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Comic Book Movies (and TV Shows)


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Hush and Black Mask would have been excellent in the Nolanverse, as would Hugo Strange and as someone said, the Mad Hatter or someone like Calender Man. There's a load untouched though, Killer Croc, Prometheus, Harley Quinn, Anarky, Deadshot, Victor Zsasz or even someone like Red Hood. Solomon Grundy could have been interesting, he has quite a sad story too.

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Solomon Grundy is a great character!

i really do not know how the next Batman is going to be, i just feel sorry for everyone that is involved trying to follow up Nolan, i just get the feeling that they could make a great film and it still not get the credit it will deserve, that and i wonder if they will stick to the "realistic" approach of go down the fantasy kinda direction,

i guess it will be the latter given the Justice league movie is happeneing (maybe)

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It's brilliant, utterly brilliant. I saw it at the cinema and for a moment genuinely thought it was another film.

Just no.

The film ruined would could of potentially been not 1 but 2 good films. 3 could of focused more on PP becoming a darker character and victimised Eddie Brock a bit more to justify his feelings at the church sequence. The way the film was done with Spiderman being everyone's hero plays direct constract to the comics and series, would have been better with the constant war between him doing the right thing and being hounded by people taking its toll and the symbiote taking advantage of that.Also the fight sequence in teh apartment between PP and HO if he was wearing teh black suit he should of been alot stronger and would of played better if he was taunting Harry throughout the fight and then using the bomb at the end which maybe could of killed him. The "bad Peter Parker" montage was fing terrible just showed him being more confident and more of an arse

a seperate film should of been setup just for Venom, 20 mins of screen time was just criminal

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Just no.

The film ruined would could of potentially been not 1 but 2 good films. 3 could of focused more on PP becoming a darker character and victimised Eddie Brock a bit more to justify his feelings at the church sequence. The way the film was done with Spiderman being everyone's hero plays direct constract to the comics and series, would have been better with the constant war between him doing the right thing and being hounded by people taking its toll and the symbiote taking advantage of that.Also the fight sequence in teh apartment between PP and HO if he was wearing teh black suit he should of been alot stronger and would of played better if he was taunting Harry throughout the fight and then using the bomb at the end which maybe could of killed him. The "bad Peter Parker" montage was fing terrible just showed him being more confident and more of an arse

a seperate film should of been setup just for Venom, 20 mins of screen time was just criminal

I was talking about the bit when Peter Parker turns heel and is walking and dancing around town. If you look at what I said earlier, I said it's brilliant cinema for all the wrong reasons. It's breathtakingly shit. But hilarious.

Spiderman 3 is utter bollocks.

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Has there ever been a decent threequel? Even 'Rises was a comparitive disapointment imo.

Jedi? Return of the king

Xmen 3, Spiderman 3, basically anythign with a 3 on the end. Saying that Iron Man 3 is looking good so far

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I was talking about the bit when Peter Parker turns heel and is walking and dancing around town. If you look at what I said earlier, I said it's brilliant cinema for all the wrong reasons. It's breathtakingly shit. But hilarious.

Spiderman 3 is utter bollocks.

Glad we sorted that out :D

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Ah then off the top of my head I can't think of a comic book movie good threequel.

Superman 3 loses the plot by cramming Richard Pryor into the film and attempting to make it into a comedy. Batman Forever has it's moments but ultimately doesn't quite work, mainly as they let Tommy Lee Jones portray Two-Face as a poor man's Joker.

Spiderman 3 suffers as it has too much crammed into one movie and Raimi's quirkieness has started to influence the film in a bad way. X-Men 3 is just poor to be honest. Killing Cyclops (off-screen essentially) just as your starting to do the Jean Grey Pheonix storyline is beyond stupid.

The Dark Knight Rises is nowhere as clever as it thinks it is. It has some great visuals and the scene when the cops charge at the escaped criminals in the derelict sreets is impressive, if some what stupid when you consider what they're up against. Overall, the film is too bloated and too long. I don't have a problem with long films so long as there is good reason for the length like The Return of the King for example.That film doesn't squander much time and wraps up the trilogy well. The Dark Knight Rises doesn't.

I can't think of any other comic book movie threequels really, have I missed any potential good ones? Although like P.C said, Iron Man 3is looking promising though.

Edit: Forgot Blade Trinity. That film sucks though so the point about no good comic book movie threequels still stands.

Edited by captainkev
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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a good threequel. Tbh, I'd say it's my favourite out of the whole Indiana Jones series.

I know everyone likes to pretend the the fourth film doesn't exist but Indiana Jones isn't a trilogy. wink.gif

Superman 3 loses the plot by cramming Richard Pryor into the film and attempting to make it into a comedy. Batman Forever has it's moments but ultimately doesn't quite work, mainly as they let Tommy Lee Jones portray Joker as a poor man's Joker.

See above. Both 4 film series (I'm not sure those Batman films count either, although Alfred is the same actor throughout, isn't he?)

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Havent been many comic book franchises reach 3 films, only others i can think of are

Blade Trinity (with Ryan Reynolds).... which after 2was pretty poor.

Most of them the 2nd in series (after an origin debut) are the strongest in the series (iron man being the expection so far) but 3rd ones so far have been terrible

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Funnily enough, I'm sure the "Dark Knight" trilogy was pre-planned in a different way before the second movie with the Joker being the principle baddie in 2, and Dent's transformation into Two-Face happening at the end of 2, beginning of 3. The best link i can find is here

Some people mistakenly believe there was actually a story or outline for a third film featuring the Joker. What they are talking about, however, is that way before any script or story was written for The Dark Knight, David Goyer had (sometime after Batman Begins) drafted an outline of an idea for two films that would involve the Joker. The first would have been the Joker rampaging in Gotham and being caught, and the second film would have featured Harvey Dent prosecuting the Joker. During the trial in this second film idea, the Joker would throw acid or something in Dent's face, turning him into Two-Face, and thus giving the third film a rampaging Two-Face for a villain.

That was the very rough idea sketched out by David Goyer in the aftermath of Batman Begins. But it was just the basic idea, and parts of it were kept and merged together into one single idea, which became part of the story in The Dark Knight. So the rumor that there was a third film planned with the Joker is just a misunderstanding about the early concepts written by Mr. Goyer for films after Batman Begins, and those concepts all got into The Dark Knight and none were left over for any planned third film whatsoever.


I liked DKR, but this strikes me as a much more condensed and potentially satisfying idea for a trilogy, and more likely to keep the "Freaks in Heat" vide of the Dark Knight into the third film. Of course, The Dark Knight would have been a different movie in this scenario

I think the problem with the third films is, as anotehr poster pointed out, the often have to follow the series high point, and they don't have much in reserve - how do you top the Joker in batamn villany? You can;t. Ditto Doc Ock and teh Green Goblin in Spiderman.

Comic book movies are probably here to say, it;d be nice to see a film studio approached a franchise with a LoTR attitude - building to a climax in the thrid film instead of trying to keep it going. Take the level of planning involved in the Avengers movie, and apply it to a single character.

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