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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Aye you'd think so. They built them up as some sort of superpower that even Tywin was afraid of so you'd hope all that build up doesn't go to waste and they kick some arse at some point. 

I think that as its Mark Gatkiss playing the banker, they have plans for it to be influential as the series gets towards its climax. They funded Stannis as a long punt to get their money back. Given the financial state of the "Baratheon" throne and the lack of gold from the Lannister mines, when they cut their losses it will be near curtains for Tommen. I doubt you will see a lot of them, but when you see them it will be crucial. Mace Tyrell's visit last year was part of the build up to that. 

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I think that as its Mark Gatkiss playing the banker, they have plans for it to be influential as the series gets towards its climax. They funded Stannis as a long punt to get their money back. Given the financial state of the "Baratheon" throne and the lack of gold from the Lannister mines, when they cut their losses it will be near curtains for Tommen. I doubt you will see a lot of them, but when you see them it will be crucial. Mace Tyrell's visit last year was part of the build up to that. 


Aye. When I first watched Sherlock I had one of those 'where do I know him from?' moments; had to consult Google to get the answer and what you're saying makes sense. I agree that they'll probably play a quality over quantity sort've role but I'd just like to know more about them, really. Along with many, many other parts of this fictional world. 

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Jon was welcomed back as if he had returned from a couple of weeks in Magaluf, not just having been cured of his deadness.


Why haven't Cersei and Jaime got a group together to go to Mereen and kill Tyrion in Mereen? Out of sight is out of mind it would seem.


Even I am picking holes in the plot now. :(

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Jon was welcomed back as if he had returned from a couple of weeks in Magaluf, not just having been cured of his deadness.


Why haven't Cersei and Jaime got a group together to go to Mereen and kill Tyrion in Mereen? Out of sight is out of mind it would seem.


Even I am picking holes in the plot now. :(


Do Cersei and Jaime know Tyrion is in Mereen? To be honest, they've had their hands full with plenty of things closer to home, so perfectly understandable they're not focussing on him.


Of course Jon was welcomed back. The wildlings and his castle black allies were the ones doing it!


Enjoyable episode again, although not on the same level as last week. The pace has slowed down a little bit, but at least all the storylines are progressing, Dany aside obviously.

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good episode i thought,


Seems quite a lot of loose ends tied up, and quite a few new plots starting. Been waiting for Arya to finally finish her training, and looks like jon snow will now do somethng a bit more worthwhile. Will be interesting to see what phsyco bolton does to Rikkon Stark, but with Jon Snow now away from the knights watch i am sure there will be much death around winterfell to come.
Quite confuddled on how many wolves are still left, Is Brandons still alive? Arya's is still out there somewhere i presume.

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Arya's was killed by Nedd Stark after it attacked Joffrey way back in the first series


That was Sansa's wolf. Arya's wolf is running around free in the riverlands.

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I think i'm gonna stop reading fan theories and watching podcasts and whatnot because they are all turning out to be correct. Jon being resurrected and leaving the wall should've been quite a pivotal point in the whole series and I kind of knew it was coming so really wasn't that shocked by it in any way. It's my own fault, I suppose. 

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I think i'm gonna stop reading fan theories and watching podcasts and whatnot because they are all turning out to be correct. Jon being resurrected and leaving the wall should've been quite a pivotal point in the whole series and I kind of knew it was coming so really wasn't that shocked by it in any way. It's my own fault, I suppose. 


I don't think avoiding theories etc would've spoiled that tbf, it seemed very obvious and unavoidable.

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A decent episode, I thought, but not on par with last week. The tower of joy scene could have made it great but am guessing they are holding that back for another episode.

It has got a bit predictable lately but with the books being out so long, folk have had years to come up with theories as to what is going on. I would rather the stick with the intended story rather than come up with some nonsense to throw everyone of the scent.

It is shaping up to have some big scraps this season with Jon v Ramsay and the Lanniester vs Dorne.

Be interesting to see what part Brandon and Arya have to play hopefully Arya kills Dany! Dany's storyline has been beyond tedious for a good few seasons now, bar the fight in the colloseum, and she is getting further and further away from her goal of getting back to Westeros. Its fairly obvious she is in it for the duration with the amount of roadblocks they keep putting up to stop her storyline advancing.

I'm hoping that Brandon helps stop the white walkers and the show focuses on who gets the Iron Throne rather than a zombie v dragon finale.

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I don't think avoiding theories etc would've spoiled that tbf, it seemed very obvious and unavoidable.


There just wasn't enough tower of joy in that episode.

I'd agree with the above about Jon Snow leaving was extremely obvious.

I'm loving the mountain in this season so far



Aye, I'm not saying the Jon stuff would've been like 'OMG W0t!' but I feel like I'm reading into stuff so much that I'll barely be surprised no matter what route they go down. I watched a 30 minute playlist on Youtube the other day explaining why Danny was actually the baby at the Tower of Joy and whilst I didn't really buy into all of its points, I'm now in the position where if she was I wouldn't be surprised at all. It's kinda taking the fun out of it a bit, I guess. As I said though, it's my own fault for not just waiting on the source material and I'm gonna make an effort to avoid any sort've theory/prediction videos/podcasts etc in future. 

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Another nod to The Hound tonight. He is totally alive, I think we'll see him before the season is out.


Boring episode though.

was thinking this too, i mean about the hound, they never shy away from brutal death on this series and they built up the hatred between him and his brother too much to just let it slide. :)

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was thinking this too, i mean about the hound, they never shy away from brutal death on this series and they built up the hatred between him and his brother too much to just let it slide. :)


I hope we don't see The Hound again just to fight his brother because he has no chance of winning  :lol: .


The golden rule is if you don't see them lying dead in a pool of their own blood (Jon Snow in normal circumstances) then they can still be alive. Got another bet on with the gf that we'll see him before the season is out so he better be in it or I'm stuffed  ^_^ .

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