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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Since I openly stated I prefer the books, I better try and explain.

In my previous post, I acknowledged that the original source material is very dense, and consequently, difficult to film and adapt for TV. I have also previously said in this thread that they have done a remarkably good job considering the potential to f**k it up is quite high.

The problem I have isn't so much the changing of certain events, but the different way they are portraying certain characters. Without resorting to spoilers, for example, there is one character in particular who, IMO, has had the 'bad' parts of their personality and character removed. A case of watering things down for TV perhaps? Either way, I struggle to see how they can plausibly show some upcoming events involving this character since it will contradict how they have already been portrayed. I see no logical reason for this. However, maybe they have other plans or the story is going to take a different turn from the novels, so perhaps a moot point.

Nowhere have I said that the show should be utterly faithful to the books. I am simply stating my opinion that FOR ME, the books are better.

I do wonder if I would feel differently if I hadn't read the books multiple times long before the TV adaptation. Perhaps ypur first exposure to something (book or film/TV show) influences how you see things?

Anyway, like I said before, I will continue to watch. I'm just glad that this brilliant story of GRRM's is getting the attention it deserves.

Whatever the reasons for the character change, I'm pretty certain it's not that.

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Just finished watching episode 9... remarkable.

There's a scene just before all the shit goes down in which Cat looks up from her table to the balconies and seems to click. Is it just the archers she spots, or was there something deeper I missed?

Edited by Savage Henry
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She heard the musicians start to play the Rains of Castamare.

The Rains of Castamere was a song written about Lord Tywin Lannister's crushing victory over rebellious House Reyne of Castamere and the destruction of the House at the end of their rebellion. The song is typically sung as a reminder of the fate that awaits those who cross Tywin Lannister, or the Lannisters of Casterly Rock in general.
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Yeah, bit anti-climatic. Could have had a better pay-off at the end as we already know Dany had taken Yunkai and her numbers would now be vast. Would have been nice to see a bit of movement there.

Very, very anti-climatic. Other than Stannis getting told he's bigger fish to fry & the daft witch bint accepting it (she is like every New Age shop owner I've ever encountered. Surprised she's not got Stannis putting dream catchers around the castle), & the first hints of Anya's future, this was a damp squib. The whole business with Daenerys is becoming one long sideshow yawn - what was that last 10 minutes supposed to be, Daenerys thinks she's the new Peter Gabriel?

Suppose we'll have to wait for the real fun as the first episode of the next series, when it ought to have been the cliffhanger for this one. Sad to think it will be the first without Wilko Johnson.

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Littlefinger was away to marry Lisa Arryn about six episodes ago, correct?

The least I expected tonight was some kind of reaction from him to Cat's death.

As it was, apart from the excellent Small Council scene, The Hound was the best thing in that episode. I really like the way his character has progressed again in this searies.

Oh well, roll on next year I guess.

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Yip overall another great season! Few overall gripes:

- Not enough Bronn, think he had about 2 scenes the whole season. Was one of my favs last season.

- Theon storyline felt a little dragged out. Tortured over a whole season was a bit much

- So many characters and storylines (which is good as well as bad)

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DomDom, on 11 Jun 2013 - 12:09, said:It was a desperate attempt to give us a good visual to end the season. It didn't succeed.

I could certainly thinkof one more memorable scene.

Would have been better off taking her on to Mereen, introducing Strong Belwas & letting him do his party piece. Would certainly top the Red Wedding for visual effect.

As for last night's finale, I loved the "small council" scene. Joffrey's response was exactly as I'd imagined, though there was one piece of information left out.

Balon Greyjoys death.

But that'll just be down to continuity.

& once again, they appear to be moving a character.

Interesting to see how they do the Kingsmoot, when Asha's charging off now to save Theon

Edited by kiddy
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