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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I'm a fat b*****d, I'd go as far as saying I'm obese. At 19 that's incredibly embarrassing, but that gives me plenty of time to do something about it right?

Earlier in the year I laced up my boots for the first time in 4 years and was attending 5's and 7's with my friends. I enjoyed it, but reckoned I'd enjoy it even more if I was actually fit enough to last a whole game. So I quit and told them I'd be back once I've shifted a load of weight off. Ever since then I've just sat on my arse doing f**k all about it. I have no motivation.whatsoever.

In my house I have weights but they're the shitty starter ones that are not much use to me. I also have an exercise bike that can be made into a rowing machine too. Not many of my friends go to the gym and I really couldn't imagine myself having the balls to show up there looking like I am just now.

I work in Amazon packing lots of stuff, usually big things. As you can imagine by the end of a shift everything is hurting me. 10+ hours of being on my feet is killing them, with them having to hold up my weight and the weight of items it's tough. Usually come home with back and knee problems too. Getting fit would make my job easier and my ordinary life easier.

Just wanted to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and could give any tips on how to go about shifting the weight and how you keep yourself motivated?

Do this, seriously, take a pic of yourself in a full length mirror, make peace that you're in bad shape, and use it as motivation.

Lack of motivation wanes after about 10-20 days IMO. This first period is pretty hard as you need to self police; even things like not even physically looking at fast food outlets as you walk/drive past them. That's one of the things I do to self police. See when you're in the gym or doing any other form of excercise, it feels pretty good, both pysically and mentally.

Oh aye, and never go food shopping when you're hungry. You're far more likely to buy shite in that state.

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HIIT on generic gym equipment like bikes or treadmills is both brutally boring and hard to stick to. I do metafit once, sometimes twice a week and, in my experience, it's a more enjoyable, effective and challenging way of doing cardio.

I also recommend sixpackshortcuts on YouTube which has some excellent workout videos for both building muscle and burning fat. As long as you don't fill a subscription on the actual sps website, as there's absolutely no reason to. I try and dedicate at least one day a week each to legs, arms, chest, shoulders and back. I've only really started committing to a schedule in the last couple of weeks though, and I'm just noticing how underdeveloped some of my muscles, mainly in my back and shoulders, really are when I'm trying to work on them with heavy dumbbells.

I'm in a much better place than at the start of the year, but I still feel a bit soft and flabby. Mainly I think due to an inconsistent diet and routine, but I feel like I'm getting there now.

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I'm a fat b*****d, I'd go as far as saying I'm obese. At 19 that's incredibly embarrassing, but that gives me plenty of time to do something about it right?

Earlier in the year I laced up my boots for the first time in 4 years and was attending 5's and 7's with my friends. I enjoyed it, but reckoned I'd enjoy it even more if I was actually fit enough to last a whole game. So I quit and told them I'd be back once I've shifted a load of weight off. Ever since then I've just sat on my arse doing f**k all about it. I have no motivation.whatsoever.

In my house I have weights but they're the shitty starter ones that are not much use to me. I also have an exercise bike that can be made into a rowing machine too. Not many of my friends go to the gym and I really couldn't imagine myself having the balls to show up there looking like I am just now.

I work in Amazon packing lots of stuff, usually big things. As you can imagine by the end of a shift everything is hurting me. 10+ hours of being on my feet is killing them, with them having to hold up my weight and the weight of items it's tough. Usually come home with back and knee problems too. Getting fit would make my job easier and my ordinary life easier.

Just wanted to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and could give any tips on how to go about shifting the weight and how you keep yourself motivated?

If you were enjoying playing football then I would go back to it. If one of your goals is to increase your fitness to be able to last a whole game the best way to achieve this is by playing more, rather than using an exercise bike / rowing machine etc. One of the main factors in exercising consistently is doing something you enjoy.

As for the weight loss, it goes without saying that diet is the key. I find that planning my meals at the start of the week helps. Make your main meals in bulk and make them last two-three days. If you need a snack have an apple, or a protein shake.

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This is my advice (format is a bit distorted because I'm cutting/pasting something I typed on another site)::

All weight-loss diets work, so long as you involve a caloric deficit. You can get good estimation using calculators like [this](http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/).

Some tips:

- Whatever number you come up with, subtract x amount of calories depending on your goals/time-frame. For example, a 500 calories daily deficit will lead to ~ 1lb loss per week.

- Keep a food diary, weigh your food and track calories. Jot down everything that goes into your mouth. Be consistent. It sounds like a pain in the butt, but it pays off. Even include other information if it helps you identify patterns/eating habits. Plenty of apps out there if that's what you prefer.

