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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Chris you've mentioned that pure gym place, is that the one that's open 24 hours?? I was talking about it at work today, who the f**k wants to go the gym at 3am??

I'm a member of the one in Glasgow, you'll usually find bar staff in at that time of the morning after work, i've been myself a few times aswell when i can'y sleep.

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I used to go to a pure gym. Never again!

I'm going to join the one at ocean terminal. It seems better than the council ones. And a wee bit cheaper.

If you have the money, I recommend joining edinburgh university's gym instead. Great facilities.

Edited by JogaBonito
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I used to go to a pure gym. Never again!

If you have the money, I recommend joining edinburgh university's gym instead. Great facilities.

I used to be a member of the Pure Gym in Glasgow and thought it was quite decent. Did you have a bad experience of their gyms?

Anyway, I've lost 6lb in the last week which I'm very chuffed with, helped by a run on Saturday and 5's on Monday. Going for another run on Friday too. :)

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I've never been at 3am but I've heard you get quite a few shift workers, bouncers etc in at that time.

JogaBonito, what bad experience have you had of Pure Gym, they've been fine for me.

I've had a sore foot for the last week, it was hurting after I did a 5k onthe gym treadmill but as I was moving house I couldn't rest it. It's pretty frustrating, I'm going to go to the gym today and use the bike and rower. It's annoying as I've moved to a part of Edinburgh that is made for running.

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if you want to get fit then forget about food as a source of enjoyment... If you like how it tastes (including fruit) then its bad for you unless you are some sort of a freak.

Your diet should be

lean meat


wholegrain pasta with only olive oil, no cheese or sugary tomatoe sauces

wholegrain porridge without sugar or salt

unsalted nuts

kidney beans

more vegetables

more vegetables

and other things like this

get that through your thick skulls and you will be fine.

I have no beef with people who are fat b*stards and enjoy their food but I do have a problem with people bullsh*tting that they are eating a healthy diet on some of the sh** listed. just taking the p**s.

You're a total idiot and are giving terrible advice. Do some research on basic nutrition.

Why would olive oil be acceptable on pasta but not its counterpart, some nice aged red wine or balsamic vinegar? I don't think this guy is a real expert based on these contradictory claims tbh. On another point, I've never really bought into the whole 'eat natural foods' recommendation - it strikes me as more a form of food snobbery than forming any meaningful difference to your health. Certainly amusing when some of those who jump on the bandwagon are still happy to glug down a whey protein milkshake in their mythical need to add more protein to their diet...

Or won't eat processed sugars, but are happy to drink a weight gainer shake in which the main ingredient is dextrose.

You can lose weight from dieting alone anyway. Just consume slightly less energy that what your body requires (start counting calories).

All this labelling food "good" or "bad" just leads to a spiral of food avoidance and disordered eating. Creates more stress than what's needed. The only real bad food is probably trans fat found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

This is entirely correct.

The fact is that, in terms of body composition, all that matters is calories in vs calories out and macronutrient intake. Results will be identical whether your intake comes from chicken breast, brown rice, olive oil and veggies or whey protein and ice cream.

Obviously, for any number of reasons it's a good idea to make up your diet from mainly whole, unprocessed and nutrient dense foods. Macronutrients are important, but being micronutrient deficient will lead to any number of health defects. In terms of body composition a bad diet won't have a direct impact, although it might impact indirectly by having an impact on performance.

Basically, you can get in just as good shape by eating like a normal person and using a bit of common sense as you can by following some daft '100% clean' (an entirely subjective term in any case) type protocol. People like to think that there's some extra benefit to making themselves suffer through a pointlessly restrictive diet, but all they're doing is making continued dietary compliance more difficult. As you rightly say, this can often lead to disordered eating.

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Re chin ups. Is it ok to do these every day? I'm not wanting to get massive arms so is it ok to miss the "rest" days and make it a daily exercise?

No. You shouldn't work the same muscle group every day. You get your improvement from the rest days, allow the muscles the chance to recover.

