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Excellent episode, things starting to come together a bit, maybe???
Watch the credits, theres an Easter Egg scene!!!

Just clocked this at the end and started panicking that I had missed one for all the previous episodes.

Missed it and had to grab it on YouTube because the fast forward is so bad on Disney plus. Ended up seeing the start of the trailer for next week which immediately gave away a big thing. What is it with Americans and wanting every surprise and plot point ruined by trailers?
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I'm so jealous. I have to stay off Twitter all day until we can finally get the toddler to bed. An earlier surprise was spoiled when I saw an actor's name trending during the day. Such a good show.

Wandavision really is tremendous.
Covid and furlough are shite, but if they mean I can keep watching this first thing on a Friday morning, I can survive for a bit more
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Well well well, kinda guessed that agnes was dodgy, had no clue who agatha harkness was until read up on her there, if this doesn't lead into the fantastic 4 making their mcu arrival (given her backstory and consistent mixing with them) then f**k knows what will

Also her other backstory is her mentoring of scarlett witch/wanda

Would be fucking unreal if mcu introduced both mutants and f4 at the same time, 

Also, monicas powers are gonna come out soon, got to believe she'll be a big part in captain marvel 2 now


Fucking hell i was completely wrong about wandavision, i expected it to be baws with a bit of future story leading from it, instead its been fantastic viewing 

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3 hours ago, Loki said:

I absolutely have no idea of what is happening nor who everyone is.  But I love watching it.  Such a fun show.

Was chatting to the current future Mrs Connolly about this earlier.

It's well enough written that pretty much anyone can watch and enjoy it, whether they are comic book nerds or have just seen the odd MCU film. New characters have been introduced in a way anyone can understand, while there are still enough bits for ITK fans to appreciate as well.

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On 05/02/2021 at 13:05, KingRocketman II said:

I love the whole genre but the TV shows to me are all v meh, with one or two exceptions. The Arrowverse all has the same distinct feel, show structure and dull polish to it which is not surprising given the same producers etc but just bores me shitless with their cliches and their support teams  (who all love each other and one is invariably madcap). Same with Agents of Shield which after a promising start seems to be what WandaVision will turn into. am waiting for a Marvel/DC show that will be as excellent as The Mandalorian with perhaps the first Season of Daredevil coming closest to this before it ran out of steam. The cartoons remain the most interesting and vibrant production of the genre on TV, in my opinion. 

As for the movies, there has not been one Synder movie I have enjoyed with perhaps the exception of Dawn of the Dead so I am pretty non-plussed about his massively hyped re-cut. There is nothing jumping out at me from Marvel Phase 4 except for Sam Raimi's Dr Strange but this isn't due out till March 2022. 

I guess the comics/graphic novels/books* will just have to keep me going which is not really a complaint....

(*delete according to how important that description is to you).


 I completely take this back. WandaVision has become very very good. Unmissable almost, 

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2 hours ago, 54_and_counting said:

I think people think of the mandalorian as every episode was outstanding tv, there was some fillers that barely offered anything as well to the overall arc 

Tbf Season 2 only had the one filler episode (episode 2) and even then, that episode still did a lot of link work!!!

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23 hours ago, Baggio said:

Brilliant. Loved the ending. No idea how to do spoilers in the App but that was fantastic.
Love Kathryn Hahn, love that this is a female centred superhero show. Hope some white guy doesn't swoop in and save the day now.

I had a right wing neck beard colleague tell me Disney is ruining Marvel. Brie Larsen is ruining Marvel etc. It's gone too woke.

I sit and watch WandaVision with my daughter. She absolutely loves it yet has no real interest in anything else Marvel apart Captain Marvel (after seeing Monica here). She can't wait for Friday's to come so we can sit and watch the next episode.

On the episode itself I thought it was a bit weak. More filler than killer but made sense with the big reveal. I expected this from the start but they threw in a few swerves to make me doubt it.

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I genuinely don't understand people like that. Did he think John Boyega ruined Star Wars because he was a black stormtrooper?

