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I'm beginning to outgrow the weights I have at home (not that you'd know it looking at me, I'm still a pathetic rake). Quite fancy getting a bench and some heavier weights so I can get some use out of my shed too - is second hand the way to go? What brands are good?

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Started back the gym last Wednesday and overdid it somewhat. I couldn't straighten my arms without it being really painful for about 3 days after it. My left elbow was also really swollen, I fractured it years ago but its never been a problem ever. You think it was just a case of doing too much too soon combined with not enough stretching?

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I'm beginning to outgrow the weights I have at home (not that you'd know it looking at me, I'm still a pathetic rake). Quite fancy getting a bench and some heavier weights so I can get some use out of my shed too - is second hand the way to go? What brands are good?

A mate of mines kitted out his whole garage for about £50. He got some stuff free from Gumtree as folk were giving it away if you came and picked it all up or folk he knew were just giving it to him cause they didnt use it. All the stuff he has is in decent nick, decent enough nick to get a good workout going anyway. I would try second hand before buying anything brand new.

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Started back the gym last Wednesday and overdid it somewhat. I couldn't straighten my arms without it being really painful for about 3 days after it. My left elbow was also really swollen, I fractured it years ago but its never been a problem ever. You think it was just a case of doing too much too soon combined with not enough stretching?

Depends on what you were doing. When i first started doing stuff like deadlifts and bench press I was like that whilst my muscles adjusted to it.

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  • 1 month later...

I've started looking at getting into this recently. I like to think I'm gradually getting better in terms of what I'm consuming - instead of guzzling fizzy drinks I've been drinking only water for close to two months now (kept it up for a year before, hoping to beat that), and instead of snacking casually on sandwiches and sweets I'm now tracking what I'm eating which has kept the calories down (couldn't believe the amount I was snacking on sub-consciously when I actually had it written down in front of me). The healthy(er) eating has been going on for just over a week. I feel ok and think I can keep it up for the foreseeable future.

I'm looking for a bit of advice with a gym routine though. I went for the first time this morning since starting my membership and felt like a bit of a rookie. 24 minutes on the treadmill with a few short sprints and 10 minutes steady-pace on the cross-trainer. After that I was fucked! Was hoping to introduce myself to weights too but shat it, will look into that when I'm next there. Does anyone have a set routine they'd follow by means of starting off? Just need a bit of structure so I'm not wondering about deciding what to do next until I feel gubbed.

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Is the best way to gain weight just eating a lot?

I'm currently looking to gain weight then turn it into muscle. I've heard that it's mainly down to diet, so I take it eating foods high in protein and eating more than the GDA of calories is the way to go? How would I be able to measure this in an efficient way? (for instance, I just ate a steak, but no-where on the packet did it tell me how much protein/calories it contained). Are protein shakes a waste of time if you eat the correct way? And does anyone have any decent high protein/calorie recipes I can try?

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Is the best way to gain weight just eating a lot?

I'm currently looking to gain weight then turn it into muscle. I've heard that it's mainly down to diet, so I take it eating foods high in protein and eating more than the GDA of calories is the way to go? How would I be able to measure this in an efficient way? (for instance, I just ate a steak, but no-where on the packet did it tell me how much protein/calories it contained). Are protein shakes a waste of time if you eat the correct way? And does anyone have any decent high protein/calorie recipes I can try?

You obviously need to be lifting weights. Eating high protein and high fats. Dont just eat food for the sake of it. Protein shakes are fine as a supplement but not a replacement. Stuff like salmon and mackarel is a good source of high protein and high fat food

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Cheers boss.

I'm going to be rejoining the gym on Tuesday/Wednesday if I get the chance and create a routine. I think I'll leave the protein shakes then as I like eating nuts and stuff anyway.

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Is the best way to gain weight just eating a lot?

I'm currently looking to gain weight then turn it into muscle. I've heard that it's mainly down to diet, so I take it eating foods high in protein and eating more than the GDA of calories is the way to go? How would I be able to measure this in an efficient way? (for instance, I just ate a steak, but no-where on the packet did it tell me how much protein/calories it contained). Are protein shakes a waste of time if you eat the correct way? And does anyone have any decent high protein/calorie recipes I can try?

I started doing this at the start of the year. I have made a few dietary changes to increase my protein consumption. I now (for the most part) eat turkey instead of chicken and have started eating a lot of almonds as snacks instead of chocolate/crisps. Its had an effect so far and I've put on about 3kg which is a decent enough start. I have stayed away from protein shakes as I have heard mixed reviews about them.

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Cheers boss.

I'm going to be rejoining the gym on Tuesday/Wednesday if I get the chance and create a routine. I think I'll leave the protein shakes then as I like eating nuts and stuff anyway.

Nuts are good as long as you dont overdo them as they are really high in fat. Avocado is also good.

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  • 1 month later...

Mrs eindhovendee has started this Facebook 30 day Ab challenge and was asking for a bit of advice about how to actually do the exercises required. I gave a few pointers but also went on You Tube to look for videos to give her an idea of what she should be doing.

At the moment I've just told her how to do them and yelled a bit of encouragement. She hasn't seen any videos.

Here's one. :)

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Can anyone recommend any good and easy things to make for packed lunches? For dinner just having four chicken brests with cauliflower to avoid carbs and fatty foods. Trying to get more toned whilst putting a bit of muscle on.

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Can anyone recommend any good and easy things to make for packed lunches? For dinner just having four chicken brests with cauliflower to avoid carbs and fatty foods. Trying to get more toned whilst putting a bit of muscle on.

Cucumber and tzatziki (try and find low fat tzatziki) with pumpkin seeds. Filling and very tasty, won't help with the muscle though. If you're looking for food which will contribute to your muscle growth then obviously stick with the protein; however if you're going to the gym and hitting the weights, instead of just consuming protein straight after you're finished, (in the form of say chicken, or a protein shake) have a wee bottle of orange juice, then hit the protein. The spike in insulin after the dip it goes through whilst exercising will help the body absorb the protein better.

Edited by DonnieDarko
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