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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I've piled on the weight since I quit football a few years ago and looking to shift a good few stone by next summer. I can eat generally healthy but just have no motivation to exercise after work, doesn't help that I don't have a gym membership now.

I find running outdoors extremely boring (either that or it's too hard for me now) and don't have a bike at the minute. Am I best going to the gym and going to regular classes and doing a lot of cardio work or buying a bike and cycling regularly?

I'm guessing it's down to the individual and what I would prefer?

Any cardio you enjoy is good cardio as far as I see it, I'm like you, I find the gym extremely dull. Badminton is a good workout too, good if you can get a regular partner.

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I am now doing this. Jeans are hanging aff me. Keep getting told i look like I have lost weight. Yet still lifting as heavy as I have been.

My weight's staying steady but strength is increasing and I'm losing bodyfat. It's a good combo but won't be able to do it for too much longer imo.

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Bad advice imo. I'm naturally quite slim and tried to bulk up too quickly. Ended up putting on fat as well as muscle. Depends what you want to do. For me I want to add strength for playing football and just because I enjoy working out. Some guys seem more focussed on putting on mass regardless of fitness and/or putting on fat.

Going from 2000 calories to 3500 overnight isn't going to work. Do it in steps and adjust.

The LDN bulking guide isn't an overnight change. You gradually build up the calories. You aren't going to put on size by not increasing your calorie intake.

And aye, it's not just eating any old shite. It's watching your macros and eating the right kind of stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally bit the bullet and gave up boozing. Will still have the occasional lapse on a special occasion but casual drinking is totally counter productive to what I'm doing during the week.

It's ok to say just have one beer but that never happens so feck it.

Final session on NYE then trying a year without booze. Sakes.

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I did my first workout with Stronglifts today. It was pretty good, squats, bench-press and barbell rows. I kept the starting weight pretty low but I think I could lift a lot more. Is it worth just moving the weight up rather than increasing it by the increments suggested by the app?

I think I could lift more but don't want to hurt myself.

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I did my first workout with Stronglifts today. It was pretty good, squats, bench-press and barbell rows. I kept the starting weight pretty low but I think I could lift a lot more. Is it worth just moving the weight up rather than increasing it by the increments suggested by the app?

I think I could lift more but don't want to hurt myself.

Wait and see how you feel tomorrow. If you go up too quickly you'll a) get sore and b) hit plateaus earlier. Especially on squats as you're doing them 3 x week you'll go up pretty quickly anyway.

I think the best thing about the app is the simplicity, do a set, touch the screen to log it and then it starts the counter til the next one. I would say before that when I was estimating rest time between sets I would always start my next set too soon.

I'm starting again tomorrow (honest). Haven't been since end of September due to being on holiday then being ill as soon as I've come back but I'm ready to get into shape for fucking up over the Christmas holidays, rinse and repeat etc.

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Squats, bench and rows are 3 solid exercises. What's the routine you're following?

5 x 5 on all three.

The app said to start doing squats at 20kg but I thought that was way to low so I started on 40kg. I managed it no problem. It's saying that I should go up to 42.5kg next time but I reckon I could probably go up to 50kg no problem now.

Wait and see how you feel tomorrow. If you go up too quickly you'll a) get sore and b) hit plateaus earlier. Especially on squats as you're doing them 3 x week you'll go up pretty quickly anyway.

I think the best thing about the app is the simplicity, do a set, touch the screen to log it and then it starts the counter til the next one. I would say before that when I was estimating rest time between sets I would always start my next set too soon.

I'm starting again tomorrow (honest). Haven't been since end of September due to being on holiday then being ill as soon as I've come back but I'm ready to get into shape for fucking up over the Christmas holidays, rinse and repeat etc.

The rest period is the thing that I really noticed about it. Resting for 90 seconds doesn't seem a long time but when I was standing there I realised that before I've probably been resting for 30 odd seconds, which doesn't sound enough. I feel absolutely fine now after doing the exercises this morning. If I'm OK tomorrow I'm going to go for a run.

One of the reasons I've gone for an app is that when I was into doing weights a few years back I just used the machines and, although I tried to avoid it, I ended up concentrating on the machines that I was good at or found easiest. So I ended up being able to lift the entire stack on the leg press, for example, but barely able to do anything on the chest. With the app I'll just do as it tells rather than concentrate on any particular exercise.

I'm a relatively big person and do think I should probably be lifting more but I'm also aware of rushing.

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I always use the bulk suppliers for guaranteed quality and The Protein Works is the best imo. Just stick to whey, nut butters, omega 3, vitamin d3, creatine and caffeine none of the expensive newer products.

Edited by Billy Dynamite
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Found eBay to be good for whey protein also. Gold nutrition is decent, trying banana just now its a bit watery compared to the chocolate ones.

Had to stop taking it with milk, was farting all day long.

The optimum nutrition products are excellent. Using a small bag of Complete Protein until my big bag delivery from Musclefood and it's great tasting along with quality ingredients. Recovery has been very good also. Edited by mrcat1990
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