3 weeks, 3 times a week now. Each session I do 65 mins cardio, lose around 600 calories, then do weights for 30 mins. Anyone able to comment to see if this is a good way to go about losing weight and putting on muscle? Also now train once a week with my mate's football team, just to keep fit, and me and my 3 mates have now took up badminton once a week (been doing that for 2 weeks now, loving it!)

Trying to eat a lot of protein now and less shite. Staying clear of Irn-Bru for 2 years I thought was great, was drinking diet Irn-Bru instead, but apparently that's also not too good for you? So now I drink only Robinson's diluted juice. If I am getting a take away, I'll not take KFC, McDonalds, Burger King all that shite. I'll get a Chinese or Italian, but get stuff with lots of vegetables, noodles etc but that's usually only once a week. I usually get mince, steak or chicken with rice for dinners and instead of eating crisps or chocolate I'll eat an apple or snack a jacks crisps.

Edited by DAFC.
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I've buggered my foot, was bruised really badly a week ago, now the bruisings generally gone but still can't put a lot of weight on it, so my normal work out of squats and deadlifts are pretty much out for a while, trying to do soemthing to keep me ticking over and have been swimming for the past few days though.

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At my heaviest I was around 18 stone. When I complained to people about it before they said I looked alright because of my height. At my lowest I was around 15st 5lbs, but I think I'll be around 14st 10lbs now. I haven't weighed myself in a while though, so I don't know. It's only recently when people have stumbled across old photos of me that they comment on how much of a fat b*****d I actually was. I think it's because when I gained weight it came on very, very slowly, so no one would really notice.

My aim is 14st 5lbs. That's plenty for my height. Anything less and it just gets silly. I walk everywhere, so that's a help. I do around 5 miles a day, and for the last two weeks I've been doing two jobs, walking the whole time. So that would bring me to around 8 miles a day. I used to cycle everywhere but some fanny decided to steal my bike. I wasn't too pleased when I woke up to find nothing where my bike should be.

I usually play football once a week, but I've been too busy lately. Hoping to get back into fives once a week then pap a sevens game in between them for good measure. I know that if I go to the gym I'll lose that extra bit needed in no time, but I can't be arsed. I'll stick to what I'm doing now. It will take longer, but I'm in no hurry. I had to buy a load of new clothes recently because my old stuff was too big, so I'm in no rush to go out and buy a new wardrobe because I've dropped another size on everything.

No got the money for all that carry on.

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Started this a week and a half ago, I think I can see some encouraging signs already, going to try and stick with it for another 7 weeks and assess the difference then. I'm enjoying the eating large meals and not eating breakfast really doesn't bother me. Nutritionally I'm eating some amount of protein compared to what I used to- for example had a packet of wafer thin turkey (with sriracha sauce as a dip) as an afternoon snack at work, then since I came home I've had 125g chicken (28g protein), a tin of beans + veggie sausages (29 g protein), and a litre of skimmed milk (36 g protein).

Also changed my workouts to focus more on compound exercises like bench press, pull ups, deadlift, and squat (although my work gym doesn't have a squat rack so I use leg press followed by dumbbell squats when my legs are already fatigued). There's another gym 5 minutes walk from me that's 10 quid more a month than the gym in work, but I got a free trial session and there's far more free weights areas plus a squat rack and an extra smith machine. Plus I don't have to see dickheads from work while I'm in there. Probably going to join on Sunday.

I've kind of adopted the periodic partial-fasting routine, but I'm not being nearly as co-ordinated or scientific as you appear to be.

I'm not really calculating how much protein I'm taking on, for example, and relying, instead, on having a generally decent diet overall (I'm vegetarian, but have also been taking multi-vitamins more routinely).

