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The get fit, stay fit thread

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That's pretty much impossible though isn't it? If your daily intake of calories was negative you'd struggle to get out of bed in the morning?

I thought the idea was to do cardio which burns fat and eat enough to keep yourself nourished without going over the 2500 calories per day

No, no it isn't. And I'm talking about losing weight, not burning fat.

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That's pretty much impossible though isn't it? If your daily intake of calories was negative you'd struggle to get out of bed in the morning?

I thought the idea was to do cardio which burns fat and eat enough to keep yourself nourished without going over the 2500 calories per day

Do you think people just keel over and die if they're a few hundred calories short??

You create a calorie deficit and the body uses fat stores to provide energy.

There's a reason humans can survive weeks or months without food.

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You can't literally "burn more than you eat" though because even doing a decent amount of cardio will only burn a couple of hundred calories.

You burn calories just existing. Throughout the day when you are just sitting about doing nothing you are burning calories. I thought this was pretty basic common knowledge tbh.

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Bought myself some dumbells about 6 weeks ago and have added a few fairly basic exercises using them into my normal 3 x a week cardio routine. Early days, but already noticed a massive difference in my body shape.

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You burn calories just existing. Throughout the day when you are just sitting about doing nothing you are burning calories. I thought this was pretty basic common knowledge tbh.

So did I. Think Mr Bairn is just mis-guided. That's what this thread is for after all!

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So your BMR is what you would naturally burn if you did no cardio?

And if you wanted to eat more without gaining weight you would need to do cardio to match the extra calories?

BMR is what you are burning while at rest I think. So you burn a certain number of calories just by living, then anytime you move (even just walking about) you are burning more. So eat more than you burn in a day = gain weight, eat less than you burn in a day = lose weight.

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BMR is what you are burning while at rest I think. So you burn a certain number of calories just by living, then anytime you move (even just walking about) you are burning more. So eat more than you burn in a day = gain weight, eat less than you burn in a day = lose weight.

Is there a way to calculate your BMR?

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Do a look up on google for BMR calculators. Remember that nobody really has much of a clue what their actually value is but it's a good starting point to use with myfitnesspal and you can then adjust accordingly depending what progress (or lack of) youre making.

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Is there a way to calculate your BMR?

Yeah, there are plenty of online calculators. However, you want your tdee, since as we've concluded bmr estimates your daily needs

based on if you were just to lie in bed all day.

Edited by JogaBonito
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By f**k, my legs are aching tonight. Had 3 gym sessions this week. Had a "pacer" session on the bike for 25 minutes, kept ahead of the pacer by 0.11 miles for most of it, but by the end it was only 0.2 behind me. 6.03 miles in total.

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I've been doing PT with Lee Mair for a few weeks now. 3lbs off, muscle mass up, 5% body fat off, visceral fat down. Not bad considering I've attended a wedding a funeral and a 5 nil pumping that required several drinks.

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