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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I am quite skinny but I am 99kg I am still healthy fast,strong and can run for miles is that normal because my weight

How tall are you?

I'm around 6ft and my weight tends to drift between 78-82kg depending on how much exercise I'm managing to get in, and I'm fairly slim. If I was to put on another 20kg I expect I'd look a fair bit larger.

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I'm now 5 weeks into the FFIT course at ICT and I've lost 4.7kg so far. My target for 13 weeks is 6.3kg, so all going well, I should hopefully reach that before Christmas. The weight loss is down to cutting out the junk from my diet and walking 10,000+ steps each day. I still lapse into beer and takeaways at weekends, but I'm delighted to be dropping weight for the first time in my life.

The sessions at the stadium have mostly been doing a few laps around the pitch at our own pace, but we had a go at some basic circuit training this week. It turns out I have muscles in places I didn't know existed! :lol:

Good work bud. I'm doing the same at Hearts, lost 4.9kg so far, loads more to go though but a good start. I also find weekends difficult, with junk food and less exercise.

I have also joined the gym and got a PT to make up a programme for me to follow with a mixture of cardio and weights and it seems to be working so far, although it's difficult to get to the gym more than 1-2 times a week just now.

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Since I damaged tendons in my shoulder about 6 weeks ago, I've done nothing and probably put on about half a stone. Probably need to arrest the slide before Christmas but given that even running causes shoulder pain, I'm guessing the best thing to do would be exercise bike and leg machines (neither of which I'm a fan of)?

I suppose I could do one-armed dumbbell stuff on the other side and see how much I can go for the Rafa Nadal unbalanced arm look.

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Just wanted to say thanks for the blender recommendation.

2x whey protein, 1x peanut butter, 2x fat free yoghurt, oats and milk.

tastes superb

Sounds magic.

Could always chuck a banana in there too.

Edited by DonnieDarko
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I've been back at the gym for about six weeks. I've just been doing a relatively relaxed routine to get my body back used to weight bearing. Generally I do the following

Legs/Core day

On all machines I do 10-8-6 reps with weight increasing.

Leg press

Leg extension

Leg curl

Hip abductor

Hip adductor

Calf press

Back extension


Then I do a 15 minute HIIT routine on the stationary bike - 5 minutes at 90rpm, then 30 seconds flat out, 30 seconds at 90rpm for the next 5 minutes, then 5 minutes at 70-80rpm to warm down.

Arms / Upper body

For this I do a 8-6-4 rep programme with weights going up.

Diverging Lat pulldown

Seated row

Lat pull down

Shoulder press

Chest press

Arm Curl

Tricep extension

Seated dip

Then I do the HIIT routine again.

On the final trip to the gym I combine both routines and then do HIIT at the end.

I also have a chin up bar at home and have started doing leg raises from it to help with my core/abs. I also do chinups on it, although I need to get more disciplined with this.

I'm going running 3-4 times a week as well, I've entered the Edinburgh half-marathon in May.

I'd quite like to consolidate my crowded programme into something a bit less packed, maybe put some more compound exercises in, free weights etc. I just didn't want to jump back into free weights after not having been at the gym for over a year.

What do people think of the routine I've put above? I really should note down the weights I use - usually for my arms/upper body I do 90lbs/100lbs/110lbs through the 8-6-4 reps. For my legs I tend to put on a lot more for leg presses, I think I usually do around 200lbs for that, and then when doing individual leg groups I go 85 lbs / 100 lbs / 115 lbs through the 10-8-6 reps. I could probably lift more than that but I just wanted to get used to things again.

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All I know is I'm totally confused by everything I've read.

One person says one thing, another person says the complete opposite. Not on this forum but try googling stuff and it just gets stupid.

I've upped my calories from 1800 to over 2000 and put on half a stone in two months and my fat only went up 1% which says I am doing not too bad. Just cut out quite a few carbs unless they are good ones, again totally conflicting advice on the net and when to eat them.

Also the whole body split routine or full body workout. Some say it's bollocks others say it's for everyone and most say it's for advanced weightlifters only.

From looking at your workout it seems like too many things that could be combined into compound exercise if you really want to gain muscle but if you are running a marathon is this what you really need? Look at the good long distance runners they hardly have any muscle at all?

I'm going to keep on the 2000 calories until the new year and begin a serious few months of cutting and try to get a six pack and maintain the muscle mass. Bought myself a skipping rope and a sandbag and thinking of getting some new weights as I've topped out the basic set I bought on eBay last year.

