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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Back in the gym this morning as i am back shift for the next few weeks and prefer going in the morning anyway.

7k on the bike for warm up and some cardio.

Lat pull downs

Squat rack

Calf raises with squat bar

Chest press ( only 10kg)

Light walk and slight jog on treadmill

Swim ( ( Few lengths )


Back in the pool to stretch and get the cold water.

4 times this week plus a run on Saturday morning should be more than enough and my rest day is Wednesday.

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My weekend end started off promisingly with a hike up Kilmalcolm. Sadly, I have since wrecked the benefits that's brought me by having a Chinese on Saturday night and 4 bacon rolls over the course of the weekend, as well as some Pringles and chocolate.

I've stopped kidding myself on today and got all of the leftover Christmas crap out of the house in preparation for the work ahead. I go to Amsterdam for 5 days of madness in 5 weeks and I intend to give my body a pre-detox in that 5 weeks.

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My eating today has consisted of:

Rice Krispies for breakfast (well lunch as I get up at 12pm)

7pm - Had a nice salady type meal with some pastrami, onion, peppers, beetroot and spinach

After I finish the gym I will either have: Gammon steak (grilled) with some oven chips or pasta with salmon.

Snacks: 1 apple and 2 of the Tesco's healthier range breakfast bars.

Any experts want to give me the positives/negatives of my days food?

ETA: I haven't drank any water, but I've drank 1 litre of fresh pineapple juice and only 3 coffees.

Edited by Dindeleux
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You need to drink much more water IMO.

Also for philpy, chances are much of that weight (if it's early in a change of regime) will be water. Nothing massively wrong with that so long as you're keeping hydrated, but don't expect to make similar gains every week, if you're still eating and don't have E coli.

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ETA: I haven't drank any water, but I've drank 1 litre of fresh pineapple juice

Were you expecting a blowie?

As mhak will say, very little is bad in isolation but presuming you're looking to lose weight then not drinking your calories is a good start. Switch to water, or sugar free diluting juice if water is too plain.

It's really easy to neck a litre of fruit juice and although it'll have vitamins it doesn't fill you up so much compared to say eating a tin of pineapple chunks.

I personally don't like cereal for breakfast and there's a lot of sugar in rice crispies but in isolation they're not going to do a massive amount of damage.

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My eating today has consisted of:

: Gammon steak (grilled) with some oven chips or pasta with salmon.

ETA: I haven't drank any water, but I've drank 1 litre of fresh pineapple juice and only 3 coffees.

Loads of sugar in fruit juices, I'd imagine a litre of pineapple juice would be a fair chunk.

Something I;ve started doing is swapping my chips/potato sides on my dinner for boiled veg or rice.

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My eating today has consisted of:

Rice Krispies for breakfast (well lunch as I get up at 12pm)

7pm - Had a nice salady type meal with some pastrami, onion, peppers, beetroot and spinach

After I finish the gym I will either have: Gammon steak (grilled) with some oven chips or pasta with salmon.

Snacks: 1 apple and 2 of the Tesco's healthier range breakfast bars.

Any experts want to give me the positives/negatives of my days food?

ETA: I haven't drank any water, but I've drank 1 litre of fresh pineapple juice and only 3 coffees.

I think you need to natural food sources in there. The chips and tesco breakfast bars are full of fat and sugar, as is the Krispies. Try replacing the latter with oatmeal and/or a piece of fruit.

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if you want to get fit then forget about food as a source of enjoyment... If you like how it tastes (including fruit) then its bad for you unless you are some sort of a freak.

Your diet should be

lean meat


wholegrain pasta with only olive oil, no cheese or sugary tomatoe sauces

wholegrain porridge without sugar or salt

unsalted nuts

kidney beans

more vegetables

more vegetables

and other things like this

get that through your thick skulls and you will be fine.

I have no beef with people who are fat b*stards and enjoy their food but I do have a problem with people bullsh*tting that they are eating a healthy diet on some of the sh** listed. just taking the p**s.

Edited by footballfan25
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if you want to get fit then forget about food as a source of enjoyment... If you like how it tastes (including fruit) then its bad for you unless you are some sort of a freak.

Your diet should be

lean meat


wholegrain pasta with only olive oil, no cheese or sugary tomatoe sauces

wholegrain porridge without sugar or salt

unsalted nuts

kidney beans

more vegetables

more vegetables

and other things like this

get that through your thick skulls and you will be fine.

I have no beef with people who are fat b*stards and enjoy their food but I do have a problem with people bullsh*tting that they are eating a healthy diet on some of the sh** listed. just taking the p**s.

Ooooft! Who shat in your wholegrain porridge without sugar or salt this morning?!

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if you want to get fit then forget about food as a source of enjoyment... If you like how it tastes (including fruit) then its bad for you unless you are some sort of a freak.

Your diet should be

lean meat


wholegrain pasta with only olive oil, no cheese or sugary tomatoe sauces

wholegrain porridge without sugar or salt

unsalted nuts

kidney beans

more vegetables

more vegetables

and other things like this

get that through your thick skulls and you will be fine.

I have no beef with people who are fat b*stards and enjoy their food but I do have a problem with people bullsh*tting that they are eating a healthy diet on some of the sh** listed. just taking the p**s.


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if you want to get fit then forget about food as a source of enjoyment... If you like how it tastes (including fruit) then its bad for you unless you are some sort of a freak.

Your diet should be

lean meat


wholegrain pasta with only olive oil, no cheese or sugary tomatoe sauces

wholegrain porridge without sugar or salt

unsalted nuts

kidney beans

more vegetables

more vegetables

and other things like this

get that through your thick skulls and you will be fine.

I have no beef with people who are fat b*stards and enjoy their food but I do have a problem with people bullsh*tting that they are eating a healthy diet on some of the sh** listed. just taking the p**s.

Great rant.

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if you want to get fit then forget about food as a source of enjoyment... If you like how it tastes (including fruit) then its bad for you unless you are some sort of a freak.

Your diet should be

lean meat


wholegrain pasta with only olive oil, no cheese or sugary tomatoe sauces

wholegrain porridge without sugar or salt

unsalted nuts

kidney beans

more vegetables

more vegetables

and other things like this

get that through your thick skulls and you will be fine.

I have no beef with people who are fat b*stards and enjoy their food but I do have a problem with people bullsh*tting that they are eating a healthy diet on some of the sh** listed. just taking the p**s.

Good post, will read again.

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If you like how it tastes (including fruit) then its bad for you

Your diet should be

lean meat


wholegrain pasta with only olive oil

unsalted nuts

kidney beans

I like the taste of these things. What am I to do?

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Why would olive oil be acceptable on pasta but not its counterpart, some nice aged red wine or balsamic vinegar? I don't think this guy is a real expert based on these contradictory claims tbh. On another point, I've never really bought into the whole 'eat natural foods' recommendation - it strikes me as more a form of food snobbery than forming any meaningful difference to your health. Certainly amusing when some of those who jump on the bandwagon are still happy to glug down a whey protein milkshake in their mythical need to add more protein to their diet...

Edited by vikingTON
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Why would olive oil be acceptable on pasta but not its counterpart, some nice aged red wine or balsamic vinegar? I don't think this guy is a real expert based on these contradictory claims tbh. On another point, I've never really bought into the whole 'eat natural foods' recommendation - it strikes me as more a form of food snobbery than forming any meaningful difference to your health. Certainly amusing when some of those who jump on the bandwagon are still happy to glug down a whey protein milkshake in their mythical need to add more protein to their diet...

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