Anyway, love that you and your daughter have this shared experience. Can't wait to share Wanda and Monica and Captain Marvel and Black Widow and Okoye and Shuri and The Wasp and Gamora and Hela and Agnes with mine when she is a wee but older. When I was growing up all I had was the Fire Star from the Spider-man cartoons!

I had a right wing neck beard colleague tell me Disney is ruining Marvel. Brie Larsen is ruining Marvel etc. It's gone too woke.
I sit and watch WandaVision with my daughter. She absolutely loves it yet has no real interest in anything else Marvel apart Captain Marvel (after seeing Monica here). She can't wait for Friday's to come so we can sit and watch the next episode.
On the episode itself I thought it was a bit weak. More filler than killer but made sense with the big reveal. I expected this from the start but they threw in a few swerves to make me doubt it.
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55 minutes ago, Baggio said:

I genuinely don't understand people like that. Did he think John Boyega ruined Star Wars because he was a black stormtrooper?

Anyway, love that you and your daughter have this shared experience. Can't wait to share Wanda and Monica and Captain Marvel and Black Widow and Okoye and Shuri and The Wasp and Gamora and Hela and Agnes with mine when she is a wee but older. When I was growing up all I had was the Fire Star from the Spider-man cartoons!

Fire star was awesome though, way better than Ice Man.

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2 hours ago, Baggio said:

I genuinely don't understand people like that. Did he think John Boyega ruined Star Wars because he was a black stormtrooper?

Anyway, love that you and your daughter have this shared experience. Can't wait to share Wanda and Monica and Captain Marvel and Black Widow and Okoye and Shuri and The Wasp and Gamora and Hela and Agnes with mine when she is a wee but older. When I was growing up all I had was the Fire Star from the Spider-man cartoons!

He never mentioned that. He does now call it the M She U and was moaning about Monica Rambeau getting powers (I've told him several times previously that she gets Captain Marvel like powers in the comics). He enjoys WandaVision too so no idea why something so stupid would bother him. Especially with the amount of strong Male characters in the Cinematic Universe.

I've never really appreciated that other demographics have been neglected until I got a bit older. I thoguht there was far too much fuss about the Black Panther film until my Nigerian friend explained it to me that they've never really had anything that was catered to 'them'. If you were releasing several films of this type every couple of years then it's not going to garner the same reaction as it did originally. Easy to understand when you look at things clearly.

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He never mentioned that. He does now call it the M She U and was moaning about Monica Rambeau getting powers (I've told him several times previously that she gets Captain Marvel like powers in the comics). He enjoys WandaVision too so no idea why something so stupid would bother him. Especially with the amount of strong Male characters in the Cinematic Universe.
I've never really appreciated that other demographics have been neglected until I got a bit older. I thoguht there was far too much fuss about the Black Panther film until my Nigerian friend explained it to me that they've never really had anything that was catered to 'them'. If you were releasing several films of this type every couple of years then it's not going to garner the same reaction as it did originally. Easy to understand when you look at things clearly.
Lol guaranteed the Ghostbusters reboot "ruined his childhood" then.

Honestly, representation matters. And empathy. Imagine you are a little black girl that gets picked on because of your big natural curly hair (and we know it happens) . Then you watch Wandavision and Monica Rambeau pulls out the super hero landing with her natural black hair looking like the most powerful hero you have ever seen. And she looks like she could be you - think how that would make you feel.

I'll stop now, I could go on and on about this stuff.

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2 hours ago, Baggio said:


Lol guaranteed the Ghostbusters reboot "ruined his childhood" then.

Honestly, representation matters. And empathy. Imagine you are a little black girl that gets picked on because of your big natural curly hair (and we know it happens) . Then you watch Wandavision and Monica Rambeau pulls out the super hero landing with her natural black hair looking like the most powerful hero you have ever seen. And she looks like she could be you - think how that would make you feel.

I'll stop now, I could go on and on about this stuff.

I've two young daughters, both mixed race, and they've grown up the last few years with there being black and female superheroes as standard.  They've never known different. I think it's just great, it really is. 

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