I think the best thing to do, in my very limited knowledge, is to have a strict goal and plan and really commit to it. Also don't try to do something daft like bulk and get abs at the same time or wipe out weight training with too much cardio.

It's all a bit confusing tbh.

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I've been back at the gym for about six weeks. I've just been doing a relatively relaxed routine to get my body back used to weight bearing. Generally I do the following

Legs/Core day

On all machines I do 10-8-6 reps with weight increasing.

Leg press

Leg extension

Leg curl

Hip abductor

Hip adductor

Calf press

Back extension


Then I do a 15 minute HIIT routine on the stationary bike - 5 minutes at 90rpm, then 30 seconds flat out, 30 seconds at 90rpm for the next 5 minutes, then 5 minutes at 70-80rpm to warm down.

Arms / Upper body

For this I do a 8-6-4 rep programme with weights going up.

Diverging Lat pulldown

Seated row

Lat pull down

Shoulder press

Chest press

Arm Curl

Tricep extension

Seated dip

Then I do the HIIT routine again.

On the final trip to the gym I combine both routines and then do HIIT at the end.

I also have a chin up bar at home and have started doing leg raises from it to help with my core/abs. I also do chinups on it, although I need to get more disciplined with this.

I'm going running 3-4 times a week as well, I've entered the Edinburgh half-marathon in May.

I'd quite like to consolidate my crowded programme into something a bit less packed, maybe put some more compound exercises in, free weights etc. I just didn't want to jump back into free weights after not having been at the gym for over a year.

What do people think of the routine I've put above? I really should note down the weights I use - usually for my arms/upper body I do 90lbs/100lbs/110lbs through the 8-6-4 reps. For my legs I tend to put on a lot more for leg presses, I think I usually do around 200lbs for that, and then when doing individual leg groups I go 85 lbs / 100 lbs / 115 lbs through the 10-8-6 reps. I could probably lift more than that but I just wanted to get used to things again.

No squat or deadlift?

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I think I'm going to move towards doing compound freeweight exercises, like squats and deadlifts. I've had problems with my back recently and wanted to get used to lifting weights again - I was a bit worried that if I started throwing weights around I could get injured. I'm thinking about now adopting a programme to help build core stability for my running. Was thinking about having deadlifts, squats, leg raises, chin ups etc. I know there are people on here who know about this stuff, does that sound a good plan?

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Post up your current stats and your goals and ill be happy to recommend something simple and effective for you. Will do it by pm (no groomer) if you dont want it public. No need to overthink things.

Ok here goes, will try and break it down to parts.



11 half stone and 13% body fat on a good day.

Pretty slim but carry a bit a fat, really stubborn to get rid of.



Get up to 12 stone ripped was muscle definition and around 10% or lower fat. Is this possible in six months?

Diet and exercise current

This week so far as an example





Some fruit


Pack of chicken, pre cooked

Chicken meal with potatoes and veg, ready meal but health option for work




Pre gym

Two pre cooked chicken kebabs, just pieces of chicken on skewers

Tin of tomato soup

After gym

One scoop of whey protein

Two Turkey fillets diced, cooked with Amoy noodles and a sauce



Three scrambled eggs

One shake

Peanut butter

X2 whey protein

Fat free yoghurt

Skimmed milk


Some fruit


John west tuna and cous cous pot with added extra tin of tuna




Bean soup and a chicken fillet, pre cooked

Will repeat this pattern of eating all week until Friday where I just have a normal healthy three meals day.

Saturday is a gym day but morning so


Smoothie, fruit and porridge


X2 scoops whey protein and meal like salmon and brown rice or a steak for lunch

After lunch it turns into a bit of a cheat day, usually have a reasonably fat free pizza or healthy Chinese meal like Kung po chicken or noodles.

Need to relax the diet for one day and admit to having one or two beers and maybe pretzels or some almonds alongside. Maybe have a few chicken drumsticks etc.

Sunday is like Friday, try to eat three healthy meals.


I have/do the following

Exercise bike

Multigym in garage plus free weights and bench. Weights maximum on multigym is 80kg, have already maxed out on a few exercises.

Free weights, have maxed out on one exercise, 35kg approx on one dumbbell. Looking to buy additional weights that would take me up to 50kg on each dumbbell.

Sandbag 20kg, buying a skipping rope soon.

Exercise mat for core work and abs

Exercise regime is usually



45 mins on bike, try to push myself hard

Approx one hour lifting weights, I stalled at the same weight due to not eating enough IMO and have now pushed through that in the last few weeks.