- Higher protein diets tend to blunt appetite better and also helps spare muscle tissue.

- Try to pick foods that are filling and/or lower in calories. Think vegetables, fruits, legumes, lentils, whole-grains, lower-fat dairy, lean meats, quality fish etc.. Include a variety of foods to cover adequate nutrient intake - so nuts/seeds/extra virgin olive oil/rapeseed oil are important too in moderation.

- Try to use zero-calories sweetener instead of sugar in your coffee.

- Don't deny yourself of treats but be sure to track!

- Exercise isn't important, but provides many benefits to the mind and body. Even a little goes a long way (e.g the [7 minute workout](http://www.7-min.com/), or the [100 press-ups routine](http://hundredpushups.com/week1.html) (I like this for burpees). Weight-lifting helps spare muscle tissue.

All the best.

Currently hovering around 83kg, was ~115kg during my heaviest.

Edited by JogaBonito
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Bought cheap body fat scales from Asda to give them a go.

Started off at average of 15%, on a good day now around 12%. For some reason my body fat goes up after exercise?

Best time is first thing in the morning.

I'm really strict with my diet but need to have one 'cheat' day where I will have a pudding and maybe one or two beers.

Before I pig out on something I try to stop myself by thinking about how hard I've worked during the week. Usually works.

Would recommend the following food for losing weight and fat.

Porridge - wonder food, keeps you full most of the morning on just one serving. I've seen me have one bowlful at 7AM and go hillwalking and not eat until midday.

It's really easy to make, you get it in packets now, just add milk and bung in the microwave.

Fruit - One or two portions a day, I tried drinking lots of smoothies and eating several portions until I found out I was eating more sugar than several doughnuts.

Meat/Fish - you get packs of chicken or other meats - ready cooked with flavours added. Easy and cheap way to get protein. You can get cheapish steaks at Asda. £3.50 each. Not really that expensive. Same with salmon etc.

No bread - don't eat any bread.

Beer/Booze - sorry, no point in dieting all week then consuming 3000 dead calories in beer twice a week. You're likely to pig out the next day on takeaway and BS food too. It also completely fucks up any motivation for exercising and fitness in general.

Soup - Try just having soup for your main meal at first. This really works, but try to get one with lots of content. Pasta or meat something like that. Fresh soup is even better.

Water - Try to drink lots.

Milk - Try skimmed milk, you really can't taste the difference after a while.

Don't starve yourself and maybe make one change per month, plan for years rather than a daft week long diet and don't go for any stupid fad exercise programs like insanity. Find something you like doing rather than doing it to lose weight.

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I know I've been a bit chubby for a while now but it just hit home a few weeks ago when I went over to a dame's house and was downright embarrassed to take my shirt off. I'm 18, 6ft 1 and weigh just under 13 stone (last time I checked). Since then I've been motivated to get myself back into a respectable shape. I've taken up jogging, and try to go twice a week for just under an hour running 7 miles. I've also tried to build up muscle, although it's basically just a paltry number of sit-ups, press-ups and tricep dips in my living room. Want to go to the gym but I wouldn't know where to start and what to do.

I also began crash dieting although it was more of an attempt to quickly lower my high appetite rather than for weight loss, but I've went back to normal (avoiding sweets and crisps though). Been doing this for a few weeks but haven't noticed much change at all, any suggestions?

Edited by Chupacabra
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Currently getting back into proper training after breaking my arm quite badly in May through Muay Thai. Lifts moving back up and have started MMA (would've rather kept up with Thai but recently moved to St Andrews and it isn't possible here).

One step back and all that. Some good advice on here and some proper broscience.

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Although the whole "eat clean and exercise" mantra seems simple, I've always thought it over-complicates things massively.

It you want to lose weight then get into the habit of tracking your macro-nutrients and get in a calorific deficit. Easy as that.

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Having rejoined the gym I'm looking for a HIIT routine to help with the cardio side of things, as well as doing weights,

I used to do a pretty simple one on the stationary bike when I was a member before -

5 minute warm up on the bike, getting heart rate up and keeping pace at 100 rpm.

5 x 30 seconds flat out - 30 seconds back to 100rpm

5 minute warm down on the bike.

I would try and get my heart rate up to near maximum when doing the 30-30 section.

What are people's thoughts on this routine?

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Having rejoined the gym I'm looking for a HIIT routine to help with the cardio side of things, as well as doing weights,

I used to do a pretty simple one on the stationary bike when I was a member before -

5 minute warm up on the bike, getting heart rate up and keeping pace at 100 rpm.

5 x 30 seconds flat out - 30 seconds back to 100rpm

5 minute warm down on the bike.