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Re chin ups. Is it ok to do these every day? I'm not wanting to get massive arms so is it ok to miss the "rest" days and make it a daily exercise?

Best to have rest days.

Btw, getting 'massive arms' takes a hell of a lot of time and dedication as well as a consistent caloric surplus. It is absolutely not something that'd happen by mistake.

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One of the best exercises you'll ever do though. Worth persisting with.

Try them in sets of three at first. Work up to sets of five then you can mic them up as much as you like. I'll sometimes just crank out as many as I can until I fall over, sometimes I do sets of five or sets of eight as part of a routine.

Ive been doing a 10, 8.6,4 and trying to do it as slowly as I possibly can lately. That is a real killer! First few times you manage to do a few sets you will feel your shoulders are totally fucked from doms, your back muscles hurt and obove all else your stomach muscles will be utterly mangled. I find it much much better than planks, although you dont do the side on effort of course. Try them and master them! That is proper core strength that even a lot of the big fannies that inflate their muscles with monkey chemicals cant master properly.:P

I used to be the same, could only do a couple.

The main factor for me was getting Over the embarrassment factor of only being able to do 2 in the gym and then giving up...... The longer I've been at the gym though the less self-conscious I've became.

See this is is a problem for me, im very self-conscious in the gym. Always feel like there's someone watching me to see if i'm doing things correctly. Or they want to see me struggle.

Yes im a paranoid android.

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I used to be a member of the Pure Gym in Glasgow and thought it was quite decent. Did you have a bad experience of their gyms?

I used the one in Edinburgh (Laurieston sp??) for a while. It was chalk a block everytime I went full of inconsiderate folk doing stupid stuff.

Got told off a few times for making "too much" noise too.

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See this is is a problem for me, im very self-conscious in the gym. Always feel like there's someone watching me to see if i'm doing things correctly. Or they want to see me struggle.

Yes im a paranoid android.

The gym is one of the most judgemental places ever. Everyone's watching everyone else, looking for an excuse to think they're doing it wrong. Just try to ignore it.

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The gym is one of the most judgemental places ever. Everyone's watching everyone else, looking for an excuse to think they're doing it wrong. Just try to ignore it.

Yeah I 100% agree. Anytime I take an extended break from the gym it always takes me ages to get back into it cause this exact reason. Because I havent been seen for a while then I feel like everyone will be watching me. I'm not the only one who's noticed this by the way.

Really need to get my own gaff soon so I can convert the garage into my own gym then I can struggle all I want. And in my underwear no less.

Edited by 11thHour
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Played squash for the third time today, while we are both rank rotten it is great fun, we use a bouncy beginners ball so we can just concentrate on hitting it and not having to absolutely whack it.

You also have to forget about folk walking past and looking in the court or just standing watching, if they want to watch me then good for them don't think I would waste time watching me.

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Have started going for a few runs a week between 3.5-5 miles plus hill and stair sprints on a saturday. Still recovering from my shoulder dislocation so weights are off the menu apart from my light rehab exercises although i done a wee abs circuit and cracked off a few press ups last night (loads of girly knees on deck ones with different hand positions with 10 normal ones at the end) and im pleasantly achy today. Frustrating to be honest compared to what i was doing before however shit happens and ill just need to get on with it!

Can anyone recommend a sports injury clinic in glasgow? Id quite like to see a proper physio and get a proper rehab structure in place, the nhs physios only seem to be able to get you functional again which is fair enough but i reckon i need someone with a bit more knowledge as to what i can and cant do at this stage...

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See this is is a problem for me, im very self-conscious in the gym. Always feel like there's someone watching me to see if i'm doing things correctly. Or they want to see me struggle.

Yes im a paranoid android.

There's probably less people judging you than you think. People might look at me and scoff for how little I lift- I don't care as long as I'm progressing. I only internally sneer at people wearing baseball caps indoors or guys with fake tan and Cristiano Ronaldo haircuts doing 40 sets of bicep curls with decreasingly worse form.

Words of wisdom

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