Usual routine for Monday

Overhead dumbbell pull down 35kg x12 reps x3 vs multigym seated row 75-max weight 15reps then 12 reps then 10 reps

Dumbbell press 2x 25kg Dumbbells 12 reps x3 vs multigym bar pull down 50kg, 55kg, 60 kg 15,12,10 reps

Bench dumbbell pull-ups 30kg from floor 15,12,10 reps vs multigym bicep curl 35kg, 40kg, 45kg

Seated dumbbell curls, free weights. Each dumbbell 18kg roughly. Vs tricep extension with same weight. Can only manage 6 or so reps, much harder than multigym but less weight.


Leg extension 15,12,10 reps 50kg, 55kg, 60kg

Calf raise struggle with this especially after playing football, only 10kg then 15kg same reps as calf leg extension.

Basically weds and Saturday are the same amount of exercises but I exclude some and add

Military press with free weights, multigym pec deck.

After every gym session I do five mins ab workout copied from youtube or an ap, it's like a warmdown.

So to sum up

Monday gym

Tues ab workout as warmup to five a side

Weds gym

Thurs same as tues

Friday maybe some cardio,bike

Sat same as mom and weds

Sunday rest, maybe a walk

Looking to keep the same routine in terms of days as I can't change it. Also I can't really change the timescale at night.

Get back from work at five, chill out and have tea about half five. Start workout at half six. Eat about nine at the latest, would knocking everything back half an hour make a difference?

Saturday is open for change, from 8am till 12 noon, could also swap for Sunday or do both.

In terms of equipment, I know I would benefit more from going to an actual gym and doing compound stuff but I think I wouldn't keep this up and there's no guarantee of getting on the equipment. Seems like an expensive way just to use a bench press or rack once or twice?

Can I get some sort of results from using the sandbag and the free weights? Incorporating them into lunges or squats maybe? IMO a dumbbell press isn't too far removed from a bench press.

I have to be honest and say I have no idea about cardio,when is the best time to do it, for how long and how hard. I like to get properly warmed up and get a sweat on before lifting, not sure why just always done this. Went to a gym in my twenties and did it this way.

Sorry if this is a bit long winded but if you could make sense of it all and come up with suggestions and improvements I would really appreciate it.

The advice on diet from before is helping, whey protein and shakes was good advice and work.

Looking for something I can see results within six months. I have the motivation and long term staying power, went from 13 stone fat and did nothing five years ago to current weight and a decent standard of fitness. Would be good to get to the level or fitness I had in my twenties again. Somehow it ssemd easier back then,I'm mid 30s now and it seems much harder despite eating really clean and not boozing.

Any advice appreciated.

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I've been in an out of the fitness cycle the past couple of years, with my weight yo-yoing between 16 and 19st. I'll always go, hammer it for a couple of months then completely lose motivation, pile all the weight back on and a wee bit more, then back into the vicious cycle.

A few of my friends recommended a gym in Airdrie, and one of my mates had a great transformation since joining in January 2013 and sticking to their fitness and diet plan, it gave me the motivation to join. Here's his before and after:


I decided to join up 4 weeks ago, and got given a fitness and diet plan. I've been sticking to the diet plan strictly, and the exercise I've been doing my own thing. I've been doing meta-fit on a Tuesday with my football team, 7s for an hour on a Thursday with the football, then a game on the Saturday morning. Then on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will do weight training with one of my friends who is a member of this gym.

I was a bit embarrassed getting my body profile taken by gym in by the instructor because of how heavy and unfit I had gotten, but need to start somewhere. Since joining up I've lost 1st 2lbs, and reduced my body fat by 2.5%.

I know I've got a long way to go to get where I want to be, but the support and tips given to me by the people in the gym have been far better than any I have received in the years I've been going on and off. I can feel the difference in my clothes when I'm getting ready for work daily and that's one of the great motivators, plus the fact my fitness is getting better.

Hopefully kick on and get a good loss int before Christmas, so I can enjoy myself a bit over the festive period. The gym will only be shut on Christmas and Boxing Day, so I'll be still going over the festive period to keep myself ticking over.

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Can anyone recommend a good fitness book / guide?

I'm getting a bit flabby and need to sort out my diet and get some muscle built. I'm about a stone overweight, and eat too much sugar. Think I'm looking for a manual that'll guide me towards what to do rather than what I'm currently doing. Seen a few on ebay, but seem be a bit US-centric so would fancy something that's written for the UK.

Any ideas?

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DAFC I'm out just now will post something up later. KD that's a great level of body fat loss in those pics but if done with advice from a gym there should be some gain in lean mass too. I'm not sure the guys plan is as good as it could be.

I'm guessing you're a pt?

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