I would try and get my heart rate up to near maximum when doing the 30-30 section.

What are people's thoughts on this routine?

Will raise you from an 8 to a 9 ITUO (in this user's opinion).

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Having rejoined the gym I'm looking for a HIIT routine to help with the cardio side of things, as well as doing weights,

I used to do a pretty simple one on the stationary bike when I was a member before -

5 minute warm up on the bike, getting heart rate up and keeping pace at 100 rpm.

5 x 30 seconds flat out - 30 seconds back to 100rpm

5 minute warm down on the bike.

I would try and get my heart rate up to near maximum when doing the 30-30 section.

What are people's thoughts on this routine?

Used to do something similar when I was going to the gym, would do a 5 minute warm up, pace at above 80rpm and alternate the resistance from fairly easy to fucking hard* with 40 second intervals. Would repeat 5-10 times depending on how much time I had available and how I was feeling. Seemed to do a very good job in terms of fat loss. Need to get back to something similar, along with my running.

*technical term

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On the bike theme, can anyone recommend a decent exercise bike to buy for use at home?

Want something available for use over winter and cannot be f*cked joining the gym for 3 or 4 months before cancelling again as I have done the last 2 years.

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After hitting the 13st 7lb after my holiday, I'm now down to 12st something. Out of the overweight category on the BMI chart, yaaasss.

Some of that may have been from being rather hungover and eating nothing / throwing up throughout Saturday though.

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Having rejoined the gym I'm looking for a HIIT routine to help with the cardio side of things, as well as doing weights,

I used to do a pretty simple one on the stationary bike when I was a member before -

5 minute warm up on the bike, getting heart rate up and keeping pace at 100 rpm.

5 x 30 seconds flat out - 30 seconds back to 100rpm

5 minute warm down on the bike.

I would try and get my heart rate up to near maximum when doing the 30-30 section.

What are people's thoughts on this routine?

This is roughly the same Hiit routine I use twice a week along with weight training and I've had great results. This is with a clean diet during the week and a Sunday of eating a lot of shite.

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Having rejoined the gym I'm looking for a HIIT routine to help with the cardio side of things, as well as doing weights,

I used to do a pretty simple one on the stationary bike when I was a member before -

5 minute warm up on the bike, getting heart rate up and keeping pace at 100 rpm.

5 x 30 seconds flat out - 30 seconds back to 100rpm

5 minute warm down on the bike.

I would try and get my heart rate up to near maximum when doing the 30-30 section.

What are people's thoughts on this routine?

Sometimes I'll do a pyramid HIIT of something like 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and do say twenty seconds rest in-between. The first ones tend to knacker you more obviously, but you recover enough in time for the last two to go absolutely 'flat' flat-out at the end if you get where I'm coming from.

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Currently I am doing some cardio and lifting in the house as I can't be bothered (too poor) to fork out for a gym membership.

So I do burpees most days a week, I do 20 secs on (can usually managed 8-10) then 10 secs rest, for a combined 2 minutes (and that's classed as a round). Then I do maybe 2-3 more rounds. At a beginner stage right now, but hope to do more/longer rounds as I progress. No need for equipment, full body you get a total arse kicking.

Also lift when I can be bothered, usually 6 days a week (high/low/med sequence). So I'll do some shoulder presses/rows one day and legs another. Not really concerned with getting super buff anymore, but just doing enough to stimulate the muscles and not be a fat pos.

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My routine is all done in the house with a set of dumb-bells and an abs roller. I usually try and do 3 exercises per muscle group and alter what muscles I target each week to vary it up a bit.

Monday - all 3 sets of 12. Triple set.

Usually start with a combination of push ups and crunches (super set) - kind of like a warm up routine.

Bicep curls


Dumbell flys

Hammer curls

Alternate arm extension

Overhead fly

Concentration curls


Chest press

Finish with the ab roller and dumbell side bend (super set)

Tuesday - all 3 sets of 12. Super set.

Usually start with a combination of push ups and crunches (super set) - kind of like a warm up routine.

Shoulder press (sometimes alternate this with an Arnold press)

Wide row

Side raise

Kneeling one arm row

Bent over raise

Dead lift

Finish with the ab roller and shrugs (super set)


Rest day from weights but play 5's in the evening.


Same as Monday


Same as Tuesday

Saturday and Sunday - rest days

The week after I might combine biceps with back and then do chest with triceps and shoulders. Just depends how I feel.

Might seem a bit much but it's working for me and I can see a difference. I also might skip a weight day and do a 15 minute set of 5 push ups followed by 5 squats and try and fit in as much as possible within a 15 minute period. It's a good challenge.

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