I work 9 - 5 and find it pretty easy to skip breakfast and lunch with no obvious ill-effects, so I'm only having a main meal in the evening on 4 days from 7. I did have a cup of soup today, right enough, as I've cycled into work and need a bit of energy for the ride home. As a result, I'm probably consuming about 1200 calories on those 4 days, and that way I can enjoy eating shite and drinking at the weekend, without the fear of piling on the pounds.

One thing I've noticed about adopting this approach is that I enjoy eating more when i do. I actually look forward to my evening meal, as opposed to it simply being something that I have as routine.

I'm not bothered about bulking up muscle-wise, just staying in shape. This is why I'm not too fussed about calculating how much protein I'm taking on board etc.

As I say, it is working out not too bad, and is pretty easy to maintain....so far.

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I was at 16 st about a month ago.

Decided I needed to do something about it and have now been going swimming one evening then cycling another. An hour minimum for both evenings.

Amazing the difference just doing a bit of exercise has done.

Down to 15st now which is pleasing. Hoping to get down to 13st by the end of the year although I suspect I will need to increase the exercise a bit more.

13st is what I was before I got married....

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I went from 10 stone to about 11 in a few months. Don't know what's normal for a 6 foot tall 19 year old. Wasn't attending the gym or playing football, so I've been going to the gym for 3 weeks, 3 times a week now. Each session I do 65 mins cardio, lose around 600 calories, then do weights for 30 mins. Anyone able to comment to see if this is a good way to go about losing weight and putting on muscle? Also now train once a week with my mate's football team, just to keep fit, and me and my 3 mates have now took up badminton once a week (been doing that for 2 weeks now, loving it!)

Trying to eat a lot of protein now and less shite. Staying clear of Irn-Bru for 2 years I thought was great, was drinking diet Irn-Bru instead, but apparently that's also not too good for you? So now I drink only Robinson's diluted juice. If I am getting a take away, I'll not take KFC, McDonalds, Burger King all that shite. I'll get a Chinese or Italian, but get stuff with lots of vegetables, noodles etc but that's usually only once a week. I usually get mince, steak or chicken with rice for dinners and instead of eating crisps or chocolate I'll eat an apple or snack a jacks crisps.

You are probably doing too much cardio to put on a decent amount of muscle.

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Having to go metric cos I can't be arsed looking for a converter, but I've gone from 80kg to 74kg in about 7 weeks, without upping the amount of exercise I do. Massive change in diet since moving to Switzerland, and the running I am doing tends to be more along the lines of HIIT as it is pretty much all up and down hill. Need to do a bit more work on building muscle, but I can't afford the cost of gym membership over here, so I'm settle battering through the crunches and press ups. Anyone got any suggestions for muscle building exercises that can be done at home with virtually no apparatus?

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Having to go metric cos I can't be arsed looking for a converter, but I've gone from 80kg to 74kg in about 7 weeks, without upping the amount of exercise I do. Massive change in diet since moving to Switzerland, and the running I am doing tends to be more along the lines of HIIT as it is pretty much all up and down hill. Need to do a bit more work on building muscle, but I can't afford the cost of gym membership over here, so I'm settle battering through the crunches and press ups. Anyone got any suggestions for muscle building exercises that can be done at home with virtually no apparatus?

Get a pull up bar and do ten sets of ten twice a day.

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I'm getting new body stat done tomorrow after 8 weeks of personal training.

Mainly doing it to improve muscle tone and lose weight, although my general fitness is very good (according to him), I do at least 3 spins a week and some jogging.

I hope I've improved! :unsure:

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My general fitness has rapidly deteriorated over the past year or so; partly due to getting a car which means I no longer walk everywhere like I used to, and partly because I'm no longer getting to enjoy my mum's delicious home-made cooking. :(

I had set this month as my deadline for making some drastic lifestyle changes, and I'm doing ok so far (he says, about 3 days into the new month :lol: )

My main goals/aims are:

- Stop eating at Mcdonalds/KFC/Burger King. At all. Ever. Ongoing, and fairly straightforward to be honest.

- Stop drinking fizzy juice and stick to tea/coffee/water. Easy enough. I'm finishing off what fizzy juice is left in the house (think there's still a 2L bottle of Irn-Bru in there) and then that's me done.

- Buy and eat healthier foods than usual. Started this already; I did a huge shop the other day and bought a lot of healthier foods than I normally would.

- Sign up for local gym. Went yesterday to enquire about prices and check the facilities, both of which I'm happy with so as soon as it hits payday I'm signing up. Edit: and going on a regular basis, I must add!

- Stop smoking completely. Toughest of the lot, though to be fair I have cut down a lot in the past 2 weeks or so, so hopefully I can keep it up.

I'll be using this guide fairly religiously for advice and guidance, particularly when it comes to gym work as I haven't been in god knows how long; http://liamrosen.com...ness.html#part2

What I'm most looking for from here is advice for healthy dinners that are nice and easy to prepare; my shopping yesterday was easy for buying stuff like fat free yoghurt, brown bread, chicken and turkey breast, tinned fish, whole grain cereal and a few other bits and bobs that the guide above recommends, but I was struggling a bit for dinner ideas. Had an omelette in the end which was quite nice but I'd like stuff that's easy to prepare, is fairly nutritious and doesn't result in a mountain of dishes afterwards.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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I've been on a health kick for about 3 months now. The first couple of weeks are definitely the toughest. It's all about getting into a routine, going to the gym at the same time each day etc. I never used to eat breakfast so if you want to lose weight and don't eat breakfast of definitely start there. It's so much easier to avoid snacking or overdoing it at lunchtime when you're not actually hungry. I've gone from 14.5 stone to 13.5, 13 is my target though. Feel so much better for it, full of energy all the time. The two tips that have worked for me- eat breakfast and cut down on booze.

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I've been on a health kick for about 3 months now. The first couple of weeks are definitely the toughest. It's all about getting into a routine, going to the gym at the same time each day etc. I never used to eat breakfast so if you want to lose weight and don't eat breakfast of definitely start there. It's so much easier to avoid snacking or overdoing it at lunchtime when you're not actually hungry. I've gone from 14.5 stone to 13.5, 13 is my target though. Feel so much better for it, full of energy all the time. The two tips that have worked for me- eat breakfast and cut down on booze.

I got a box of bran flakes from Tesco and had them with milk this morning. Never put any sugar on them and was expecting them to taste rank.

They were actually quite nice. Going to keep trying out different cereals etc. over the next few weeks but stick to wholegrain or cereals that aren't coated with sugar/chocolate. Maybe some toast and butter for variety as I'm sure I read that what your body craves in the morning is simple carbohydrates, with toast a perfect early morning snack for that reason.

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I got a box of bran flakes from Tesco and had them with milk this morning. Never put any sugar on them and was expecting them to taste rank.

They were actually quite nice. Going to keep trying out different cereals etc. over the next few weeks but stick to wholegrain or cereals that aren't coated with sugar/chocolate. Maybe some toast and butter for variety as I'm sure I read that what your body craves in the morning is simple carbohydrates, with toast a perfect early morning snack for that reason.

Special K is the one I go for, it's unoffensive. Even if you don't like it you can't hate it, it doesn't taste of anything. They know my name at my gym now, which is funny as the fact that starbucks used to know my order was one of the reasons I decided to lose weight!

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I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere in this thread but it's huge, so apologies. I want to start spinning classes, but i'm worried that if I rock up i'll pretty much die. Does anyone do it? Is it good? I'm not unfit but i'm worried I won't be able to take the pace...

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I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere in this thread but it's huge, so apologies. I want to start spinning classes, but i'm worried that if I rock up i'll pretty much die. Does anyone do it? Is it good? I'm not unfit but i'm worried I won't be able to take the pace...

I do them, doesnt matter your fitness levels, really hard workout but very enjoyable!

Just go for it, you won't regret it!

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